The Conversion of the Jailer
Acts 16:25-40
Primary Purpose: To emphasize the effective witness of Paul and Silas in
their words and deeds.
Last week, when we left Paul and Silas they had just been beaten with
rods and thrown into a inner cell. Their feet had been securely fastened with
stocks. Far from becoming bitter and expressing hate and evil at their
tormentors, they began to sing. We want to look at tonight the effective their
song and prayers and witness had on those around them.
1. The Results of their praise- I’m sure the jailer expected curses when he
was locking their feet to the stocks. This is what he was use to. But, Paul
and Silas were clearly different. Even though they had been badly beaten and
may in the future face worse, they begin to sing.
In the Christian reader, Ramon Williams writes that on April 28, 1996,
a gunman walked into a crowded cafe in Port Arthur, Australia, and started
shooting. Tony Kistan, a Salvation Army soldier from Sydney, and his wife
Sarah were in the restaurant when the bullets began to fly. Courageously
Tony stepped in front of his wife to shield her from the gunfire, and he was
one of the first to fall. Thirty-four victims eventually died in the incident,
including Tony Kistan. As he lay dying in his wife’s arms, he spoke his last
words, “I’m going to be with the Lord.”
Those final words of faith were quoted by the Australian media and
carried to the world. “At a press conference,” writes Williams, “Tony’s son
Nesan, 24, explained why his father held this assurance and described his
father’s dedication to the gospel. Hardened journalists and photographers
were seen wiping away tears from their eyes. In life, Tony had been a man
who witnessed for his Lord to strangers and friends alike, and now in death,
he had witnessed to others through his simple last statement.”
Being a witness for Christ in this evil world brings eternal purpose to
even the most tragic and painful events.
The jailer and other hear Paul and Silas’ testimony through the way they
respond to this trial. Through their witness he becomes aware of his need.
They were clearly able to rejoice in the Lord even in difficulty. Later, in
Phillippians 4:4 he tells others to rejoice in the Lord (also in 3:1)
2. The Redemption of the Jailer- The jailer asked about salvation. Paul
doesn’t give him rules and regulations, but the simple gospel message. He
tells him to believer or pisteuo- to believe, to place confidence in, to trust,
reliance upon. The idea of believing in the New Testament was more than
just mental agreement. It was a change of lifestyle. v.30-33
3. The Response of the Jailer- v.33-34 He proves his conversion by his
deeds. He had before put Paul and Silas int he inner cell, now he take them
to his home. Before, he left their wounds uncared for, now v.33 he washed
their wounds. Before, he left them hungry, for now at midnight he prepares
them a meal himself from his own kitchen. He is a changed and joyful man
4. The Release of Paul and Silas v.36-40. The magistrates could have been
removed from office for having Paul and Silas beaten without trial or
evidence. They had violated the law to please the rioting mob. They had
placed rods and then stocks on Roman citizens without realizing it. This is
why it says they became alarmed v.38 and asked them to leave the city. Paul
and Silas ask for a escort, for the sake of the believers still in Philippi. These
magistrates won’t be quick to judge again. Paul and Silas go to visit the
church and say good-bye. Dr.Luke stays behind in Philippi while Paul travels
on. We will meet Dr.Luke again in Acts 20:5