Summary: God uses a man who considers himself a loser to become a powerful leader ! God can do the same thing with you and I.

From A Loser To A Leader

Judges 6:1-40

Story & Song: Stuart Hamblin

The chimes of time ring out the news--another day is through. Someone slipped and fell, was that someone you? You may have longed for added strength, your courage to renew. Do not be disheartened, for I bring hope to you

There is no night for in His light, you’ll never walk alone; You’ll always feel at home, wherever you may roam. There is no power can conquer you while God is on your side. Just take Him at His promises, don’t run away and hide.

It is no secret what God can do. What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you. With arms wide open, He’ll pardon you. It is no secret what God can do.

In our text today.......God is about to show a poor fellow named Gideon that what he has done for others.......he’ll do for him !

Verses 1-10 describe the present condition of the nation of Israel.

As a result of Israel’s rebellion, and idolatry, God delivered them into the hand of the Midianites for a period of 7 years. The people sought refuge in the dens, and caves in the mountains.

Conditions were so bad that when the harvest was ready, the Midianites would come in and destroy the crops. They also destroyed all of their livestock.

V. 6 says the Israel was greatly impoverished. Meaning they were empty, thin, and oppressed.

This went on for seven years until finally God’s people called upon the LORD. Isn’t it amazing how hardened people can become........? Once the people turned to the Lord God shows his faithfulness in yet again raising up a deliverer !

It is that deliverer that we want to look at this morning !

I. The Person He Selected. V. 11

“Gideon” actually means “warrior” Gideon had a good name. One that would fit the task for which he was chosen...but at the time of the Lord’s choosing, he is anything but a warrior.

a. Gideon feels fearful !

Where does the Lord find Gideon ? He is in a winepress....which was in a pit ! What is he doing....making wine ? No....Gideon has found a new use for the winepress. He is using it to harvest the wheat ! Why in a winepress ? Because he is afraid that if he harvests the wheat out in the open that he will be seen by Midianites. Give Gideon credit for ingenuity....he is doing the best thing he can for his family at the time.....but he is not doing anything to solve the overall problem.

Joke: Little boy afraid of Dark

b. V.13 Gideon feels forsaken.

When the Angel of the Lord tells him his purpose, Gideon opens up his mouth and speaks his mind ! He feels forsaken....abandoned ! If the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us ? and where be all his mracles..........

c. Gideon feels futility. V. 15

He comes from a poor family. And he considers himself to be the least worthy......or least capable of doing anything to help.

II. The Potential He Saw.

V. 12 And the Angel of the Lord

appeared unto him, and said unto him, The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor.


Forrest Gregg was given the job of rebuilding SMU’s football program several years ago after a scandal. The team was definitely short on potential. He was in his office one day looking over his team roster when all of a sudden the room got dark. I It was caused by the shadow of a huge young man who was standing in the doorway of his office. Coach Gregg asked the young man what he wanted. This hulk of a boy said, “I want to play football.” Coach Gregg’s eyes lit up, and he asked the young man to come into his office and have a seat. With excitement in his eyes he thought about the line and having this barn-size boy blocking the backfield. He got out his papers and asked the young man a few questions: “First, how old are you?” The young man started counting on his fingers and then said, “Nineteen.” The coach looked at him a minute and said, “Okay,” and asked, “how tall are you?” The young man stood up, took his hand and measured up his leg, on up to his head, and then counted on his fingers again and said, “I’m six feet, eight inches tall.” Again the coach gave him a funny look, wrote down the answer, and asked, “Okay, what’s your name?” This time the young man paused, dazed off into space, nodded his head about fifteen times, and then said, “Charlie.” Well, that was too much for Coach Gregg, and he said, “All right, Charlie, I understand counting on your fingers to figure out how old you are. And I understand using your hand to measure how tall you are. But what was all the nodding of the head about when I asked you your name?” Charlie answered, “Oh, that’s simple, Coach. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Charlie...”

God obviously saw in Gideon something that he did not see in himself, and something that others did not see in him.

a. The World Saw Fear.....God Saw A Force !

b. The World Saw A Coward.....God Saw A Champion !

c. The World Saw Weakness.....God Saw A Warrior !

d. The World Saw Poverty.....God Saw Power !

Quote: Someone has said.....”God can make of us what we cannot make of ourselves !...........He took Gideon who felt like a loser, and turned him into a Leader !

III. The Promise He Shared. V. 12 The LORD is with thee....

What makes the difference between the sinner, and a saint ?

The Lord is the factor ! What makes the difference between fear and faith ? It is the Lord !

What makes the difference between a coward, and a champion ? It is the Lord ! In any situation.....never forget to factor in the Lord !

a. A Promise Of God’s Presence.

V12. “with” means accompanying or beside. God is constantly....continually with us......everystep of the of the strength to overcome our fears, and our enemies......comforting us....challenging us.....changing us......

b. A Promise Of God’s Power.

V12 “with” also means “more than”

When we look at the problems that trouble us.....we may feel defeated, and disabled to overcome......but never forget......”He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world !”

Story: Chaplain in Kuwait

c. A Promise Of God’s Protection.

V12 “with” also means “before thee”

God would be with him as he went out to confront the enemies....The Lord said.....I am “more than” thee......I am stronger than thee. I can do this mighty feat through you ! And God’s promise is .....I will walk before you protecting you in the way !

IV. The Patience He Shows. Vs. 17-23

Remember the little song “God’s Still Working On Me” Aren’t you glad that the Lord is patient ?

a. The Sign Requested.

In the back of Gideon’s mind....there is still some doubt.....still the lack of courage.

If he is to undertake a job of such great proportion, he wants to make certain of who it is that is speaking to him, and that he has the power to back up his promises.

b. The Sacrifice Readied.

Gideon asks that the angel remain while he goes and prepares a sacrifice.

c. The Sovereign’s Response.

The Lord responds to Gideon’s request with a mighty display of his sovereign power. He receives the sacrifice offered, and reveals his power to do as promised ! He who calls us is more than able to enable us !

d. The Savior Recognized.

Gideon now recognizes who it is that has been speaking to him. It is the Angel of the Lord.....none other than the pre-incarnate Christ in the O.T.

V. The Preparation He Sought.

Before Gideon can realize his potential, he must prepare himself. Gideon must be conquered before he can be the conqueror. God must lead him to overthrow some things in his own backyard before he can lead a nation to overcome its enemies.

a. It involves courage.

God has a plan for each of our lives. God will give us the courage if we desire it. It is essential if we are to follow him and his plan for our lives.

b. It involves cost.

Following the Lord involves a cost. Salvation is free.....but discipleship costs. Before Gideon could realize God’s potential, and before he could accomplish God’s will in his life......he must be willing to pay the cost.

c. It involves confronting. V.25

God spoke to Gideon in the middle of the night confronting him about the sin of his father, and his family. Out back of the house was a altar to Baal.

God tells him to go and destroy it, and erect a altar to him in that place.

d. It involves consecration.

Gideon had to clean up his own backyard.....sweep around his own doorstep before he could be used of God to deliver Israel. God wants to transform us this morning.....he has plans for us.......he sees potential in us......what’s holding us back ? What do we need to get rid of ? What is God asking you to do this morning ?