Summary: A look at the end of the pentacostal sermon delivered by peter.

Text: Acts 2:36-39 Sean Smuts

Subject: Forgiveness

Theme: Divine Forgiveness "Who? Why? How?"

Introduction: A lot has been said about forgiveness...

"For the American people are a very generous people and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible exception of stupidity." - Will Rogers

"Children begin by loving their parents. After a time they judge them. Rarely, if ever do they forgive them." - Oscar Wilde

"...Thou Shalt Not Ask Forgiveness for Thy Transgressions, Rather Thou Shalt Demand Amnesty for Them." - Spiro T. Agnew

"...there is a wide political applicability in the remark attributed to a famous Texan, to the effect that he might, in the end, pardon a man who shot him on purpose, but that he would surely never forgive one who did so accidentally." - Teddy Roosevelt


1.Jesus’ Ascension



4.Pentecostal Sermon

5.Explain a little about speeches in Acts

Proposition: We can all receive divine forgiveness.

T.S. We can all receive divine forgiveness by applying the answers to the questions of the passage.

I.Why? (vs.36)

1....Whom you Crucified!

(illust.) "The Hammer" by Ray Boltz

2.Peter knows this – The reinstatement of Peter (Jn. 21:15-19)

3.Application: (illust.) "Feel The Nails" by Ray Boltz

II.How? (vs.37-38)

1....Whom you Crucified!

(illust.) "He Chose The Nails" by Max Lucado

2.Peter knows this – The life of Christ (vs. 22-24)

3.Application: (illust.) Lucado, He Chose The Nails, 8-9

III.Who? (vs.39)

1.It is for all people (vs.17-18 young; old; men; women; master; servant)

(illust.) My salvation experience

2.Peter knows this – Peter’s Calling (Matt. 4:18-20)

3.Application: (illust.) Lucado, He Chose The Nails, 115

Conclusion: Therefore, we can all receive divine forgiveness by embraceing th answers to the questions of Acts 2:36-39

Marshall, The Prayers of Peter Marshall, 21