MARK 14:12-26
How is your memory? I heard of an older couple that was having some trouble remembering so they signed up to take a memory course together. A few months later the husband was out working in his garden when a neighbor stopped by and began to talk to him about the memory course, What was the name of the instructor? The husband paused, then asked “What is the name of that flower that smells so nice but has thorns? You mean a rose the neighbor answered. Yeah that’s it, “Hey Rose, what’s the name of that guy who taught us the memory course?” How is your memory? If you are like me you need some help remembering things.
Some people will go to great lengths to preserve the memory of another. We have monuments that dot our globe which were intended to preserve the memory of a worthy event or person. There is perhaps none so spectacular as the Taj Mahal. Most of us have seen pictures of this architectural specimen that has been labeled one of the seven wonders of the world. The Taj Mahal is located in Agra India and was built in the 1600’s by the 5th Mughal emporer, Shah Jahan as a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is an octagonal building with walls measuring 130 feet long by 70 ‘ high and it is surmounted by a dome adding an addition 120’ in height.
It is constructed entirely out of white marble, which is reflected by a huge pool. The interior design is magnificent, containing 12 types of inlaid stones, and mosaics of great beauty. English poet Sir Edwin Arnold has written of the building, “Not a piece of Architecture, as other buildings are, but the proud passions of an emperor’s love wrought in living stones.”
This morning we open up the pages of scripture to another memorial which was given to us by the Lord Jesus himself so that we might remember his death. It is not an elaborate or expensive memorial quite the contrary it is simple and practical. I want to share with you from Mark’s Gospel the account of Jesus instituting this memorial we call the Lord’s Supper or Communion. READ TEXT. This is an important passage for us to study , it deals directly with our relationship with Jesus Christ. We are going to look first of all at the broad scope of the passage, then particularly at the Lord’s Supper and then at it’s significance in our lives.
A. The passover meal–a celebration of remembrance.
1. Moses instituted the Passover feast so that God’s people would
remember over the generations how God had delivered them
from the slavery of Egypt.
2. The meal consisted of passover lamb – reminder that the blood
of a lamb was placed on the door posts of their homes so the
death angel passed over and did not kill first born...Unleavened
bread because they fixed meal in hurry so they could leave.
Bitter herbs reminder of bitter slavery.
B. The Lord’s Supper an initiating of remembrance.
1. Luke 22:19 Do in remembrance
2. I Cor. 11:24 In remembrance.
C. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated within a larger setting.
1. Acts 2:42 They were devoted to these things and they made up
a part of their worship services.
2. Acts 20:7 Came together on first day of week to break bread.
3. We partake weekly following the example of the early Christians.
4. Doesn’t it become routine...meaningless? It can but it can also
become a time of weekly renewal and spiritual strengthing.
A. The Bread is a picture of suffering. (My body)
1. The bread was unleavened...Leaven was used by Jesus at times
To represent sin...Jesus lived in the body human flesh yet was
Without sin...the one who did not deserve to die did die.
2. The bread was broke (vs 22) Jesus’ body was broken, he
endured great human suffering...reminds us of the severity of
Our sin.
B. The Cup is a picture of salvation
1. The cup was poured out...Jesus was a willing sacrifice.
Blood of sacrifice has deep meaning, “without shedding of blood
there is no forgiveness.” Heb 9:22
2. The cup is of a new covenant. Heb. 9:19-28
a. Covenant is not an agreement between two equal parties but rather an arrangement established by one party, in this case God. The other party can only accept or reject it.
b. Lord’s supper is a weekly time to renew this covenant
C. These were common elements taken from the Passover meal the
bread and the fruit of the vine. There are those who would teach
that they miraculously become Christ’s body and His blood. I
think it is clear that they are intended to be symbols that help us
to revere Christ.
A. A time to remember Christ...How could be forget?
1. Distractions, the betrayal, denial by Peter, Luke says they were
arguing about who was greatest, Gethsemane-fatigue. There
are many things that could dissuade you from proper
2. What should you remember? Jesus death for you, his suffering
and your forgiveness.
B. A time to examine self. I Corinthians 11:27,28
1. Your relationship with Jesus Christ
Not just time to confess sin but time to consider how you are
doing in your walk.
2. Your relationship with the church vs 29 You can’t divorce the
Church body from Communion.
C. A time to Give Thanks.
1. Another term used for Lord’s Supper is Eucharist which is a
Greek word meaning to give thanks.
2. Express you thanks for what Jesus has done for you.
Thanks has a way of putting things in perspective, when we are
Thankful for what Jesus has done it builds our relationship.
D. A time to Proclaim Christ. I Corinthians 11:26
1. Your partaking says something to others...I believe in Jesus
I am forgiven by Jesus, I believe Jesus is coming again.
2. We are to be faithful in partaking until Jesus comes.
The famos Dutch artist Rembrandt painted an interesting picture of the crucifixion of Jesus. It is a work which depicts the suffering of Jesus, the indifference of the soldiers, the sorrow of the women at the cross. But the most unusual aspect of the picture is that if you look closely you will see that Rembrandt painted himself back in the shadows.
This is what the Lord Supper does for us, it helps us see ourselves at the foot of the cross, to remember the suffering of Jesus on our behalf. We can come around this table in reverence, thanks giving, humility, awe or we can come here in indifference and pride. As you partake today, remember Jesus, Remember all he had done for you, and give thanks for the forgiveness and renewal you can find in him.