I Feel Like A Million Bucks
Psalm 30
Issues of today’s economy–consumer confidence index
-the value of the future is determined by the dollar of today.
I. Confidence Misplaced (vss 6-7a)
A. For The Psalmist
The psalmist had a high view of the future
"Look at how rich I am!"
-3 car garage
-an SUV and a Lexus
-outer suburban neighborhood
-good school district
-graduate education
-secure employment- senior executive with 15 years at the same company
-quality retirement plan
-exemplary portfolio -stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CD’s.
-excellent health
"God You’ve blessed me!" "I’m fixed for life!" "Nothing can happen to me!"
The psalmist is confident in his wealth, in his materialism
B. For Us
Securing -a future
-an education
-a retirement
II. Collapse Of The Bubble (vs7b)
Those who lost their jobs in the technology sector
-examples at Dell IT (Time Magazine, April 16, 2001, "What Jesus Saw:
Jerusalem Then And Now": "Inside A Layoff".)
-when terminal illness hits, Alzheimer’s–money is spent for health
"I was on top of the world and nothing could knock me off"
-blind sided
-Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-26)
vs 9 "What profit is there in my death,
if I go down to the Pit?
Will the dust praise You?
Will it tell of Your faithfulness?"
III. Confidence In Christ (vss 1-5, 11-12)
How can a person who has lost it all praise God?
Philippians 3:7-8 "But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord."
He realized what was of true value.
-He was on top of the world, He had it all
-but he had the bottom pulled out, and when he could no longer trust
what he once placed his confidence in he realized what
truly lasts forever.
"Heaven & Earth may pass away, but the word of our God stands forever!"
IV. Vision Cast For The District (Phillipians 3:8-11)
Our confidence must not be in buildings, or programs.
I can no more buy my way into heaven with works of righteousness than I can with money.
Let us not hold confidence in that which passes away.