Summary: As the Spirit touches and moves your heart, would you stand for the Great Shepherd and say to your heart, "Yes Lord! I want to be your ambassador."

June 30, 1996


We call him Mr. Ambassador. He rides in his beautiful, elegant, black Cadillac. In front of his Cadillac are small, flying flags that symbolize the country he represents. He has dedicated guards that closely watch him in every move he makes. He has a personal secretary that is ready to record his orders. He owns one of the nicest, biggest houses across the street. When it’s time for his vacation he travels to some exotic parts of the world. His children are enrolled in exclusive universities. Whenever he makes his public appearance, the crowd and the media are drawn to him asking many questions regarding events that are going on in his country. Mr. Ambassador is a respected man. He is admired by many. And it is because of what he is and what he does, and what he possesses that sometimes we want to be like him. This morning I want to tell you from the sincerity of my heart that - We also are ambassadors.


A. We Also Are Ambassadors: THE CALLING

Open your Bible with me to the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 and we start reading from verse 18 until verse 20. After reading this passage this morning we can go to the highest mountain, or stand on our chairs, and from the top of our voice we could shout: "Yes! We also are ambassadors." What an encouraging news for us today. But there is more. We also are ambassadors not because we are closest to the president, but because Christ is our friend. As John said " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13)." " While we were yet sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8)." We also are ambassadors not because of our eloquence, nor because of our influence, nor because of our degree, but because the Holy Spirit is able to transform this stuttering lips and our fear of being in front of people, mixed it with the righteousness of Christ, and it becomes a perfect, acceptable service before God. We also are ambassadors not because we are able to turn the world upside down with our strength and our resources, nor because we want to destroy the Devil, but because Christ has already turned the world upside down and has gained the victory for us. We also are ambassadors not because we want to serve this great country of Canada or any other nations, nor we want to serve our good Prime Minister of Canada, but because we want to serve a kingdom that is eternal, and to serve a KING who is truly a KING above all kings. Yes, we also are ambassadors. But to be an ambassador for God’s kingdom is more than a title that we use to impress ourselves. It is rather a great and most serious responsibility that we can ask for. What are these responsibilities?

B. We Also Are Ambassadors: THE RESPONSIBILITY

1. Willingness to GO

As ambassadors for God, we must be willing to go where He leads us. The passage that we read this morning tells us that the first and foremost responsibility of an ambassador is not to teach, nor to baptize, but to go. The hardest part of the great commission is not the responsibility of teaching, or preaching, or baptizing, but the responsibility of going. To go means that we have to leave and abandon the things that we have gathered, to leave the friends and family members that we love, to leave the comfortable environment of churches that we have nurtured and fed year after year. Part of the reason why our church is not growing as it should be is because we as ambassadors for God decided to stay in the comfort of our church rather than going to where God wants us to be. Our excellent teaching methods and our dynamic preaching will result to nothing unless we must be willing to go first.

2. Teaching and Preaching

As ambassadors for God it is also our responsibility to teach and preach the teachings of His kingdom, and to correct any misconceptions concerning His kingdom, if necessary. This means that we must teach and preach only what God had revealed to us. The problem that we have is we sometimes teach and preach the teachings of men rather than the teachings of God. Sometimes we spend to much time measuring and calculating God’s teachings rather than teaching it. When Christ commissioned his disciples to teach and preach his teachings, he meant plainly and simply--teach and preach my teachings. We must also realize that in order for us to teach and preach effectively we must be willing to be instructed and preached by Christ himself. We can never feed the sheep of the Great Shepherd until we have been fed by the Great Shepherd Himself. God’s teachings must first convict us through our actions, words, and lifestyles before we can teach and preach it to others.

3. Baptizing

Baptism is another important responsibility that God has commanded us to do. I am firmly convicted that our teachings and preaching through the guidance of the Holy Spirit must lead to baptism. Having said this, let me ask you: What is the essence of the rite of baptism in the context of the Great Commission? To a person who is going to be baptized, we usually tell him or her that baptism is a public testimony of his or her acceptance of God and the teachings of the church. And therefore for a pastor who is going to baptize this person, baptism means a public confirmation of this person’s public testimony. I want to tell this morning that baptism is more than a person’s public testimony or a public confirmation of that testimony. It is more than a happy and joyous event. To God’s ambassadors, to you and to me, baptism must be considered as the making of the covenant between us and the person being baptized. In baptism, we as a church is making a public testimony before God our willingness and deep commitment to walk with that person towards that burial ground where he is going to be buried. It signify our commitment to wet ourselves, allowing ourselves to be half buried so that through God’s power we can bring him to a new spiritual life. It testifies of your dedication to be a part of this person’s life through his struggles with every day’s problems. Baptism is not the end of our relationship with that person, it is only the beginning.

Talking about miracles, today around the world there are various kinds of miracles and wonders taking place. To some people the greatest miracle that happened to them is when a loved one was cured of a malignant cancer, heart disease, or any other kind of physical illness. To others, the greatest miracle that happened to them is when they were really in need of money and they won the 6/49 jackpot. Still to some, maybe their greatest miracle is to witness a UFO flying saucer descending or some of angelic host.

But the greatest miracle that we cannot deny is how a mighty God can use sinners like us to be His ambassadors. Yes, we also are ambassadors. But being ambassadors for God is more than a title that we use to impress ourselves. It is more than the performance of the responsibilities that God has commanded us to perform.

C. We Also Are Ambassadors: THE SACRIFICE

Being ambassadors for God is a sacrifice. We must sacrifice the comfort of our homes, our community, our church, and go to a place where we don’t want to go. We must also sacrifice our finances and our jobs where we used to earn more. As Jesus himself said, " Ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved (Matthew 10:22)."

D. We Also Are Ambassadors: THE PROMISE

Being ambassadors for God is also to claim his promises. Christ said, " and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." What are the signs that we are at the end of the world? Earthquakes, persecution, famine, diseases, wars and rumor of wars, pestilence, killings, etc. In effect, Christ is saying to us that although there will be earthquakes, famine, wars, etc., he is going to be with us.

Few years ago, before the fall of the Berlin Wall, somewhere in East Germany an Adventist young man was put to prison because the authority found him guilty of worshipping God on Saturday. His judge told him that he will be released only when he promise to recant his belief. Day after day this judge would visit this young person and ask him if he is ready to abandon his beliefs. This man would say the same thing: "I am not going to abandon my beliefs." Somehow, after several days, the judge was at the end of his mercy to this young man. So he told this young man, "If you are not going to change your beliefs, I am not going to provide any food for you until you change your mind." And so he ordered the guards not to give any food for this person. This young man, however, was ready to offer his life rather than change his beliefs. He survived the first day without food. The second day came and passed. The third day his hunger was getting worse and worse. He was there in his cell lying, feeling the excruciating pain as a result of hunger. Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from his window. He walked towards the window, and what he found was a cat trying to enter his cell through the window. What is surprising was the cat had a bread in his mouth. So he took the bread, removed part of the bread that has the cat’s saliva, he kept that part which he removed, and he ate the bread. The following morning, the same thing happened. The cat brought him his meal. One day, the guard came by to check if their trick was working against this young man. And so the young man told the guard his story. He told the guard how a certain cat feed him during the last few days of his trial. He showed the guard part of the bread that the cat brought him through his window. To his surprise, the guard exclaimed, " This is my bread!" And as soon as the guard finished what he said, a cat appeared in front of the window. When this young saw the cat, he pointed to the cat and said to the guard, "That’s the cat that brought me this bread." And the guard said, "That is my cat!"


God will never forsake his people. Yes, you may be able to ride in that elegant, beautiful, black Cadillac, but when Christ come you will ride in the clouds of the sky. You may not have those personal guards around you, but I want to tell you that there are hundreds and thousands of heavenly angels watching over you. You may not have personal secretaries that write your orders, but there are scribes in heaven that writes your name in the book of remembrance. You may not have the nicest house in this world, but when Christ come He will give you a house made of gold and silver. You may not be able to afford that vacation that you desire, but Christ come you will spend a thousand year exploring the universe. Yes, we may not hear people’s cheers, but when Christ come those hands that were nailed on that wooden cross--the same hands will embrace us, his will put his right hand on our shoulder and his left hand- he will open the gates of heaven for us. The same voice that said two thousand years ago: "Go and teach all nations," the same voice will say to us," Welcome my good and faithful ambassadors.


Today, the Great Shepherd is calling us. He wants you and me to go and preach the gospel. As the Spirit touches and moves your heart, would you stand for the Great Shepherd and say to your heart, "Yes Lord! I want to be your ambassador."