Summary: 50-DAY SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE - MARY If we are going to see our dreams become a reality then we have to learn to STEP OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONES!

A nation that has suffered under Saddam Hussain’s oppressive hand is getting its first taste of freedom; people are beginning to dream again. Over the last few weeks we have been watching American and coalition forces strive to bring freedom to the Iraqi people. By air and land the Republican Guard and Iraqi soldiers have been put down; the regime of Saddam Hussain is beginning to fall.

In the last few days we have been hearing about Iraqi soldiers and Republican Guard members who have seemingly disappeared either going into hiding or regrouping with other units. Uniforms and arms have been abandoned. When and where these troups will reappear no one knows for sure.

At the end of WWII the Japanese government faced a similar problem with thousands of soldiers who were hiding in the jungles and mountains in the South Pacific. Although the treaty with the U.S. had been signed and the war was over, thousands of Japanese soldiers living in the mountains and jungles of the South Pacific islands would not come out of hiding, surrender their weapons, and return to their homes to live in peace. These soldiers had been so indoctrinated with stories of what the Americans would do to them if they surrendered that they believed they would face certain torture or immediate death, so they remained in hiding and ready to fight.

How could the Japanese government convince these die hard warriors that the war was indeed over and they were not just hearing American propaganda designed to capture unsuspecting soldiers? Finally, the Japanese Emperor made a speech detailing the end of the war and pleading with them to return home. The voice of the Emperor was broadcast by radio and recorded to be repeatedly played on loudspeakers directed into the jungles and mountain caves where these men were hiding. One by one the Japanese soldiers accepted the assurance of their Emperor and turned themselves in. Some waited to be certain the war had indeed ended, but within a few months all but a few had surrendered.

After some years, it was assumed all of these hidden soldiers had been accounted for; those still missing were presumed dead. However, in March of 1974 a Japanese soldier finally came out of hiding, 29 years after the war was over. When asked why he had remained in hiding so long, this warrior now in his sixties said it had taken him that long to get over his fears. The U.S. and Japan had shared a friendly relationship for years, but this lone soldier had wasted 29 years hiding from an enemy he still feared within his mind (Healing of Memories, David Seamands).

Can you imagine being held captive by your fears for 29 years? Imprisoned, not by an invading army, not by a cruel dictator, but held captive by the fear within your mind.

Many of us may have a hard time imagining what it would be like to live our lives filled with that kind of fear, yet how many of us live with a different kind of fear, the fear of change? We often live in a different type of prison, one of our own making, a padded cell called our COMFORT ZONE.

We all have our own comfort zones. We may not even be conscious of what our comfort zone is, but over the years we have developed habits and routines that we feel safe with. Change threatens our comfort zone; it disrupts our routine.

Comfort zones are prisons that prevent us from being free to dream. The fear of change and living within our comfort zone, playing it safe or following our standard operating procedure can be the greatest obstacle to fulfilling our God-given dream.

All of us live in a comfort zone. We all resist change and doing something different in one way or anther. For instance:

▸ Men if you shaved this morning, where was the first place you applied the shaving cream, or where did you start with the razor? Ladies what routine did you follow when you did your hair this morning, or on which hand did you do your nails first? Which finger? How about yesterday, and the day before? We’ve probably followed the same routine for years.

▸ When you drove to church this morning how many of us followed the same route you’ve used all year long? How often have you found yourself in the “proverbial rut” when you make a turn toward work forgetting that it’s your day off and you were going somewhere else?

▸ When you sit down at your favorite restaurant, how often do you look at the menu only to order the same thing? Why do supermarkets offer free samples of the newest products on their shelves?

▸ How many of you are sitting in virtually the same seat you sat in last Sunday and the Sunday before? Are you sitting around the same people? Let’s take a moment and get a different view of the sanctuary, and surround ourselves with some different faces. Let me help you get comfortable leaving your comfort zones and find a different seat; move from the front to the back, the left to the right, from the middle out.

Today is day 43 in our 50-day spiritual adventure “Daring To Dream Again: Overcoming Boundaries That Hold You Back.” One of the major barriers to dreaming again is our reluctance to getting out of our comfort zones. Like the Japanese soldier who remained in hiding for 29 years, we would often rather face the pain of staying the same than risk the uncertainty of change.

If you are going to dream a God-given dream, a divine daring dream, then chances are that GOD IS LEADING YOU TO CHANGE. We won’t see our dreams become a reality by chance; they will only be fulfilled by making intentional changes to how we have been living. Our dreams will either set us free from the self-made prison of our comfort zone, or our dreams will die behind the bars of our routine.

If we are going to get out of our comfort zones and live out a God-given dream, then we’re going to have to as our adventure journals say “Go For the Gulp.” To “Go for the Gulp” simply means that we move with God out of our comfort zones; we take the risk of change in order to see our dreams become a reality.

We’re going to look at the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in order to help us learn to “Go for the Gulp”. Now I’m fully aware that today is Palm Sunday; this is the day that we remember Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. However before we get there, I want us to look back to the beginning of the story, back to when Mary was first given a divine daring dream that she would give birth to the Messiah. Long before Jesus could be hailed as the King, Mary had to be willing to step outside of her comfort zone and live out a God-given dream.

+ Read–Luke: 1:26-38


Breaking free of our comfort zone means we need to discover God in the midst of our daily routine and then follow His direction. God will change your plans; He will establish a new agenda for you to follow. In order to pursue a God-given dream we have to be ready to make some changes.

+ Luke 1:26-27 26. . .God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee, 27to a virgin named Mary. (NLT)

Last time I checked, angels don’t schedule an appointment with you; they show up unexpectedly. But I can hear you thinking; “how often do angels drop in to deliver a message from God anyway?” I admit that it’s not often that angels dressed in white robes complete with wings show up unannounced; however, the Bible does tell us that some have received a visit from an angel but didn’t even know it (see Hebrews 13:2). I’m also not promoting a “Touched By an Angel” theology that says a glowing angel will show up when you are in trouble with a generic message saying “God loves you.”

God has a way of communicating to us that is even better than an angelic messenger; God will speak to you through His Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will “guide you into all truth” (John 16:13 NIV).

How can you recognize when the Holy Spirit unexpectedly speaks to you?

1. The Holy Spirit will use the written Word of God, the Bible to direct your footsteps. God’s Spirit inspired and breathed life into the scriptures not just as it was written, but God’s Word is alive in you today (see 1 John 2:14).

2. The Holy Spirit will speak to your heart, that is He will bring thoughts and ideas into your mind in order to lead you. Learn to listen to the thoughts which race through your mind; with practice you will discern those ideas which are born by the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice” (John 10:27 NIV).

3. The Holy Spirit will speak to you through other people. The Bible says, “to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (1 Corinthians. 12:7 NIV). The gifts of the Spirit are not limited to the setting of a worship service. God will bring his truth into your life as family, friends, and even a stranger will say things that you can recognize as a word from God.

4. The Holy Spirit will speak to you through time spent in prayer. Prayer is not just a time to bring our laundry list of requests to God; prayer is intimate communication with our loving heavenly Father.

Expect the unexpected and let God speak to you and lead you out of your comfort zone.


+ Luke 1:28-30 28The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you." 29Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. (NIV)

God instructed the angel Gabriel to first greet Mary with a reassurance of His great love for her; Mary has “found favor with God.” Before Mary was challenged with the dream that she would one day give birth to the Messiah she was first reassured that God was with her.

When Mary was chosen by the Lord for her special role, she was a young girl, possibly only 15 years old, engaged to be married. Mary had her whole life before her with all fo the dreams and expectations that you might imagine for a bride to be. God called Mary to step outside her comfort zone to be a part of an even bigger dream.

Remember, this is the beginning of the story. Mary doesn’t know how this plan was all going to turn out; the baby Jesus hasn’t even been conceived let alone born in Bethlehem of all places! God is sharing his dream of a coming Messiah with an ordinary teenage girl from a small insignificant village.

If Mary were to be a part of God’s plan then she faced the possibility of having her engagement to Joseph broken; she knew that Joseph would have the legal right to have her executed when it becomes known that she was pregnant. Even if somehow Joseph would still marry her, she knew how people would talk; they would have a reputation for being sexually promiscuous. This was not an ideal situation for a young Jewish girl to find herself in.

God called Mary out of her comfort zone in order to be a part of His divine daring dream. Being a part of the dream would cost Mary something. Mary was willing to step out of her comfort zone because she knew God loved her.

Sometimes the challenge to do something risky and step out of our comfort zone comes from those who don’t really love us or have our best interest in mind. How many of us have ever been “dared” to do something we either weren’t comfortable doing or we knew was wrong? The challenge doesn’t even have to be spoken; it may just be the unspoken peer pressure to fit in with the crowd. We’ve all be in that position at one time or another.

God won’t dare us to do something just for fun; He won’t pressure us to fit in with the crowd. God loves us and only wants what is best for our lives. God is not going to manipulate us and then laugh at us when we fall flat on our face.

When God challenges us to get out of our comfort zone and be a part of His dream for our lives, IT’S TO ENABLE US TO BECOME THE PERSON HE WANTS US TO BE. Yes, it may be uncomfortable; it will cost us something, but it will be worth it! God is setting us free from our self-made prisons to be all He has planned for us to be.

+ Jeremiah 29:11 I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. (MsgB)

God’s call to leave our comfort zones will sometimes be unexpected; it will be a call from one who loves us and,


We can choose to pursue a lot of different goals and dreams; we can set our sites to accomplish many great things. Unfortunately many things we may run after have little or no eternal value; it’s nothing more than a puff of smoke.

+ 1 Corinthians 3:13 But there is going to come a time of testing at the judgment day to see what kind of work each builder has done. Everyone’s work will be put through the fire to see whether or not it keeps its value. (NLT)

When God calls us out of our comfort zones, it is to be a part of His divine daring dream, to be a part of something that will stand the test of fire! God wants to fulfill His eternal purpose within our lives, but we must be willing to get out of our comfort zones!

We are all familiar with the godly purpose Mary was called to. Mary was given a great dream; she was to give birth to Jesus, the Savior of the world.

+ Luke 1:31-33 31You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. 32He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end. (NIV)

The dream that God gave to Mary had everything to do with her playing a part in the divine drama of salvation. She had a special role that only one could be chosen to play, the mother of the Messiah, our Savior. However, and don’t miss this, Mary and the characters in the Bible are not the only ones called to play a part in God’s divine drama of salvation!

God has a divine script or a master plan for ALL OF HIS PEOPLE! God has called each of us to play a part in His divine drama; He has chosen us to be a part of His divine purpose to bring salvation to the world.

+ 2 Corinthians 5:20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. (NIV)

YOU ARE A PART OF THE MIRACLE THAT IS PRAISE A/G! God is building our church, and establishing His kingdom through US! God is challenging each of us to step out of our comfort zones and participate in His divine drama of salvation. Live His divine daring dream and pursue His godly purpose for your life!

God calls us out of our comfort zones; it’s a call that is unexpected. It’s a call from One who loves us. It’s a call to a Godly purpose, and


+ Luke 1:26-38 34How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?" 35The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 36Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. 37For nothing is impossible with God." 38"I am the Lord’s servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. (NIV)

Mary asked some legitimate questions; if she was going to become pregnant she would like to know how this was going to happen. However, Mary did not stop with her questions. Mary said, “YES!” to God’s divine daring dream.

When God challenges you to move beyond your comfort zone and dream a God-given dream, it’s alright to ask some questions. It’s okay to say, “God, that’s a great dream, but how are we supposed to get there?” God answered Mary, and He will give you an answer too. Now it’s important to understand that God didn’t give Mary all the details; Gabriel only gave Mary enough information so she could make a willing response to God’s plan.

God will give us just enough light for the path that is before us; as the Psalmist says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105 NLT).

+ Proverbs 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. (NIV)

When God gives us a new dream, it’s like the dawning of a new day. Even though we cant’s see everything that’s in front of us, we have enough light to begin to walk in the direction that God is leading, and with each step the light grows brighter as we near the fulfillment of the dream.

We may not have all the answers, but we have enough light for the step that is before us. God wants us to take that step, to make a response to His call.

Well I would like to tell you that’s all there is to it. You can be set free from the prison of your comfort zones as you remember these four things:

▸ God’s call out or the comfort zone is unexpected,

▸ God’s call to leave your comfort zone is one of love,

▸ God’s call sets you free to pursue a godly purpose, and

▸ God’s call to move out of your comfort zone requires a response.

But there is a fifth point. Remember we went back to the beginning of Mary’s story. She is the only individual who was with Jesus from start to finish; she alone was present with Jesus at His birth and His death.


Mary, like any other new mother, was filled with all the dreams and hopes that lay before her and her new born child, but she knew Jesus was no ordinary baby. Mary had given birth to the Messiah, the Savior of the world. Mary treasured the events of Jesus birth in her heart, but she soon learned of the pain that came with leaving her comfort zone to be a part of God’s divine dream.

Eight days after Jesus birth, Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to the temple. While there they were told more about this special child by a man named Simeon. “Simeon blessed them, and he said to Mary, ‘This child will be rejected by many in Israel, and it will be their undoing. But he will be the greatest joy to many others. Thus, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul’” (Luke 2:34-35 NLT).

Along with the joy of participating in God’s divine plan, Mary would also experience pain. Pain came suddenly as King Herod tried to have Mary’s son killed, but God directed Joseph to take Mary and Jesus into Egypt to escape from Herod. This was not part of Mary’s dream; her child was born to be the Messiah not a fugitive running for His life.

In time Mary and Joseph returned with Jesus to live in Nazareth. Mary watched as her child grew; as the years passed she could see that He was indeed no ordinary child.

The day came when Mary son, now a full grown man, began to pursue His God given calling. With authority Jesus spoke to the crowds, telling them to repent for God’s kingdom was at hand. Mary watched as her Son preformed miracles; the blind could see, the deaf could hear, the lame could walk, even the dead were raised back to life. The promise made by the angel was true; Jesus had shown Himself to be the Son of God.

Imagine the pride that filled Mary’s heart when Jesus entered into Jerusalem to the shouts of the crowd, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 21:9 NIV).

Unfortunately Mary’s joy all to quickly turned to the greatest of sorrows. Just five days later those who had hailed her son as their king were now crying out “Crucify Him; crucify Him!” Later that day Mary wept at the foot of Jesus’ cross. Her Son Jesus, the promised Messiah was being put to death and there was nothing she could do to save His life.

Not even Mary understood that the Messiah would have to first suffer and die. Only after Jesus had died would He then be raised to life in victory. Mary didn’t understand the pain that would come before the victory.

If yours is indeed a God-given dream, then be assured that there will be some pain attached to it. We cannot forget that those things in life that are the most rewarding will also cost us the most, BUT IT IS WORTH THE PAIN. The pain that comes with seeing our dreams fulfilled, the pain of growth and maturity, this is a far better pain than the pain of regret and despair from having never tried.

God does not want us to remain locked in our self-made prisons of comfort. God desires to see us break free from the comfort zone and pursue the God-given dream He has for our lives. God’s ultimate dream for each of us is that we will all be transformed into the image of His Son Jesus.

+ Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (NIV)

Crucifixion is still painful. However when we lay down our lives we can then receive the blessing of His resurrection power living within us.

APPLICATION: “Go for the Gulp!”

On page 65 or your adventure journal (page 78 of the large print edition) it says:

Mary must have gulped when the angel announced she would give birth to the Messiah. Still she replied, “I am willing to accept whatever [God] wants.”

Not many Christians are like Mary in moving beyond their comfort zones. Instead of trusting God and saying, “I’m open to whatever you want,” their quick response is, “I can’t do that.” An internal voice seems to blurt out:

• “I can’t learn another language.”

• “I can’t overcome this temptation.”

• “I can’t go back to school.”

• “I can’t make new friends.”

• “I can’t change my job.”

• “I can’t make this marriage work.”

List 10 spiritually related “I can’ts” to which you have more or less agreed. Then go back and cross off the list any statements that aren’t really true. This exercise helps you move out of a comfort zone that has choked in infancy some of the dreams God wants you to receive from him.

Too many of our can’ts aren’t real. We put all kinds of restrictions on God’s challenges to us. We unconsciously respond, Be aware that I won’t say yes, Jesus, if doing so requires much time or energy or money or a change from the way I presently live. We don’t trust God to have our best interests at heart when he comes to us with an assignment.

Going for the gulp involves opening yourself to fear, yes. But you might also experience surprise and delight because you suddenly realize God has acted in such a wonderful way, he takes your breath away.


✞ Hebrews 12:2-3 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (NIV)