Do you Remember the story of Chicken Little? The little chicken who became terrified that the sky was falling when an acorn fell from a tree and hit her on the head? Chicken Little convinced Henny Penny, Cocky Locky,and Goosey Poosey that the sky was indeed falling and they should go and report it to the king. While on their way to castle they were confronted by Foxy Woxy who tricked them into taking a short cut. But when Foxy Woxy tried to kill the fine feathered friends they were rescued by the king’s hunting dogs! We’re told that he ran far away and never came back. The closing paragraph reads this way,
"After that day, Chicken Little always carried an umbrella with her when she walked in the woods. The umbrella was a present from the king. And if -- KERPLUNK -- an acorn fell, Chicken Little didn’t mind a bit. In fact, she didn’t notice it at all."
Chicken Little has lead the Great Church of Christ in a mass exodus from our cities, Foxy Woxy (aka - Satan) has helped terrorize the church. Have we forgotten that we are called to be the Salt and Light OF the WORLD? That means we have to be IN the WORLD! But we have abandoned the world, and the city in particular. We have forgotten that Christ has provided for us an umbrella of protection in order for us to be faithful and not necessarily successful.
As I mentioned before, we are starting a new series. We are looking at our church’s logo and looking at the foundational elements of why we exist as a church.
Last week I mentioned that our primary reason for existing is to worship and serve God, Jesus who is The light of the World, the bright morning Star. So the Star is the main focus of our reason for being. All our reasons for existing our founded on this primary one. So the star on our logo represents what?
Jesus – our primary focus.
Today we look at another element of our logo. The city. Why is the city an important part of our logo? I hope that will be clear by the time we finish today.
I want you think for a moment about the following question and then I’d like to hear your answers. Is the Bible mainly a rural book or an urban book? Does it relate more to life outside the city or with life in the city?
If we look at the flow of historical Biblical events we will see God’s redemptive plan drawing people from the rural to the urban. The Bible is filled with people and stories who’s context IS the city.
Name some of your favorite Bible heros and let’s see their geographical context:
Abraham: lived in a great city Ur, called by God to leave, to establish a new nation – what is a nation made up of? CITIES
Joseph: Egypt – life in a city.
Moses – began in a city and then lead the people through the wilderness, but along the way they interacted with cities.
Joshua – the conquest of the promised land was about conquering and re-establishing or building new cities.
Jonah – leaving one city to go and share God’s grace and mercy in another city.
Jesus – life revolved around towns and cities.
Paul – strategically moved from one city to another.
God’s Word tells us that all of history is moving towards a day when his followers will dwell in a new city, one built by God himself.
Since the mid to late 1960’s there has been a disappearance of the church from the city. We’ve seen church after church closing its doors permanently or to be relocated in the suburbs. Why?
Two important questions for us to consider: Why have some churches abandoned the city? And secondly why are other churches still here and more specifically why are we still here?
Let’s look at possible answers as to why some churches have chosen to leave the city:
What are some reasons you think this has happened? (Looking for both positive and negative reasons)
· Membership has moved
· Building too old
· Land too expensive in the city
· Fear of the city
· Difficult to minister in the city
· Felt called by God – opportunity to serve in another place.
· Etc.
Now the second question: Why are some churches still here? (Looking for both positive and negative reasons)
· Stubborn – don’t want move, still living in the past
· Can’t afford to move
· Too afraid to move
· No vision
· Faithful to God’s calling to serve Him and others in the city – clear vision and calling.
· Can’t move – constitution won’t allow them.
· Can’t get anyone to buy their building.
So what we’ve seen is that there are good and valid reasons for leaving and for staying. We must be ever so careful about our reasons. Unless we are clear about our vision and mission then we may become frustrated.
Before a church relocates it must be very certain, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that it is God’s clear mandate to leave the city. It would have to be crystal clear that they were no longer needed in that location and that their efforts to further the kingdom of God were being called to another place. However, when relocation is out of mere convenience for the membership and only that, then I don’t think that’s God’s will. It is never God’s intention to abandon the city.
Why then, are We still here?
Why does Olivet exist at this physical location of 36 Margueretta Street?
Is it because that’s where we’ve always been since 1901?
Is it because we own the building?
Is it because our constitution does not permit us to leave?
Is it because we are too sentimentally attached to this building, these pews, this organ, these windows, the past?
Is it because we can’t afford another place at the moment?
Is it because we’re afraid to move?
Is it because WE want to be here?
Is it because our friends attend here and we don’t want to miss them?
Why don’t we sell this place and move to a more “convenient” or “better” place? Why don’t we look for a newer more central location?
WHY are we here?
Why do you think we are here? (Listen to responses)
Let’s step back and ask a foundational question: “Why does a church exist?”
Every successful organization knows they exists for a reason. They have a mission statement. Successful people also know why they exist, they too have a mission.
What then is the church’s mission statement?
Firstly, who established the church? Jesus did! The church is not man’s invention but God’s creation. Therefore, its mission is not created by us but by Jesus Himself. And he was very clear about it. In the Great Commission and the Great Commandment Jesus established the mission of the church.
What is the Great Commandment? Matthew 22:36-40
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " ’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[2] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ’Love your neighbor as yourself.’[3] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
What is the Great Commission? Matthew 28:19-20
19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[1] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Based on these two major Bible passages we find the 5 fold mission of every church that seeks to be faithful to Christ’s teaching:
1 Worship
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind..
2 Ministry
Love your neighbour as yourself
3 Evangelism
Go and make disciples …
4 Fellowship
Baptize …
5 Discipleship
Teaching them to obey …
(Rick Warren: Purpose Driven Church -
The church exists for a purpose to reach others with the good news that God loves us. Why did Jesus come to earth?
Luke 19: 10For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
Jesus came to look for and save those who were lost - valuable people who were far from God. That was Jesus’ mission. Therefore, because the church is the body of Christ that is her mission too.
So, let me ask the question again and hear your response – “Why are WE here?
Our theme verse reveals something important about our reason for being.
Proverbs 11:11 (NIV) Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted,
but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.
I’ve chosen the New Living Translation for us. It reads this way,
Upright citizens bless a city and make it prosper, but the talk of the wicked tears it apart. (Note: our theme verse is only the first phrase).
When I read this verse I think of the sports page. The section we turn to in order to find out who won the games the day before. On that page you see all the scores and you even see the standings. That’s what this verse is. It tells us who comes out on top. Unfortunately with the exodus of the church from the city, we’ve been loosing. This little verse tells us that there exists a cause and effect situation in a city. Who ever works the hardest wins.
Being a church in the city is not an easy task. There are many challenges. It takes hard work, teamwork, commitment, courage, faith to face what is before us in this city. My friends God isn’t necessarily calling us to be successful but is calling us to be faithful!
Let me give you an example of how evil seems to be winning currently. Here in this community is a grade 7-8 school. I’ve been told by the parent of one of the students who attends there that it is seriously dominated by gangs! A grade 7-8 school! What will happen by the time they hit highschool? Let’s back track. How did these 12-14 year olds turn out this way? We can blame the parents, society, and a million and one other things, but if we look at our them verse we may become uncomfortable. I look at this situation and ask - Where was the church? What did we, collectively as Churches, intentionally do to help the parents and the children? Perhaps you’re thinking, “Awe come on do you really think we have a responsibility in this?” YES! Yes I do. I look around and my friends our collective track record as churches in this area has not been good. My friends, we’ve been told to be the salt and light of the world. That means we are to be involved IN the world. Out actively looking and seeking opportunities to demonstrate God’s love through our good deeds in order to draw people to God’s saving grace which in turn has a compound impact on the community as a whole. Proverbs 11 tells us that when upright people, when godly people, when followers of Christ stand up, when they live out their God given mission, the city is blessed and prospers. Right now it is struggling. And each day more churches are closing down and moving out of the city.
The human tendency is that where there is darkness we flee, abandon, and give up. When I was at the doctor this week I overheard a woman talking about moving out of the city when she gets enough money to buy her own home. She wants to live in the suburbs where live is safer and easier. You know it is true. It really is safer, and cleaner, and perhaps more beautiful, and cheaper to live outside the city. My friends what will happen to the city if all the good people, if all the followers of Christ get up and move? Human tendency is to flee difficult and dark situations. However, God’s response is this: where there is darkness that’s were My Light is most needed, that is where I am needed the most; where there is darkness I will enter in, where there is darkness that’s were I will call and send my people. My friends, I believe we are here because that is where God is calling us. Because we have a mission to accomplish. To be salt and light in this part of the city.
What is the story of Jonah about? A man of God called to the big bad city and he doesn’t want to go. He has completely written off the city and its inhabitants. Jonah felt that the Ninevites were undeserving of God, he had already sent them to that proverbial hot place in a hand basket. Ninevah was just like any other city, a place where people do what ever they need to grab for possessions and power. I must have been a city with it’s share of serious crime - drugs, drinking, prostitution, racism, hatred, violence, abuse, apathy, greed… For Jonah the city folk were beyond God’s grace and mercy and so he said, “I’m not going there! We’ll all be better off if they all just get wiped out.”
You know what? Jonah was partially right! God’s patience WAS wearing out. He called Jonah to make one final offer. But why? Because God still cared, because he didn’t give up hope, because the Ninevites MATTERED to Him, Because God came to seek and save the Lost! The Ninevites were just as much a creation of God as the Israelites. God is just and fair, gracious and merciful, kind and good, but He is also holy and will not tolerate evil forever. There comes a time of judgment, of reckoning, but THAT is never God’s first and quick response, it is the very last one, used only after all other options have been exhausted. Many times in Scripture we are told that God is compassionate and gracious slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness (see Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 86:15; Psalm 103:8; Psalm 145:8; Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2) The fact that God sent Jonah with a final verbal warning demonstrates God’s great patience and love – his compassion for the city, his compassion for people. God loves the city, not the fancy buildings, and the bright lights, but the people who live there! Rich and poor, education and uneducated, cultured and uncultured, nationals and foreigners, young and old, male and female.
My friends, I believe Olivet is here because God has a mission for us to accomplish. He wants us here to follow in Jesus’ foot steps to find and seek the lost. How we will specifically accomplish this will be our project over the next little while. Olivet is here to shine in the darkness, it is here to bless the city and to make it prosper.
I conclude with one final question.
Why are YOU here?