Summary: In spite of the fact that sin ruins relationships, wrecks lives and brings untold pain, misery and regret we can’t seem to overcome it. Our only hope is Christ who can redeem us, setting us free from sin’s penalty and its power in our daily lives.

It was almost 1:00 in the morning when the phone rang. Dr. Leo Winters, the highly acclaimed Chicago surgeon, was abruptly awakened. There had been an

accident and his skill hands were needed for immediate surgery. The quickest route happened to be through a rather tough area, but with time being a critical factor, it was worth the risk. At one of the stoplights his door was yanked open by a man with a gray hat and a dirty flannel shirt. “I got to have

your car!” the man screamed, pulling him from his seat. Winters tried to explain the gravity of the situation but the man would not listen. When the

doctor was finally able to get a taxi to the hospital over an hour had elapsed and it was to late as the patient had passed away 30 minutes earlier. The nurse

told him that the father of the victim had gone to the chapel wondering why the doctor never came. Dr. Winters walked hurriedly to get to the chapel and when

he entered he saw the father… he was wearing a gray hat and dirty flannel shirt. (J. Utley) Tragically, he had pushed from his life the one who could

save his son.

Similarly, scores of people push from their lives the very One who can save them from the penalty and the power of their sin. Countless numbers turn

away from the One who can save them from their emptiness, confusion, hopelessness, and enslavement to sinful ways. They are to busy for the One who

can deliver them from a meaningless life. They can’t seem to find time for the One who can redeem their lives. It is so sad, so tragic because things could be

different for so many if they could only find time for the Lord Jesus Christ who came to earth to save us. Christ is the Savior we all desperately need.

Christ Jesus came in to the world to save sinners. In announcing His birth, the angel of the Lord declared to Joseph that “MARY WILL GIVE BIRTH TO A SON, AND




Our morning text uses another word for saved: redeemed. In verse 7 Paul declares that we have been redeemed through the blood of Christ. He begins his

letter to the Ephesians rejoicing in the blessing of redemption. The word redemption is a commercial term borrowed from the marketplace where human beings were offered for sale to the highest bidder. Condemned to a miserable existence these slaves were powerless to escape. Their only hope was redemption, an uncommon process whereby they were purchased in order to be set

free. Scripture uses the tragedy of slavery to illustrate our human predicament. Without God’s intervention, we are all hopelessly enslaved to self

and sin. We are forced to live in bondage to sin and Satan. Enslaved by sin and guilt, we are unable to liberate ourselves. Jesus said, ‘…. EVERYONE WHO SINS

IS A SLAVE TO SIN….” (John 8:34) Sin traps us and holds us, rendering us powerless to escape its clutches. Consequently, try as hard as we might, we are unable to overcome our sin. It might be lust, uncontrollable anger, drugs, pornography, envy, covetousness, lying, materialism, destructive behavior, harmful attitudes, or whatever. In our natural, unsaved state we are at the mercy of sin; powerless against it. In spite of the fact that sin ruins relationships, wrecks lives and brings untold pain, misery and regret we can’t seem to overcome it. Our only hope is Christ who can redeem us, setting us free from sin’s penalty and its power in our daily lives.

Describing what God has done for us, Paul says in verse 7, “…IN CHRIST WE HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD.” The Greek word translated redemption is a

commercial term. To redeem something is to deliver it on payment of a ransom. Christ offers to set us free from bondage to sin through the ransom price of

his blood. Hebrews 9:22 says, “WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD THERE IS NO REMISSION OF SINS.” Through faith in Christ we are delivered form the guilt of our past sin. But that is only part of what it means to be ransomed. Our present and future are affected, as we are no longer held captive by the power

of sin. Delivered by Christ we are saved from our old lifestyle and introduced to a new and better way of life.

Jesus said,” IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU SHALL BE FREE, INDEED.” Redeemed by the blood of Christ we are set free from the power of sin. (John 8:36) sin

need no longer have the hold on us that it once did. Through the power of God’s indwelling Holy Spirit we are able to say “no” to sin. We are thus ransomed or

delivered to live our lives on a higher plane. You don’t have to live your life held captive by the sins that mess up your life. Jesus Christ came to earth “TO

GIVE HIS LIFE A RANSOME FOR MANY.” We all need the deliverance He offers simply because we all know the pain and regret that results from our enslavement to

sin. What looks attractive, compelling and pleasing turns out to be such a horrible quagmire that it costs the life of Christ to lift us out.

In our text Paul rejoices in the incredible blessings that come with redemption. He was so grateful that the Lord Jesus had released him form his

past life of enslavement to sin, setting him free to live his life on a higher plane. Paul emphasizes three attendant blessings of redemption; Forgiveness,

overflowing grace and spiritual discernment. He rejoices in them and we should do likewise.


In verse seven Paul calls our attention to the blessing of forgiveness. I once saw a Christian card that said: “If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest need was forgiveness, God sent us a Savior.” Forgiveness is one of the blessings of redemption. At the Last Supper our Lord said, “THIS IS MY BLOOD…. WHICH WAS SHED FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS…” “Forgiveness absolves us from the punishment

of sin which we deserve. Every one of our sins can be covered by the death of Christ.”(41/847) 1 John 1:9 declares that “IF WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOS IS

FAITHFUK AND JUST TO FORGIVE US…” God has promised that He will “FORGIVE OUR INQUITY AND RTEMEMBER OUR SIN NO MORE…” In Christ we can be delivered from the

guilt of our past.

John Ruskin was shown an expensive handkerchief a which a blot of ink had spilled. “ Nothing can be done with it now,” said the owner. “It is absolutely

worthless.” Ruskin made no reply but carried it away with him. After a time he sent it back to the great surprise of his friend, who could scarcely believe

his eyes. In almost skillful and artistic way Ruskin had made a design in India ink, using the ugly blot as the center for the design. A blotted life is not

necessarily a hopeless, useless life. (225/875) Through the forgiveness that God offers us in Christ, our lives, irrespective of the past, can be made

beautiful and useful. Redeemed we are forgiven and set free to live our lives on a higher plane. Everyday we should rejoice in the forgiveness of our redemption.


Our redemption and forgiveness, Paul says, are “IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RICHES OF GOD’S GRACE THAT HE LAVISHED UPON US…” (Vss. 7&8) These “riches of

His grace” are all the wonderful things that He gives to us and does for us. Things that we, as sinners, don’t deserve. God’s grace is His unmerited favor.

He gives us what we, as sinners, could never earn. The Greek word that Paul uses for grace is a word that was used when someone was ushered into the presence of royalty. Through God’s grace in Christ the door has been opened for us to enter into the presence of God, finding forgiveness and fellowship in spite of our sinful pasts. When that door was opened we found grace, not ridicule or rejection but sheer, unmerited grace. When we come to Christ with a sense of need and a sprit of repentance, God redeems us and pours out His grace upon us. He blesses us in countless life-changing ways.

Lou Johnson was a 1965 World Series hero for the Los Angeles Dodgers. He tried for 30 years to recover the championship ring he lost to drug dealers in

1971. Drug and alcohol abuse cost him everything from that magical season, including his uniform, glove, and the bat he used to hit the winning home run in the deciding game. When the Dodgers president, Bob Graziano, learned that Johnson’s World Series ring was about to be auctioned on the Internet, he

immediately wrote a check for $3,457.00 and bought the ring before any bids were posted. He did for Johnson what the former Dodger outfielder had been

unable to do for himself. (Plaschke/ Los Angeles Times) God has done for us what we are unable to do for ourselves. He redeems us and makes us the

recipient of His amazing grace.

Grace is the result of redemption and it is demonstrated to sinner through God’s blessings. He blesses us by saving us from the just penalty of our sins. He blesses us by giving us victory over the power of sin in our daily living. He blesses us by providing for us in countless and often miraculous ways. John 1:16 speaks of this when it says, “FROM THE FULNESS OF HIS GRACE WE HAVE ALL RECEIVED ONE BLESSING AFTER ANOTHER.” The blessings of God’s grace were

especially evident in John Newton’s life. He was raised in a Christian home for several years until his parents died. Orphaned and living with relatives he was mistreated, abused, and ridiculed. Unable to bear the abuse he, though still a boy, fled and joined the Royal Navy. From there his life went downhill as he

became a drunkard and a brawler. Deserting the Royal Navy he joined up with a slave trader. His life continued to disintegrate and spiral out of control.

One day he stole the ships whisky and got so inebriated he fell overboard. He was so close to drowning that one of his shipmates literally

harpooned him and brought him back on board. Consequently he had a huge scar in his side for the rest of his life. Finally, one day during a storm he began to reflect upon some Bible verses his parents had taught him before they died. He reached out to Jesus and his life was redeemed; he was forgiven. But God’s grace didn’t end with his salvation. John Newton the philandering, wandering, brawling man drastically changed as he experienced victory over the power of

sin. He became, as scripture says, “a new creation in Christ.” When the grace of God entered his life and he matured in Christ, he enjoyed a marriage that

was an example to all. When we yield to Christ and experience God’s grace, we begin to enjoy the restoration of what our life should have been like. (36-38/1046/Hughes) God’s grace changes us for the better.


Paul mentions one other blessing that comes with redemption. The blessing of discernment; it is the key to victorious Christian living. In verse 8 he says God has “LAVISHED ON US WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING.” Some translations say “…WISDOM AND INSIGHT…” or “DISCERMENT…” Wisdom and discernment are a consequence of redemption and they enable us to live life properly and victoriously. AS Kent Hughes says, “Wisdom is the knowledge which sees to the heart of things, which knows them as they really are.” Understanding or discernment enables us

to make right decisions and choose right paths. Those who posses this God given “ wisdom and discernment” can “discern the spirit of the times and stand

tall and confident.” (36/865) Discernment enables us to avoid being duped by the false promises of sin.

Discernment is a tremendous blessing because it enables us to make the right choices. It gives us keen perception or judgment; godly insight into things. Through discernment we are able to avoid error, evil ways and wrong paths. We are not fooled into succumbing to things, which, on the surface

appear so right, but which brig only heartache and regret. Proverbs 14:12 says, “THERE IS A WAY THAT SEEMS RIGHT TO MAN…. BUT IN THE END IT LEADDS TO

DEATH….” Discernment protects us from harmful, ungodly, worldly behavior and pursuits. It keeps us from living fro the things that can’t satisfy and that

don’t last. Discernment enables us to focus on the things in life that are most important, like our relationship with God, family and friends. Those who lack God’s wisdom and discernment get confused about the relative value of things and they get their priorities all mixed up. God’s wisdom and discernment, which come to us when we are redeemed, enable us to live life as God has designed it to be lived. Discernment enables us to truly experience “Newness of life” in Christ.


In 1927, in West Africa, a blood specimen was taken from a native man named Asibi, who was sick with yellow fever. A vaccine was made from the original

strain of virus obtained from this man. In fact, all the vaccine manufactured since 1927 by the Rockefeller Foundation and health agencies, derives from the

original strain of virus obtained from this one man. Carried down to the present day from one laboratory to another, through repeated cultures and by

enormous multiplication, it has offered immunity to yellow fever to millions of people in many countries. Through the creative imagination of science, the

blood of this one man in the West Africa has been made available to serve the whole human race. (#484) In another, more important way, the blood of another

Man has been made to serve the human race. “IN CHRIST WE HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD…” declares the Word of God. (Ephesians 1:7)

Christ offers to redeem us. We can live differently; we can gain the victory over those sins that so easily beset us. Reach out to Jesus… surrender to his Lordship… allows him to work in your life. Don’t push from your life the only One who can save you…change… and bless you.