Summary: Funeral service for Marcia Jean Tucker, single mother and immigration officer.

Our third-grade teacher was very concerned about our

posture. Day after day she would command her students to

watch their posture. “Sit with your back straight and your

feet flat on the floor; don’t slump in your seat.” “Stand erect,

with your weight equally distributed on both feet; don’t

slouch.” “When you read, hold your book with the light

coming over your right shoulder.” Mind you, that was before

the days of doing your homework by the flickering light of a

television set! “Walk on the balls of your feet.” She noticed

everything. Posture was all-important to this teacher of

mine. She watched us constantly and corrected the way we

walked and sat and stood; and if she had been able to come

to our homes at night, I am sure she would also have given

us advice on how to lie down!

My teacher seemed a bit of a fanatic to us when we were

eight years old and thought we had infinite flexibility. Now,

nearly six decades later, I see her point. Or maybe I should

say, I feel her point, right here in the small of my back!

Posture is important. And what we do with our walking and

sitting and standing is going to have much to do with our

physical health. But if the Bible is to be believed, walking

and sitting and standing are also markers of our spiritual

health. Marcia Jean Tucker learned this lesson and learned

it well. Walking, sitting, standing – her life will teach us

healthy spiritual posture.


First, Marcia taught us to pay attention to the way we walk.

Marcia taught us, as the saying goes, to “walk the walk and

not just talk the talk.” Marcia Tucker’s witness is that walking

in integrity is a good thing, but it cannot be done on your

own. If you would walk in integrity, you must also walk in

faithfulness to God. You must trust God, or else your

attempt to walk in integrity is doomed to failure.

The Psalmist confirms this when he says:

.. for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the LORD

without wavering. ... I walk in faithfulness to you.

Walking in integrity means walking in faithfulness and

trusting God without wavering. Have you ever done a “trust

walk”? A trust walk is an exercise we use to teach people

that others will take care of them. If I were to lead you

through a trust walk, I would blindfold you, and then begin to

give you instructions: “Walk straight ahead; turn right when I

tell you to; turn around and walk backward until I stop you.”

Well, most of you would not feel comfortable doing that. You

wouldn’t be sure you could really trust my judgment or my

intent to keep you from harm. You would likely feel you had

to tear off that blindfold and see for yourself where you were

heading. You would want to walk on your own.

But the Bible teaches us to trust walk with God. If we are

going to walk in integrity, we are also going to have to walk in

faithfulness and trust God. We are in blindfolds, and the only

way we can walk the walk without stumbling and falling is to

trust our guide. Marcia Tucker came to that conclusion. She

had always been concerned with integrity. As a law

enforcement student and then as an immigration officer, she

knew that she had to be a model of integrity for others. She

walked that walk to the best of her ability, but found one

spring day that she could no longer walk it alone. She had to

trust God. And so, though she had worshiped here for some

twenty years, but had never trusted Christ as her savior, on

Palm Sunday of 1998 her walk of integrity became a walk

down this very aisle, where she professed her faith in Christ

as her savior and Lord. She found in Him the power to walk

with real integrity.

Marcia learned, and now Marcia would teach us, that walking

in integrity is not something you can do on your own; you

must walk in faithfulness to God. You must trust Christ as

your guide.


But my third-grade teacher was not only concerned about the

way we walked. If anything, she was even more concerned

about the way we sat. We were not to drape ourselves over

chairs or to scoot down in our seats, trying to hide so that we

would not be called on. We were to sit up straight, with our

feet planted firmly on the floor. And if we protested that

other people slumped and let their bodies go limp, she would

announce, quite definitely, that we were not “other people”,

we were her students, and in this class we do not sit lazily.

We sit properly! No two ways about it!

That’s pretty close to what Marcia Tucker felt about where

she would sit. That’s very close to what the Psalmist

reminds us about how we should sit:

I do not sit with the worthless, nor do I consort with hypocrites; I

hate the company of evildoers, and will not sit with the wicked.

Marcia understood that she could call us to accountability.

She did not have time to play the games of those of us who

were not on target. She would not sit down with worthless

ideas, or consort with hypocritical promises. She would not

sit down and condone wrong-doing. She called us to


As an immigration officer, she was often confronted with

situations that required a firm perspective. But she would

not sit down and deal with those who had chosen to break

the law.

As a mother, Janette has reported that Marcia would tell her

straight out what she needed to be doing. Always loving and

caring, but firm and clear – she was not going to sit down

with anything unworthy.

One of her brothers told me that early on she was very clear

about the things he needed to do in his family life. She was

not about to sit down with anything less that what was right.

And not long ago I too learned that she was not prepared to

sit back and take “no” for an answer. She called to ask the

church to provide something for her. I hemmed and hawed a

bit about her request; I tried to tell her that the particular

committee that handled what she wanted was not functioning

at this time. I thought I would hear words of sympathy: “I

understand, pastor, you are doing the best you can.” No,

what I heard was, “What’s up with that? That’s not the way

Takoma should work!”. She was not going to sit back and

take mediocrity from her church.

Oh, thank God for a spirit like Marcia Tucker’s – a spirit that

challenges us to be our best, for she will not easily tolerate

less than the best! Thank God for a voice like Marcia’s, that

will not let us get away with sloppiness! And thank God for a

posture like Marcia’s, that will not sit down and join the

worthless and the hypocritical things of this world. She

walked in integrity, trusting God; and she would not sit with

the worthless.


But I am grateful not only for Marcia’s walk, and I am thankful

not only for where she sat; I am also gratified by how she

stood. For standing is the most complex and the most

human of all postures. We are the creatures who stand up

on our hind legs and announce to the world that we are here,

ready to move, on our way. And so I am grateful that in

Marcia Tucker’s life I can see footprints that let me know

where she stood, and, better yet, where she now stands.

Walking in integrity may be glorious; not sitting with the

worthless is right on target; but standing – there is something

special. The Psalmist concludes his witness:

But as for me, I walk in my integrity; redeem me, and be gracious to

me. My foot stands on level ground; in the great congregation I will

bless the LORD.

“My foot stands on level ground.” Brothers and sisters, when

you walk in integrity, trusting God for your strength and

Christ for your guide; when you refuse to sit down in the

mess; then the day comes when you will be able to stand up,

stand tall, and stand steady. On level ground. On the higher

plane. In a place where everybody can see and know who

you are and to whom you belong.

Marcia Tucker stood up. She stood up for Christ and

blessed Him in the great congregation; on Pentecost

Sunday, 1998, she came through the waters of baptism, right

here, with seven other candidates. Five of them were

teenagers, two were young adults, and then there was

Marcia. I remember her remarking that she was older than

all the rest, and she should have done this before now, but

that was all right. She was taking her stand. Her foot stood

on level ground, steady and firm, even when it was planted in

the waters of baptism.

Marcia Tucker stood up. She stood up for Christ and

blessed Him in the great congregation. In October of that

same year she attended our revival services and brought

Kenneth Henderson along. Kenneth stepped out and took

this walk and trusted Christ. He had seen Marcia stand up

and bless Christ. Her foot stood on solid ground that night,

and another precious soul saw and was strengthened to take

his own stand.

Marcia Tucker stood up then, and she will stand again. She

will stand again. She will stand today on higher ground. The

Lord has heard her prayer, “Lord, lift me up and let me stand,

by faith, on heaven’s table land. A higher plane that I have

found; Lord, let me stand on higher ground.” Do not be

deceived by what you see. It appears that Marcia is lying

down; and we, it is true, speak of laying her to rest. But she

is not lying down. This is only the outward shell of who she

really is. The real Marcia is standing at the throne of the

eternal one, standing in the greatest congregation of them

all, the company of those who have trusted Christ. Make no

mistake; she stands today, on level ground.

And there is more. For we know that at the last day, when

the trumpet shall resound and time shall be no more, there

will be a great getting’-up morning, and the dead in Christ

shall rise and stand. They shall find strength in weak backs,

they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

They shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; they shall


Marcia, you have great posture! You have walked in

integrity, trusting God. You have not sat down with the

hopelessly unworthy. And you have stood to give your

witness in the great congregation. So shall you stand. So

shall you know the power of the one who was counted out,

slain and slaughtered, but who on the third day stood up, set

aside the cold and the stone of the tomb, and walked out

from the grip of death. You will hear it, and you will respond,

when He calls your name: Marcia Jean Tucker, stand up!

Stand up! For you know all about walking and sitting and
