Opening Statement: “I Am” performed by Nichole Nordeman.
Pencil marks on a wall, I wasn’t always this tall. You scattered some monsters from beneath my bed. You watched my team win, watched my team lose.You watched when my bicycle went down again. And when I was weak, unable to speak. Still I could call You by name. And I said, Elbow Healer, Superhero. Come if you can. You said, “I Am.”
Only sixteen, life is so mean. What kind of curfew is at 10pm? You saw my mistakes. And watched my heart break. Heard when I swore I’d never love again. And when I was weak, unable to speak. Still I could call You by name.
And I said, Heartache Healer, Secret Keeper. Be my best friend. You said, “I Am.”
You saw me wear white by pale candlelight.I said forever to what lies ahead. Three kids and a dream kids that can scream. Too much it might seem when it is 2am. And when I was weak, unable to speak. Still I will call You by name. Shepherd, Savior, Pasture-Maker. Hold onto my hand. You say, “I Am.”
The winds of change and circumstance Blow in and all around us. So we find a foothold that’s familiar. And bless the moments that we feel You nearer.
When life had begun, I was woven and spun. You let the angels dance around the throne. And who can say when but they’ll dance again. When I am free and finally headed home I will be weak unable to speak. Still I will call You by name. Creator, Maker, Life Sustainer, Comforter, Healer, my Redeemer. Lord and King. Beginning and the End. I am. Yes I Am.
I love that song. The writer is grasping for things to call God. The singer is trying to see God as everything she needed Him to be throughout her life and everything that she needs him to be today. And after all of this, she finally comes to rest on one name that seems to meet her every need – “I Am.” God spoke to her and said, the “I am” is all that you need. Now, what else can I do for you?
Exposition / Text: Of course, this statement comes out of Exodus 3:14 where God used a burning bush to get his attention.In remembering his people, God called Moses identify with and to deliver them from Egyptian bondage. Moses responded to this call from God with a series of objections. Moses asked God “Who am I?” You’ve got the wrong person. I’m not your man. Moses then asked God, “What is your name? Who are you?” Moses asked, “Well, what if they will not believe me?” And finally, Moses said, “I am not eloquent. I don’t do public speaking very well.” I am nobody. I have no authority. They won’t believe me. I am incapable. Ever used those excuses before? All of this seemed to be too much for Moses, but God gave him a promise. When people ask on what authority you come, you tell them that the “I Am” stands behind everything you say and do.
Explanation: What God was saying to Moses was that “I am the one you can always count on. I am the one who never fails. I am present to act. I am with my covenant people. Men fail. Systems fail. Economies collapse. Engines quiet, and computers crash. But I never, never, fail. I will be there for you, Moses.”
Amplification: Many of you have felt God’s call individually. You’ve encountered the bush, just like Moses. You’ve encountered the un predictable, the unexplainable. He is calling you out by name today and He has asked you to identify with Him and His cause, just like He asked Moses to identify with His people. Those of you who have answered His call are candidates for baptism today. There have been many excuses that you have utilized in the past for not clearly identifying with Christ and his body called the Church. You’ve been like Moses. You’ve been on the backside of a spiritual desert for a long time. But now, this burning bush in front of you is calling you out to put your old life to rest and resurrect a new kind of life, empowered by Christ. I’ve got great news for you the anxious. The “I AM” is with you. God is saying to you today: “I am the one you can always count on. I am the one who never fails. I am present to act. I am with my covenant people. I am with you. I will not change in my love for you. I will keep my promises.” God will be with you as you start another school year. God will be with you as you work each day. God will be with you in your challenges.
Conclusion: What did the Burning Bush experience do for Moses? After Exodus 3:14, Moses was never the same again. He had a new intimacy with God, he knew him as a friend. The experience provided him with new motivation; his past failures were forgotten. He received new power for his call to service. The same can be true for us. God’s job description for you will not be the same as for Moses, but it will be real and just as challenging. God looks not for ability, he looks for availability.
Application: Maybe God has a burning bush in front of you today? A situation that has been unusual and unpredictable, just like a bush that is burning, but yet not consumed. Don’t overlook the bush. Don’t miss the voice of God within it.
Illustration: My brother was recently diagnosed with cancer. It’s been a burning bush in his life. I’ve never known him to love the way he is loving others today and appreciating every moment as a gift. I went to see him recently. He told me, “If anything ever happens to you (or any of us), I will be there for you. I’ll be there on that first date your daughter goes on or when they graduate from school if you’re not able to be there. I’ll make sure that I am there to celebrate with your family in those significant events in life if something ever happens to you. I’ll represent you.” His message was clear: “Joey, I’m there for you.” He’s heard the voice. He’s encountered the burning bush. It’s changed his life.