Luke 1:26-38
A. The Bible shows that God is looking for people to use
1. So, what kind of people does God use to build His Church„Ÿto build His Kingdom
B. Well, we do know that God chose to use Mary for a very special purpose„Ÿto bring His Son into the world and to be His mother
1. It is interesting to note that there was really nothing special about Mary
a. Not once in the Bible does it say we are to worship her
b. Does not say she was perfect or sinless
2. Why did God chose Mary?
a. Wasnft because of her education, because she didnft have any
b. Wasnft because of her wealth, because she was poor
c. Wasnft because she was mature, because she was just a teenager
3. Here is the reason„ŸGod chose Mary because she trusted God
a. She was as ordinary as you or I
b. God chose a plain ordinary peasant girl to become the mother of His child
c. Even though she was ordinary, God used her in an extra-ordinary way
d. This is what you need to understand„ŸGod wants to use you, too
ILL> Rick Warren
gIf youfll just get useable, God will wear you out.h
e. It is a real blessing when God uses you to bless the life of someone else
C. Too many times we allow our fears to keep us small
1. When we canft figure everything out„Ÿwhen we must rely on God
a. Too many times we are unwilling to take the step needed in order to allow God to bless
b. Too many times when God say gGOh we say gWHOAh
ILL> Carl Sagan passed away last week. He was known for his supposed knowledge of the solar system and to his dying day believed that the world is 4.3 billions of years old. He never believed in religion except for the moral standards that religion promotes. He said, gFaith is believing in something that you cannot prove.h He chose to believe that God does not exist.
Faith is more than that. Faith if believing in something that you cannot prove and going forward anyway.
c. Faith takes us beyond our fears
2. Do you think Mary was afraid of what was going to happen„ŸI do!
3. Fear of criticism
a. gWhatfs everybody going to think?h
b. gIfm a virgin and Ifm having a babyh
4. Fear of the supernatural
a. What will happen to me?
5. Fear of inadequacy
a. How can I handle this?
6. Fear of change
a. how will this change my life?
7. These are the same fears that can keep you from being used by God in 1997
a. What will people think if Ifm really committed to the Lord„Ÿwill they think Ifm some kind of Jesus freak or something?
b. What could I do? I canft do anything for God. Ifm inadequate
c. How is this going to change my life?
8. God tells you and I the same thing He told Mary
a. Do not be afraid
READ: Luke 2:26-38
A. God has a plan for your life„Ÿbut itfs not automatic
1. God never takes away your freewill
a. You have the right to waste your life and not make it count for anything
b. Do you have the desire to go to God and say, gI want to be what you want me to be.h
B. Try to imagine how Mary must have felt when an angel appeared too her and said, gMary, Godfs going to come to earth to show the world what Hefs like„Ÿand Hefs going to use you.h
1. Mary did not say...
a. gItfs not a good career choice.h
b. gCanft you get somebody else.h
c. gBut, God, Ifve got my goals, my dreams, my desires...h
2. Mary desired to do Godfs will
a. LUK 1:46-48
C. Do you want to be used by God?
1. Or do you want to do as little as possible to get by
a. Do as little as possible and still be called a Christian
2. We must desire Godfs will
a. David - PSA 40:8
I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart."
b. Paul - 2CO 5:9
So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.
3. Do you have to desire to know what Godfs will is for your life?
a. I believe that the reason that many people do not have a quiet time with the Lord is because they donft want to know Godfs will, His desires
b. LUK 2:19
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
c. It was on her mind
d. She had a habit of listening to God
D. What Do You Desire Most?
1. To get married?
a. To be financailly independent
b. To retire
c. To enjoy the easy life
2. These are not the ultimate purpose for life
A. While becoming a Christian is not difficult„Ÿliving out your responsibility as a Christian is
1. There is a price to be paid for your commitment to Christ
2. The closer you get to God and the more in tune you are with His will
a. The more it will cost you
b. There will be risks
c. It will require fiath into the unknown„Ÿof really putting your life into Godfs hands
3. Mary decided to take the risk
a. VS 38
B. What did it cost Mary?
1. Her reputation
a. She was a virgin, pregnant and engaged
b. gIfm single, Ifm pregnant, and the baby is going to be God.h
c. What if your fiance said, gIfm pregnant and youfre not the father, but God is.h
2. Fear of Rejection and Criticism
a. gShefs pregnant and neither one of them will admit it.h
C. Do you have the courage to say, gGod, what do you want me to do?h
1. Sometimes people will try to talk you out of your commitment
a. gWhy would you give so much to the church?h
b. gWhy do you spend so much time doing church stuff?h
ILL> Bill Kennedy - Worked in Radio and Television
Had a very good paying job working as a sales manager at a car lot, in his forties, when he was called into the ministry. He quit his job and took his family to Bible college.
ILL> Jerry and Debra - They have received a call into the full-time ministry. He has a good paying job, great benefits, but when God calls you go. People have tried to talk them out of it, but they are unwilling to say NO to God.
When God calls, you must be willing to take the risk„Ÿbe willing to put your faith in God and that He will provide.
2. Cost Mary her comfort
a. How would you like to be 9 months pregnant and take a jouney on the back of a donkey
b. It was her first child
c. She was in a strange city, had the baby in a barn, no family around
d. They fled to Egypt
3. Costs - LUK 14:27
And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
a. Mary - gHow can I raise a perfect child?h
œ Didnft have Dobson back them
b. Paul understood the cost - said it was worth far more than anything else in this life
4. What are you willing to give up?
a. Old habits
b. Relationships that are pulling you down
c. Cost you some of your dreams or your goals
A. We need to be people of faith
1. Courage does not mean that you arenft afraid
a. It means moving ahead in spite of your fears
b. It means facing your fears
c. Another word for courage - faith
2. Mary had questions„Ÿdoubts
a. LUK 1:34-35
b. VS 37
3. We tend to like to play it safe„Ÿhave everything figured out
a. We tend to like to play it safe spiritually, as well
4. Instead of panicking about the unknown, Mary praised God and worshiped Him
a. LUK 18:27
Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."
b. Think about this„ŸIf God can take a poor, uneducated, peasant girl and make her the mother of God, donft you think tat God can do something with your life, as well?
c. What can God do with this congregation if we step out on faith, realizing that nothing is impossible with God
A. So, let me ask you, what are you going to give to Jesus for Christmas
1. It is His birthday, you know
2. What doesnft God have?
a. After all, He has said, gall the silver and gold is mine.h
b. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
3. He doesnft have all of you unless you give it to Him.