Summary: Dreams. How to see them come to take place in your life


Tonight, the title is actually a hint to what the message is actually going to be about. We’re going to be talking about dreams.

What kind of dreams people have definitely vary.

Take a look at this video, to see what kind of dreams youth your age have.

Tonight, we’re going to be looking at a man who had a dream, but he didn’t have a typical dream that you and I would have. He had a dream that he wanted so bad, that he was willing to do whatever it takes.

Today we seem to have a problem with doing what we say. If nothing else, in talking with several youth, they want folks that are going to be real – back up what they say, and do what they say they are going to do.

There are several things that I believe for the youth of the nation that are dreambusters. Things that can cause dreams that God has placed inside of us to not happen, and I pray that first – God’s dream of us coming to Him happens first and foremost, then He can allow His dreams to happen through us.

1. Don’t be ashamed of our dreams

There are too many people in the world today who are ashamed of the things that God has given them to do.

We need to take a step out in faith with our dreams and not be afraid to stand up.

There should be a noticeable difference in us once Jesus becomes the Lord of our life. We need to realize and understand this!

We need to not be ashamed of the things that God has given us to do. We need to press forward in the grace of God to do what He’s called us to do

Bartimaeus had so much to be ashamed about. He was a blind beggar. He stood on the outside of the city gates and was blind, everyone didn’t pay any attention to him.

He still had a dream, and he wasn’t about to stop or be worried about what anyone else thought until his dream came true.

What motivation! We need to have the same!!

In order for God to fulfill His dreams in us:

1. Don’t fear of our dreams

Some people are so afraid of their dreams – if they can even make them happen. Regardless of how difficult our dreams may seem to us to reach, we need to strive after them with everything that we have.

Bartimaeus had a dream of seeing. He didn’t fear that he wouldn’t be healed, but he realized that he couldn’t be stopped, and he faced his dream, and he wanted his dream so bad.

We need to not fear the details of our dreams, but just to put our hope and faith in God.

Sometimes, the fear of our dreams, and whether or not we will fail will keep us from going after them.

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that every man, black and white would be treated the same.

The fact of the matter is that as Christians and believers, we need to not be afraid of failure.

Some of you have dreams, but you are too afraid to go after them, because you’re afraid that you will let yourself down.

GO AFTER THEM – Remember the scripture in Phillippians 4:13.

The word all in the Greek literally means: ALL!

God is looking for some teenagers who will not be afraid of their dreams, but be confident that their God is who He says He is!

Isaiah 35:4 – “Be strong and do not fear”

2. Know God is who He says He is

The Bible brings up so many references in who God actually is:

Our provider, our healer, our Savior, our Friend, our Brother, our Father, our Redeemer

All of these things – God is also the miracle working God who lives in each and every one of His children that know Him and have a relationship with Him.

God is behind You. The Bible brings up so many times that when opposition from others come against His children, He will bring them down.

God’s got your back. See, when we’re afraid of our dreams, we are our own opposition, but when we don’t realize that God is behind us, and we allow others to dictate whether or not our dreams come true, they are our opposition.

God is the only one who can make our dreams happen. No greater fulfillment has man than for God to let his dreams come true. If we truly rely on God to make our dreams happen, He will!

Bartimaeus knew who to go to. We need to know who to go to as well. Regardless of whether or not our dreams are that we want to be able to understand God, and why things happen, or actually have a relationship with Christ, we MUST understand that God is the only one who can help us.

Some of us, we and our dreams are just sitting by the roadside, and that’s it. We’re sitting here, and tonight, Jesus is passing by.

3. Want God’s dreams to happen in our life

Guys, it’s about obedience. I believe that God has birthed some dreams in you and I, but if we don’t obey what God says, it makes it very difficult for God to give them to us.

Why in the world would God give us our dreams and make them come true if we weren’t even ready for them?

Hebrews 12:1: Things that hinder us can literally kill dreams.

See, Bartimaeus knew that if he could only get to Jesus, regardless of how many people thought he was an idiot for going out.

There will be tons of people in your school who will try and discourage you from your dreams. My family did mine. I was shot down before I even started.

If God gives you some dreams, don’t you ever think that they aren’t worth anything, or won’t make a difference in anyones life.

I’m talking about dreams for your future, dreams for tomorrow, and dreams for today.

We have to get past this attitude of “my dreams will never come true” and start relying on God, and show God that we want these dreams to come true in our life!

We need to not be ashamed of our dreams. See, the word ashamed means reluctant, or embarrassed. We need to not be embarrassed about God and what He’s given us.

If God has changed some of you, don’t hold it in.

If God has saved some of you, and even if your friends don’t care, tell them anyway.

There are too many Christians who will get saved, and then that’s as far as things go with them. They need to come into a greater knowledge with who Christ really is and why He’s called them into their new life and existence with Him.

Romans 1:16: I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for my salvation alone.

Are we going to go about our dreams, and our walks with God in a pansy way?