Summary: In this sermon, we learn about three forces of the spiritual realm that will radically cahnge any church that they are a active part of.

Text: Gal 1:6-24

ETS: Paul writes about the Gospel and the effect that it had on his life.

ESS: There are three forces that have the ability to radically affect the church.

OSS: The youth of MVBC will remember these facts.

PQ: What radically affects the church?

UW: Forces

I. False Doctrine (vv6-10)

A. It causes us to doubt our salvation (vv6-7a)

1. By causing us to forsake the foundation of our faith (v6a, I Cor 3:11, & Heb 12:2a)

2. By causing us to embrace a false Gospel (vv6b-7a, Romans 14:1-12, &

Eph 2:8-9)

B. It causes others to be lead to hell (vv8-9)

C. It causes us to become man pleasers (v10)

II. The Gospel of Christ (vv11-20)

A. It is not man made (vv11-12)

1. It was God’s will (v11)

2. It is revealed by Christ (v12 & Romans 10:17)

B. It has the power to break the shackles of sin (vv 13-16a)

1. No matter what you’ve done in the past (v13)

2. No matter how you were raised (v14 & Phil 3:1-11)

3. The transformation is complete and total (vv15-16a & 2 Cor 5:17)

C. It shows us how we ought to live (vv16b-20)

1. By walking with Christ (vv16b-17)

2. By the examples of godly men (vv18-20)

III. Your Personal Testimony (vv21-24)

A. It can win people to Jesus (Acts 25:13-27)

B. It can encourage the church (vv21-24)