Summary: Knowing how to find God’s will is the desire of every student. Naomi gave Ruth some simple adivce on how to get to where God is!


Ruth 3:

3Now do as I tell you take a bath and put on perfume and dress in your nicest clothes. Then go to the threshing floor.

This sounds like the Junior Highs of today. The note: Do you like me? If you do, check yes or no, and pass it back.

What an example Ruth is to us as those pursuing a Love Relationship with God. Let’s break this down.

1. Wash Yourself Off!

If you are battling with areas in your life today, but you say, I have asked Jesus into my heart, I want to be saved I want to change. Maybe you’re polluted today because you haven’t washed off where you came from. God will open doors for you, but until you have dealt with your past, you won’t be ready to go through them. YES, God has forgiven you, he promised he would. But you continue to allow it to come up, to the point that some of us have a terrible case of spiritual B.O.

REPENT or RE-CHOOSE your course.

2. Change your ATTITUDE

Naomi told Ruth, Put some perfume on. Why perfume. Everything changes when you put perfume on.

Now, in Bible times, people "anointed themselves" to feel refreshed and renewed. So, when Ruth "anointed herself" it was in essence putting on a new attitude.

Guys in the Mirror

Girls in the Mirror

Romans 13:14 Paul tells us to "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ."

Some of your Bibles may say "let God take control"

WHAT? Get a new attitude. Nobody lives in the anointing all the time. You must "ON PURPOSE" put on the attitude of Christ each day until it becomes a part of you. WHY? Because on the days when you don’t feel spiritual you still have to deal with the enemy, and he won’t wait until you feel good. NO, HE’LL KICK YOU WHEN YOU’RE DOWN!

3. Get Dressed Up!

Why get dressed up for something that hasn’t happened yet. Because,

1. God only blesses prepared people, and

2. When the time comes you may not have the chance to get ready.

You will me say this all weekend...

Your faith, Christianity is not a scheduled event, it is the way you live life.

What happened to all of the WWJD bracelets? "Nobody’s wearing them anymore.

They went out of style.

A faith walking life never has and never will go out of style.

a) You have got to set your style.

You must stand out from the crowd.

Wear a tuxedo into the grocery store. It catches everybody’s attention. We’re not called to blend in, we’re called to stand out!

Even in our faith. The way we worship, the way we sing, the way we interact with people. We can become Godly MUTS made up of all different breeds. BE A PURE BRED

Same clothes illustrations

Girls buy the same dress and don’t like to look like one another.

Guys don’t care

b) Know where your going.

You must know your destiny!! Otherwise you’ll just start making up excuses. When you know where you’re going, you won’t care, you’ll let them stare. The truth is, when others look at your preparation, they should see your destination.

c) You must prepare NOW for things your eyes have not yet seen. That way when the call comes, you can answer, "HERE I AM!"