Summary: If Jesus is NOT the way, the Truth and the Life we are worse off then those who are enjoying the "good life."

After winning the Masters for his second consecutive year in 2002. A reporter asked Tiger Woods, “What would you say to Bobby Jones if you saw him right now?” (Bobby Jones helped to design the Augusta National Golf Club and passed away in 1971).

Woods responded with something like this, “I would like to know how he came back from the dead?” (1)

In light of the season, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the resurrection today.

Many people today in light of the events of September 11th, the war on terrorism and now war with Iraq are interested in spiritual matters. Some want to know what happens at their death? Many people I meet are searching for meaning in their lives and yet amazingly enough most people live their lives as if there is no tomorrow their motto is you only go around once in life so grab all the gusto you can get. And yet because of that lifestyle the majority of Americans fear death second only to public speaking that is why many speakers at funerals would rather be the one in the casket instead of the one giving the eulogy.

The Bible tells a story of a rich man and Lazarus (Lk. 16:19-31).

The rich man had the big fancy house, servants and gourmet food. Can’t you see him throwing a big party and the caterers entering through the security guard shack of the gated community where he lived?

At that gate laid a beggar whose name was Lazarus. Lazarus watched everyday as the trucks carrying the finest gourmet foods for the rich and famous traveled by, it wasn’t Papa Johns, Dominoes, KFC or Taco Bell for this rich man- No sir- it was caviar and champagne.

Lazarus was covered with sores, I mean the oozing purulent type and the only relief he got was when the stray dogs came by and licked his infected body. All Lazarus hoped for was that a few scraps of food would fall from the rich man’s trashcans close enough to him that he could reach them before the dogs got there.

The beggar died and the angels came and they carried Lazarus to Abraham’s side. “Oh Father Abraham (who was also a rich man) how good it is to be by your side.” “No more hunger, no more pain from joints that don’t work and no infections. Now I walk and now I stand right by your side full and content.”

The story goes on to say that the rich man also died and was buried but his destiny wasn’t heaven- and yes this rich man went to Hell- not because he was rich- but also because in his plenty he was poor. Pitifully poor!

Do you know that HELL is a real place- a place that was originally created not for us but for the Devil and his demons? Because if you believe that Hell is real and people who die without Christ go there you are in the minority according to George Barna. Only 31% of adults in the year 2000 believed that Hell was a real place.

Somehow the rich man looks up and he is able to see Father Abraham and the beggar. The beggar really looks good. He has put on a little weight and there are no open sores on his face. He is no longer lying on a tattered, feces covered mat and he sees Lazarus standing tall and strong.

So what does he have to lose- He calls out, “Hey Father Abraham have some pity here and send Lazarus with some cold water on his finger tip, because well it is HOT here and I am in agony and there doesn’t appear to be any change in the forecast for the next 100 million years or so.”

In love and I am sure with some sadness Abraham answers, “Son, don’t you remember in your life you received all those deliveries through your mansion gates, the parties, the finest cuts of meat and the caviar, while Lazarus depended on people to carry him to the grass by your guard shack every day- hoping he could get a scrap from your table?” Don’t you remember the night the Swedish bikini team dropped in and you raised your glass and toasted the good life while Lazarus received only bad things.”

“But my son that was then and it lasted for a season, a very short season and Lazarus as you can see stands at my side, he shares in my Father’s inheritance and he is comforted while you live now in pain and agony.”

“Son, I am sorry but you are reaping the consequences of your actions, and besides that the separation between heaven and hell has been fixed and even in light of my love for you and the love that the Father continues to have for you we are unable to cross over and come to you and neither can you or anybody down there ever come to where we are.” “Son, I am sorry, but that is Hell!”

“OK, then father Abraham, I understand you cannot come down here, but certainly you can send Lazarus to my Father’s house.” “I have 5 brothers, tell Lazarus to warn them so they won’t come to this place of loneliness, torment and despair.” Father Abraham, “ I am being destroyed every day and I wish I could die, but I cannot.” “I would not wish this place on my worst enemy.” “Please send Lazarus.”

Have you noticed that this rich man still sees Lazarus as below him in stature? What irony as Lazarus the beggar stands above him in total comfort and peace. It is as if the rich man thinks Lazarus made it to heaven only because Abraham needed a servant? He just doesn’t get it does he?

Abraham replies, “They have Moses and the prophets, let them listen to them (Lk. 16:29).”

It amazes me how many people in America have Bibles in their homes that they never read. Some of them right there on the coffee table next to the TV remote. It saddens me that the remote is picked up while the Bible collects dust.

Almost 90% of Americans say they believe in God, yet they do not know the one true God who is revealed in the Scriptures- they have made a God to be who they think He should be. He made us in His image and we have been returning the favor ever since.

“NO” the rich man says, “You know my brothers have ears and eyes but they don’t see and hear.” “But if you send someone from the dead certainly they will repent.”

Abraham closes the conversation with this, if they do not believe what the prophet’s have taught and they refuse to search for God’s transcendent Holy truth in the Scriptures they won’t be convinced even if someone comes back from the dead.

You know someone did come back from the grave. No it wasn’t Bobby Jones. It was Jesus and He walked on the earth for 40 days after he left the tomb empty. Over 500 witnesses saw him and in that resurrected body He shared meals with people and He gave us instructions about the Holy Spirit, evangelism and teaching.

For those who are perishing and who will end up like the rich man- this resurrection and life after death are nonsense and many of those people have Bibles on their coffee tables.

But for those of us who believe the Bible and have legitimately searched for truth the resurrection brings comfort, peace and hope!

The Scripture Brian read for us today: (1Cor. 15:12-17) is worth repeating.

But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.

Notice that Paul does not deny the existence of God, God is alive the question is did this God raise Christ from the dead?

Brothers and sisters I tell you the truth today, if this Jesus is not the way, the truth and the life; if this Jesus has not been raised from the dead then I have made a very costly career change. One of the reasons why is simply that a land developer, builder and a realtor makes a whole lot more money than a minister. But more important than money is the simple fact that if this Jesus has not been raised from the dead our preaching and your faith are useless.

I mean to say it is valueless, its worth is zero, nada and we are bankrupt. We are still in our sins and the this living righteous and just God will have to punish us for our sins.

We would be better off to live like the rich man and his 5 brothers grabbing all the good things this life has to offer. There are many in the world today that have Bibles and have been told the truth by faithful Christians like some of you. Yet they refuse to change.

Praise God today for those of us who believe and know that this Jesus who rose from the dead brings comfort, peace and hope.

George was removed from his Mom, Dad and 3-year-old brother when he was 5. (Show pictures of George on overhead when he was 5 with his brother). He was placed in a state hospital. You see George was born with a birth defect after labor was allowed to continue for way too long. George was robbed of a normal life. He had Cerebral Palsy and the experts expected him to live only a few years. So the medical professionals advised his parents that it would be better for the younger son, George and the family if George was placed in a facility where he could be better cared for.

The experts were wrong and George is alive and well at 54 years old today (show picture of George 54).

George never got to run, ride a bike, hit a baseball or kick a soccer ball. George never got to have a fight with or pick on his little brother. George often had open soars like Lazarus and care in the state run hospital was far from first class. He wasn’t the best man at his brother’s wedding. George never got married or even went on a date. In many ways he got the bad things like Lazarus.

But for those of us who believe that Christ was raised from the dead, George’s life brings comfort, peace and hope.

It brings comfort because I know some day George will stand beside father Abraham and others in heaven, completely healed. The resurrection brings peace because I know that George unlike the rich man and his 5 brothers is considered innocent in the eyes of God and upon his death in a twinkling of an eye Jesus and the angels will carry him to the Father’s side. It brings hope because I know that this Jesus we preach was raised from the dead and paid the penalty for my sins and I will spend eternity with my brother George in heaven.

The resurrection brought comfort, hope and peace to the King family at 11:10 A.M. on March 19th. Several months ago Carolyn, John King’s daughter asked me if I would call on her dad at the V.A. hospital and I did. I got to know John and in October by using one of these plan of salvation bracelets I led John through the Scriptures and he received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. John King a Viet Nam veteran was a good man. At around 10:30 A.M. on the 19th Carolyn called me to say that her dad was not doing well and he was at home under hospice care to finish his last days on earth. Could I come and see him? I asked when and she said, “when ever you can.” I decided to finish up a few things and I headed over to the house.

When I got to the house Carolyn whispered in my ear, “ I think he has been waiting for you.” I read 2 Cor 5: 1-10 to John that when he was absent from his earthly body he would be present with the Lord. I told him about heaven and how the angels and Jesus would come to escort him home. I told him about the banquet feast and I told him God would take care of his family and it was ok for him to leave. I told him how much he was loved and I began to pray. After I had finished Carolyn traded places with me at the head of John’s bed she leaned over and told him she loved him and she kissed him good-bye as his spirit left this place for paradise.

The King family had peace in trusting in God for John’s departure and final destination. They had comfort in knowing that John was healed and the suffering was over and they had hope that as they followed Jesus and were obedient in their lives they would someday stand beside John King once again!

What a blessing it was for me to lead a fine man like John King to the throne of God for salvation and then be present to tell him about heaven as he passed from the land of the dying to the land of the living.

In the midst of a storm, a little bird was clinging to the limb of a tree, seemingly calm and unafraid. As the wind tore at the limbs of the tree, the bird continued to look the storm in the face, as if to say, "Shake me off; I still have wings."

Because of Christ’s resurrection, each Christian can look the experience of death in the face and confidently say, "Shake me off; I still have wings. I’ll live anyway." (2)

Two rich men had a choice, Abraham chose God. Who have you chosen? Have you made a choice that can bring you comfort, peace and hope?

The same power that raised Christ from the dead is available to us through God’s Holy Spirit living in us- to give us comfort, peace and hope as we navigate through this world today.

If time tell the George Bedy Story

My dad and mom were getting a divorce when I was 10 years old. Dad had left Florida and traveled to Phoenix. He could not find work. He picked olives some days for a few dollars. He wrote me some letters and near the end of those letters he told me about a chaplain who had told him all about Jesus. My dad’s letter began to change he started to talk about prayer and trusting in God and he told me to pray to God everyday and everything would be OK. A few months later the call came in the trailer he lived in had caught fire and George Bedy was dead. The resurrection gives me hope that I will see my dad again.

Which side of the chasm are you on today? Will you stand alongside Abraham or will you agonize in loneliness? If you are not a Christian the road to the rich man’s house is wide, but today as we sing this next song we offer you the opportunity to choose. We promise to not leave you alone and to teach you to obey the commands of our Lord so you too can have comfort, peace and hope.

Works Cited

The Official Site of the Masters Tournament. (19 Mar. 2003) online.

-- Wayne A. Lamb in 100 Meditations on Hope. Christianity Today, Vol. 40, no. 4.