Summary: The Challenge facing the church today is: IS THERE A PLACE FOR OUR CHILDREN IN MINISTRY? IS THERE A LAD HERE WITH GIFTS TO OFFER? IS THERE A GIRL HERE WHO HAS GIFTS TO OFFER? Well, let’s see as we approach our Target Text.

“I will give my voice to the Lord.

All the words I bring, all the songs I sing,

I will give them to the Lord.

I will give my hands to the Lord.

All the things they do will be good and true,

I will give them to the Lord.

I will give my heart to the Lord.

All the things I love are for Him above,

I will give them to the Lord.”

A.H. Wimmer

We Need To Talk! There is a statement made by Andrew in John 6:9 that I want to explore and explicate. In John 6:9, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, is on record as having said this:

“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?”

The New International Version translates this same verse thusly:

“Here is a Boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

From those words, I want to highlite this headline in our little chat.

“There Is A Lad Here” or

“A Child’s Ministry”

It appear to me that as the church has entered this New Millennium, It has finally grasped the meaning of the concept of “Ministry.” We no longer operate, for the most part, from the Departmental and Auxiliary Mentality. We now see the interrelatedness and interdependence of Service. I think I can report that we now think in terms of Teaching Ministry, Preaching Ministry, Equipping Ministry, Evangelistic Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Deacons’ Ministry, Music Ministry, Counseling Ministry and so forth. For the most part, we no longer try to “Departmentalize the Spirit” nor do we think in terms of “Auxiliarizing the Gifts of the Spirit.”

We are finally ministering To individuals. We have finally taken “the towel of service” [as the late Dr. Sandy Ray put it] and have begun to wash the feet of hurting humanity. For we are actively Taking the Gospel to the Streets of our Chocolate Cities and Vanilla Suburbs. We are actively finding homo-sapiens in their hurts and hopelessness and ministering to their needs. We minister “To” all with regard to race, creed, color or national origin. We minister “To” men, women, boys and girls. Yes, we are finally ministering TO individuals.

But we have not yet opened up ministry For all. We still lack a ministry “For” all. We have ministries “For Men” [Pastoral, Deacon, Stewards, Evangelists, Teachers, Prophets etc.]. We have ministries “For Women” [Preaching, Teaching, Witnessing, Counseling, Missionaries, Deaconness, etc.]. We have ministries “For Young Adults” [Singles’ Ministry, Teaching, Preaching, Evangelizing, Administrative, Counseling, etc.]. But there is yet a Ministry For Youths, For the Little Boys and Girls, For the Lads and Lassies! We still minister “To” them, but there is really not a Ministry For them in which they can minister to others!

Seeing this void, this oversight, the concern often expressed is: “We’ve got to find a way to get our young folk involved. We’ve got to find something for our youth and young people to do!” But, we think in terms of “Activities and Programs.” Car Washes, Lock-ins, Drill Teams, Praise Dance, Trips and Retreats, Fun and Games, Singing, Ushering, Boys and Girls Scouts and all kinds of clubs. Now don’t misunderstand me. These are fine as “Activities,” but they are not

“Ministry.” As it relates to our Lads and Lassies, we are still operating from a “Departmental and Auxiliary Mentality!”

Thus, we have these Generational Crises. The local church decreases in numbers and waxes weak in power and influence because we have trained our Kids FOR Auxiliary Activities and Departmental Decorum and not FOR MINISTRY! Over the years, we create a lust for “doing something” but not a love for “something vital and meaningful to do.” We create a lust for “Business” not a love for “the Business of Life,” which is Ministry!

Therefore, when our Kids mature into adulthood (for there will come a time when they must put away childish things) they will either Drop-Out of church temporarily or else remain attached to the “Organization” of the church but lack meaning and purpose for their lives, which only comes thru Ministry. At that time they will wonder: “Is this all to church membership cause if it is, I can do without this? Is this what salvation means, just rituals and routines?” Our numbers dwindle because they leave the local church visiting other churches and religions in search of meaning and purpose for their lives. All because we trained them for Auxiliary Activities and Departmental Decorum! But if we would train them now For Ministry, they can only wax stronger and stronger in grace and in the power of the Lord’s might; and thus, causing the church to do so as well.

So then, the Challenge facing the church today is: IS THERE A PLACE FOR OUR CHILDREN IN MINISTRY? IS THERE A LAD HERE WITH GIFTS TO OFFER? IS THERE A GIRL HERE WHO HAS GIFTS TO OFFER? Well, let’s see as we approach our Target Text.

Right away in our Text, we are confronted with A Problem. It seems like the Less you have the More Manifold are Your Problems. In today’s economy, a Little means a Lot of Problems. Little Education equal a Lot of Job Door Openings Closed. Little Insurance means Major Medical Problems. Little Money means Homelessness, Hunger and Mega Pain.

But yet I remind you that Every Miracle Began Upon the Platform of a Problem! I dare you to find a Miracle that did Not begin in a Problem. Water in Dry Places, Qualls and Manna in the Wilderness, Stilling the Sea, No Funds to Pay Creditors, Water into Wine; Lame Walking, Dumb Talking, Blind Seeing, Deaf Hearing, Demon-Possessed Freed, and even the Dead Raised ALL BEGAN UPON THE PLATFORM OF A PROBLEM! If we could ever see that, it would change our attitudes toward our Problems. Problems, Problems, Problems!

Problems are those situations engineered of God to bring us face to face with our Deficiencies so that we might view God’s Sufficiency as our Only Alternative. If then, our children are not trained For Ministry, we need to Acknowledge Our Problem. If not Trained for Ministry, they are Headed for Trouble.

I. So First, Let’s Consider THE PROBLEM.

This wasn’t a Little Problem! Here are thousands of folk and its dinner time. it’s a long way to the closest eating place and none of them had a delivery service. There are at least 5,000 men not counting women and children. BUT THERE’S NOTHING TO EAT!

The Problem simply stated is this: There is a Demand for which there is No apparent Supply. The Demand was Bread, and there was no apparent Supply; so that created a Problem. A demand and No Supply is not new or uncommon in the human experience. We come upon that situation all the time. We lose our Composure when our Supply of Patience is exceeded by the Circumstances which Demand our Patience. We become frustrated when our Love Supply is surpassed by the trying people who need and deserve our love. We weaken when our schedules and demands overwhelm our capacities. And many are the times when our Outgo exceeds our Income, both in money and other commodities. Yes, A Demand and No Supply is Not New or Uncommon to us.

We should realize from reading our Bible that we should Learn To Love Our Problems! For EVERY PROBLEM IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO TRUST THE LORD, AND WATCH HIM STEIP INTO OUR CIRCUMSTANCES TO REVEAL HIS GLORY. Yes, sometimes the Egyptians and Pharaohs of Oppression overtake and overwhelm us at some Red Sea of Impossibility. We look up only to discover that we are hemmed in on every side and we become terrified and cry unto the Lord. Then the Lord, in a still, small voice says to us: “Do not be afraid. Stand still and you will see the salvation of the Lord.” And He steps into the circumstance revealing His glory.

So you have run Out! Patience is gone. Love has decreased. Fatigue has overwhelmed you. Circumstances have demanded more than you can pay. And you find yourself bankrupt in more ways than one. You are fresh out! There is a great multitude and you can’t feed them. There is a need and you can’t meet it. There is a demand and you can’t supply it. You are without recourse and resource. You Have A Problem. Good! This is the Place To Start A Miracle! Your Problem is precisely where God chooses to begin the demonstration of the means of invading Your Poverty with His Plenty; Your Problem with His Ministry!

Once the Problem has been Acknowledged, the Possibilities can be addressed.

II. Hence Second, Let’s Consider THE PROBE OF THE POSSIBILITIES.

A part of the demonstration in this miracle centers around the Approach of Jesus to the Problem. He asked one of His disciples about the Prognosis (Prospect of Solution) of the Problem. In verse 5 Jesus said to Philip, “Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” The report was not encouraging. The situation was grave. The demand Outweighed the Supply. For in verse 7 Philip said: “Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little.” Or “Eight months’ wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite.” What Philip is really saying is: “Lord, its an impossible situation!” He introduced a Possibility so remote that it was out of the realm of reason. 200 pennyworth equaled 8 months’ wages, about $34.00. They certainly did not have that much! Possible but not Probable!

It is interesting that Jesus asked the question to prove or to test Philip. Jesus knew what was in Philip. The outcome of His question was known before He asked it. Perhaps the reason He asked it was to demonstrate Man’s Point of View as Opposed to God’s Point of View. Philip would represents Man’s. Jesus would represents God’s.

The Probe enlarged until all the disciples scrambled for Possibilities. They were like us. We are constantly looking over the scene for Human Possibilities, seeking to solve the problem with Our Own Resources. Finally in verses 8 and 9 Andrew comes with a Lad. Thus, Andrew bringing this Lad tells us that the Probe Reveals the Doorways!

And Doorways speak of Prospects!

III. So Third and Finally, Let’s Consider THE PROSPECT OF A CHILD’S MINISTRY.

We will have to admit that the Prospects Were Dim. Said Andrew: “There is a Lad here, which hath five barley loaves and two small fish: but what are they among so many?” Yes, the Prospects Were Dim, BUT GOD ALWAYS STARTS WITH SLIM PROSPECTS ON THE HUMAN SIDE.


From the perspective of Age, the Prospect was a Little Boy, A Youth between the Age of 6 and 12.

From the viewpoint of Social Position, the Prospect was Poor: 5 barley loaves and 2 fish.

But yet in relation to God, the Prospect was a SERVANT OF GOD.

a) A Child of the Covenant of Circumcision-Genesis 17:9-13. You are a Child of Promise under the Covenant of Grace.

b) Taught the Law-Deuteronomy 6:4-9.

c) Worshipper of God-Deuteronomy 16:1-8.



Here At Hand and Not There.

3. In This Place - Desert

a) Where we are

b) Among us - in our midst.




a) Five Barley Loaves

b) Two Small Fish

Yes, the Prospects were Slim but God always Starts with Slim Prospects on the Human Side. it’s a little insignificant seed that is sown but manifold are the results. That Little Lad and His Lunch comprise the seed to be sown. It isn’t much to start with, but Praise the Lord, we don’t have to stop where we started. In God’s economy the seed is important. Our faith is the sowing of the seed to expect a miraculous harvest.

Yes, LITTLE DOES BECOME MUCH WHEN YOU PLACE IT IN THE MASTER’S HANDS. Perhaps that why Jesus said, “Suffer the Little Children and forbid them not, to come unto Me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Children Have Had Ministries as it relates to the Kingdom of God.

Ishmael had a Prayer Ministry - Gen. 21:16-18.

Samuel had a Ministry of Helps - 1 Sam. 2:18. Mesarath: served, waited on as a servant; as a priest.

Children Have Had Prophetic Ministries

a) Samuel ; 1 Samuel 3:8,19-21

b) Jeremiah - Jeremiah 1:4-10

4. David Had A Ministry of Praise - 1 Samuel 16:23

5. David also Had A Ministry of Deliverance - 1 Sam 17:42-47