Summary: The MATRIX is not just a movie it’s a tool! Long before MATRIX the movie, there was matrix the tool, a sort of a shovel-hoe-in-one. A matrix is also a mathematical design, a system of columns and rows that relate to each other. It doesn’t matter which

The Mental Matrix

A Message On Dealing With Our Mind

Presented by

Pastor Paul Newell

June 22, 2003

The MATRIX is not just a movie it’s a tool! Long before MATRIX the movie, there was matrix the tool, a sort of a shovel-hoe-in-one. A matrix is also a mathematical design, a system of columns and rows that relate to each other. It doesn’t matter which of these definitions we decide to use – they all fit the “mental matrix” I want to talk to you about this morning.

Matrix, the movie, revolves around a plot where man is fighting machines. Humans are using their brain power to overcome the mechanical intelligence of computers. I guess we’ll all have to wait until October to find out who wins in the movie.

The allegory though is a good one, as a matter of fact there seems to be a whole “philosophy” building around Matrix the movie, somewhat like Star Wars I guess. In reality we are all called to use our mental abilities, our thoughts, to fight the outside influences that are “warring” against us.

Matrix, the garden tool is used to break through really hard dirt. I wore plenty of blisters on my hands with one of those things! Sometimes it takes a special tool to break through the really hard stuff. In the same way we sometimes need a powerful tool to break through our stubborn thoughts.

Matrix, the mathematical design, also works with our sermon this morning. The Bible gives us principles that when put into practice always bring about God’s design and purpose for our lives. They never fail.

This morning I want to share a simple “mental matrix” with you that will revolutionize your life.

It works when you are battling outside influences.

It works when you are attempting to “break out” of a stubborn habit or "break through" an especially hard problem.

It will give you the ability to see God’s design in everything that is happening in your life.

I found this “matrix” in two different passages in the New Testament. We’ll look at both briefly and then draw it all together in a very practical way.

But before we begin, I want you to do something.

Ask yourself this question: “Where am I stuck?”

If that question doesn’t work for you, ask yourself this question:

“What problem, what worry, what concern can’t I get out of my mind?”

Now write it down. Make sure you right something down. It needs to be something going on inside of you. Don’t list someone else or someone else’s problem. This is about YOU!

Now that you have written it down, read with me 1 Peter 1:13-15

"So think clearly and exercise self-control. Look forward to the special blessings that will come to you at the return of Jesus Christ. Obey God because you are his children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of doing evil; you didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God—who chose you to be his children—is holy."

That’s the mental matrix.

Look at what you just wrote down.

Do you want to think clearly and exercise self-control through that problem? Peter gives three steps:


Peter tells us to “look forward to the blessings”.

Why? Because God wants us to understand that we are not just living for today – we are living for eternity. This life is just the proving grounds for what’s next. God created us to live forever. When we begin a relationship with Jesus He gives us eternal life.

When Peter tells us to look forward to the blessings he’s telling us this life is not all there is. That’s good news, because this life is not always great. Sometimes the struggles seem overwhelming. People let us down. We let ourselves down. But God has promised us an incredible eternity with him.

How does that help me think clearly and self-controlled? With every problem, every challenge, every worry I can view it in light of eternity. When I get ready to decide what my priorities are – all I have to ask is “what difference will this make in 100 years, 1000 years, in eternity?" That kind of forward perspective clears up a lot of cloudy thinking.

You know, most of us live in the past, neglect the present, and worry about the future. God wants us to learn from the past, invest our present and live for the future. What we do now effects what happens next! So think ahead.


Another way to say that is, listen to your Father.

Peter goes on to say “Obey God because you are his children”.

The second piece of the matrix is to begin to simply obey God and obeying Him is easier when you are living for the future.

Why should we obey God? Well the obvious answer is because He is God. He’s God. He’s the Creator. We should do what He says. But there is an even more powerful reason for obedience. God is our Heavenly Father. He loves us and only asks from us what is best for us. We obey him because we are his children. And children should obey their parents!

III. The final piece of the matrix is to MAKE IT YOUR LIFESTYLE.

Peter tells us we “must be holy in everything you do, just as God is holy”.

The idea behind the command to “be holy” is to make it a lifestyle. It means to live a life that honors God and His purpose for our lives. It doesn’t mean walking around like a monk with a ten-pound Bible and a halo – it means to simply live practically for Him every day.

Notice the pattern: Focus on eternity – obey God – and do both to the point that they become habit.

Now turn to Philippians chapter four and let’s put this together. (Philippians 4:4-8)

"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon."

There it is, do you see it? Remember, the Lord is coming soon. That’s thinking ahead. We can rejoice today because He’s coming soon! Everything you do you do considering Jesus’ return!

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

This is step two: practicing your place.

Don’t worry – talk to God instead – about everything.

Tell God what you need – thank him for what he’s done. Why? Because you are His child!

Experience God’s peace – let Him guard you heart and mind!

As a child of God you have the wonderful privilege of going to Him as His child – talking to Him, as His child, enjoying the peace and protection of His presence.

All you have to do is do it!

How many of us miss out on the blessings simply because we don’t take advantage of them!

Now notice once again the final piece of the matrix.

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and heard from me and saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you."

Fix your thoughts…keep putting into practice. Make it your lifestyle.

Notice what we are to fix our thoughts on: true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Man, if you fix your thoughts on those things you won’t have any time for worry, doubt, confusion or temptation.

You do that and God’s peace will always be with you.

Now look at what you wrote down again…

How does thinking ahead change the problem?

What should you do that you know God wants you to do – that you haven’t done yet about the problem?

And how will putting into practice a “God” lifestyle change how you approach the problem?

Still worried? Read Philippians 4:8

Still worried? Repeat Philippians 4:8

Still worried? Repeat Philippians 4:8

Get the point?

That is the mental matrix. It’s probably not as cleaver as the Hollywood movie, ingenious as the garden tool or nearly as complicated as a mathematical matrix – but it is more powerful than any of them.

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