Revelation 2:18-29
Thyatira was a minor town on the Circular Road of Asia, some twenty five miles southeast of Pergamum and halfway between Pergamum and Sardis. The town served as a military outpost for the kingdom of Pergamum and came under Roman rule at the same time as Pergamum in 133 BC. Today the large Turkish city of Akhisar is on the same location.
Little is know about Thyatira. Even though it was not a great city, it was important because of it’s commerce in wool, linen, apparel, dyes, leatherwork, tanning and excellent bronze work. Trade guilds were the known commodity of this town.
As we’ve seen with the other cities, to be successful in business you had to belong to a trade guild (union). This association was closely linked with the religious life of the city. This included eating fellowship meals together at a pagan temple food offered to idols, and other unbridled excesses.
Religiously the city was unimportant, although the worship of Apollo and Artemis (Diana) was prominent.
The most famous early Christian of Thyatira was Lydia, a seller of purple fabric converted to Christ during Paul’s ministry in Philippi (Acts 16).
This letter to Thyatira is the longest letter to the churches, for this was the most corrupt of all the seven churches.
Characteristic vs 18
Jesus starts out the letter telling the congregation at Thyatira that he is the Son of God. This is the only time it appears in the book of Revelation (used 32 times in New Testament). Apollo, who was worshiped here, was known as the “son of god,” because he was the son of Zeus. This letter comes from the true Son of God. A point not missed by these believers.
From the vision of Chapter one, Jesus reminds them he has blazing fire and burnished bronze. As we saw in chapter one, his eyes represented his omniscience (all knowledge), while his feet symbolized his omnipotence (all power).
His omniscience is expressed as he describes in detail their sin and its consequences. Christ’s power is shown in his treatment of Jezebel and her followers.
Jesus wants the Thyatirans to know without a doubt that he sees and knows everything and is taking action.
Compliment vs 19
Although there was a great deal that was wrong in the church at Thyatira, Jesus commends them for certain things.
The compliment parallels what Jesus said to the Ephesians. They were growing in their many activities. They are known for their love... faith.... service and perseverance. (Note: Love was missing in Ephesus).
These four virtues are probably meant to be paired, the first two, love and faith, are motives; the second two, service and perseverance, are deeds. Love for others had produced service and faith in Christ had assured perseverance in their commitment to Him.
They were not content to stand still in loving deeds and faithful perseverence. They had grown in faith and thus were stronger in love than when they first came to know Christ.
Most of us would have been impressed with this church. They were a growing church, they were busy doing God’s work. Most churches are evaluated by the ABCs: attendance, buildings and cash.
Sadly, a church can do many wonderful things and still miss the boat completely.
I love ice cream! If someone gave me a banana split with one drop of poison in it, I wouldn’t touch it for anything. It doesn’t matter how good the rest of it is, I won’t risk eating it because of the poison.
Some people say there is good in all churches. However, if there is some false teaching in the church, it poisons the whole. Saddam Hussein must have some good in him, I’m sure he loves his mother!
Criticism vs 20-22a
The criticism Jesus has for this church is severe. All their growth in love and faith was overshadowed by the success of a false teacher named Jezebel.
The original Jezebel in found in the Old Testament 1Kings 16-21 and 2 Kings 9. Jezebel was King Ahab’s wife. She was the daughter of the pagan priest Ethbaal, a worshiper of Baal. Ethbaal killed his brother in order to become king of Sidon (Lebanon). Jezebel worshiped Astarte, later called Aphrodite, whom the Romans called Venus, the goddess of lust.
When Ahab brought Jezebel to Israel she brought her religion with her. Jezebel built a temple to Baal and an altar to Astarte and passionately promoted their worship. She led Israel into Baal worship and turned their hearts from God. Elijah even ran from her. Judged by God, she met a violent death.
The Jezebel of the church of Thyatira was also leading people away from the true God. She had done the following:
* called herself a prophetess (spokeswoman for
God) to gullible Christians.
* she was teaching the Thyatiran believers (vs
* deliberately led Christians into sexual
* encouraged violation of conscience regarding
food sacrificed to idols.
These last two are probably best understood as actions Jezebel encouraged to enable Christians to get along with the pagan society around them. It you can’t beat them, join them.
This letter doesn’t tell how, nor does it matter, how Jezebel became so persuasive. What matters is that some Christians of Thyatira were brazenly practicing sexual immorality in the name of “being tolerant.” This is the opposite situation of the Ephesian Christians, who had tested and rejected false teachers.
Verse 24 offers an important clue about this immoral teacher with immoral teachings. Satan’s so-called deep secrets. Cults and mystery religions flourished in the first century. A common feature was the promise that after a person was initiated, they would gain “deep secrets” or “special wisdom.”
The irony was that she who claimed to be God’s prophetess supplied only knowledge from hell. We must always be on guard not to be enticed away from the simple teachings of the gospel. Remember, if it sounds to good to be true, it isn’t true.
We don’t know how long the Lord gave Jezebel to repent of her immorality, but just like her counterpart in the Old Testament, she hardened her heart. She was unwilling.
Jesus always extends his mercy, time to repent. But that time is not indefinite. As punishment, she will be thrown onto a bed of suffering. How fitting that the one who was making the body of Christ in Thyatira sick, should be struck down in her own body.
Command vs 22b-25
Jesus addresses three kinds of persons associated with the congregation and has a word for each one. He repays each according to their deeds.
First are those who commit adultery with her. Most scholars agree that this does not mean that Jezebel opened a brothel, but that church members were falling for her teaching, thus causing them to compromise their spiritual and moral values.
They faced intense suffering unless they repented.
The second group mentioned is her children. Again, most scholars agree that this is not literal, but refers to those who had wholly committed themselves to Jezebel’s doctrines. She had become their spiritual mother, and they would face the same severe consequences, unless they to repented.
Third, Jesus spoke to the rest of you in Thyatira. These are the faithful believers who do not hold to her teachings. Christ is so pleased with them that he will not impose any other burden. They are to hold on to what you have until I come.
There is a tendency today to accept degrading moral standards. It is easy to go with the flow, especially if other Christians are doing it.
The second law of thermodynamics says that something will degenerate if there is no outside force to spawn towards a constructive direction.
Unless you and I allow God to intervene, we will devolve towards the standards around us rather that go against the flow.
Through out the New Testament we are urged to remain faithful to the simple truths and moral standards of the gospel. There is no need to look for some fanciful new teaching.
Commitment vs 26-29
Jesus directs a special word to the one who overcomes and does my will to the end. This is the only instance where overcoming is defined in the specific terms of doing His will. We must follow the example of Jesus who did his Father’s will to the end, even to the cross.
Up until now all he promises to the overcomers had to do with eternal life:
* Ephesus - eating from the tree of life
* Smyrna - crown of life
* Pergamum - hidden manna, white stone
Now for the Thyatirans there is some indication of what overcomers will be doing as they enjoy eternal life.
In 1:6 believers are called a kingdom and priests. Now this is expanded by the quotation from Psalm 2:9. Believers will share with Christ in the ruling of nations.
The full establishment of the kingdom of God, after Christ’s return, will require all the forces of evil to be subdued. Christ will rule with an iron scepter and dash them in pieces like pottery if they do not surrender.
A further reward of the overcomer is to receive the morning star. Morning stars appear only when night is over and a new day is a hand. The key to interpreting this saying is 22:16, where Jesus is called the bright Morning Star.
The reward is Christ himself, who will end the long night of sin’s rule in the universe.