Title: If God’s Not In It
Text: Exodus 33:11/I Sam. 9:27-10:1
Intro: God’s anointing is the most important part of our life. Why? Because If God is not in everything we do in life then it is destined for failure. Joshua and Saul both experienced the powerful anointing of God in their lives as young men. Joshua did not want to leave the presence of God. Saul not only anointed king but was also numbers as one of the prophets.
ILL. Joshua at Ai.
ILL. Saul looking for Fathers donkeys
I. The Anointing Makes the Difference
- Parallel Saul, Joshua
1. Both Great leaders
2. Both Chosen by God
3. Both Warriors with great victories
4. Both faced defeat in life
A. Joshua fail on face and sought God
Josh 7:6
6 Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the LORD, remaining there till evening. The elders of Israel did the same, and sprinkled dust on their heads.
B. Saul looked to witch of Endor
1 Sam 28:7
7 Saul then said to his attendants, "Find me a woman who is a medium, so I may go and inquire of her." "There is one in Endor," they said.
ILL. Three ministers were having a time of fellowship over lunch, when one of them said, "Brothers, we have had some wonderful hours of fellowship together - but I feel that our fellowship would be so much more complete if we were able to confess our SINS to one another."
The other two ministers agreed.
"I have to confess," said the first one, "that when the collection plates are placed in my office drawer, and when no one is around, I can’t resist the temptation of taking a fifty dollars note from the plate and slipping it into my pocket."
"Ahem," said the second one uneasily, "I must confess that I have a weakness for LIQUOR. In my bottom drawer I keep a bottle of rum - and as soon as my secretary goes home, I unlock the drawer and have a swig."
"My brothers," said the third minister, "I suppose I shouldn’t hold back either - for my weakness, you see, is GOSSIP! And boy, I can hardly wait to get out of HERE!"
C. Both Left Legacy
1. Joshua Died making a stand for God
2. Saul Died as Man the Rebelled against God
II. Receiving The Anointing
1. Desire a Fresh touch
Matt 7:7-8
7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
- Song “As the Deer panteth for the water” We must long after God.
ILL. Man went in search of God. Found a wise man and ask him how do I find God? The wise man told him to go down to the river with him and wade out 5 feet. As soon as the two were out five feet the wise man grabbed the other man and pushed him down and held him for 1 min. The man was fighting with all of his might. Finally the wise man let him up. The man was angry and shouted “Why did you do that?” The wise man said, “When you get to the place that you want God as bad as you wanted air that is when you will find Him.
- We must become desperate for God in our lives
2. Be willing to Sacrifice
a. God doesn’t just dispense His anointing at every whim.
b. If you want it you must go after it
c. Benny Hinn didn’t wake up one morning and decide to blow on folks and watch them fall down.
d. Oral Roberts didn’t just get up from his desk one day and say “I going to have a prayer line.
a. The anointing comes with a price
b. Time spent on your knees in the presence of God
c. Time pouring yourself into His word
d. Time devoted to service for His Kingdom
3. Don’t become complacent
a. We had a good service last week I can let stop now
b. I know all of the word I need
c. I have served my time in the church, I’m gonna set down for a while.
c. Be Diligent
Eph 5:18
18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.
III. Don’t settle for a Substitute
2 Chr 12:9-10
9 When Shishak king of Egypt attacked Jerusalem, he carried off the treasures of the temple of the LORD and the treasures of the royal palace. He took everything, including the gold shields Solomon had made.
10 So King Rehoboam made bronze shields to replace them and assigned these to the commanders of the guard on duty at the entrance to the royal palace.
- We cannot settle for a cheap substitute
1. In our services
a. Hyped up praise
b. Loud Preaching
c. Big named Evangelist
d. Programs
- None of these things can take the place of the power that comes from the anointing of God
ILL. Mom told me I was an o.k. preacher, not bad but not great. Then she said "that is good because you must rely on God and His anointing."
2. In our daily lives
a. Education
b. Status/Fame
c. Money
d. Materialist Things
Conclusion: If God is not in what every it is that you are doing then it is destined for failure. If God is not in our services then we are nothing more than a social club. We might as well change the name on the sign to “Lions Club”. If we are not going to move in the anointing we might as well close the doors. If we cannot give the hurting of this world something real from the throne of God, then we have nothing more than hollow words.
ILL. Jonathan Edwards Sermon, “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God.”
People were saved:
- Not because of the wonderful music
- Charismatic still of delivery
- It was because the man had spent hours and days on his face in the presence of God.