“Abigail: A Hidden Hero”
1 Samuel 25
Scripture is jam packed with men and women of great character. Who should we select as our models? We could choose any of the people listed in Hebrews 11. All the ones listed in the “Hall of Faith” are those whose integrity sparkles like a star in the sky. But today I would like us to take different approach to this. I think we ought to look at some lesser-known heroes of the faith. Those whose character fueled the fire of the better-known heroes of the faith. I want us to find those hidden heroes, without whose inspiration the greater lights may have faded away. I want us to search for the people behind the celebrities; as in David’s case, a woman who showed great discernment by the name of Abigail.
I. Let’s take a look at some background information to properly set the stage for Abigail’s story.
A. The prophet Samuel has anointed David King of Israel, but the crown is still sitting on the head of his jealousy adversary Saul.
1. David’s face is appearing in all the post offices in the nation as he tops Saul’s most wanted list.
2. David and his army of misfits numbering around 600 are on the run moving from hideout to hideout.
3. David and his mighty men move to the wilderness of Paran.
B. David and his men begin policing the area protecting the farmers and their flock in hopes of being able to scratch out a living.
1. No contracts are signed but they work hard to protect the farms in the area.
2. At shearing time the farmers would gather the sheep to shave off their profits.
3. The farmers would also share food and profits with volunteer police to pay them for their services.
4. The villain in our story is a tight fisted miser by the name of Nabal who refused to pay.
II. Time to get acquainted with the main characters of our story.
A. Nabal’s reputation like his vast herd, spread throughout the countryside.
1. His own servants considered him to be worthless.
2. Even his name speaks volumes about him since it means fool.
3. Nabal was self willed, greedy and angry; you would expect him to be married to someone much like himself.
4. However, his wife Abigail is very much the opposite.
B. Abigail is a woman who is as wise as her husband is a fool.
1. Abigail as we will see displays the rare quality of discernment.
2. Discernment is the ability to read people and situations and act according to what’s best.
3. A discerning person must be approachable, realistic, well organized and trustworthy.
4. All of these traits shine beautifully in Abigail’s character.
C. Then we have David, a person who really needs little introduction.
1. David and his men are forced to live in the wilderness in tents.
2. Definitely not the kingly life he imagined when Samuel anointed him king over Israel.
3. David is hungry, dirty and tired; he literally feels like a hunted animal.
4. Now consider Nabal’s blatant selfishness hitting David’s short fuse of frustration head on.
III. Natural conflicts and their discerning solutions.
A. The conflict between a wife and her husband.
1. Imagine if you will, Abigail’s life with Nabal; two people who are complete opposites.
2. Nabal reacts with prideful emotion; Abigail responds with God-centered discernment.
3. He thinks of only himself, she considers everyone involved.
4. Fortunately for Nabal, Abigail stays with him regardless.
B. The development of conflict between David and Nabal.
1. It’s shearing time and David sends ten of his men to collect their well-deserved payment from Nabal for services rendered.
2. Having sent the message to Nabal the ten men wait patiently for his response.
3. Nabal thinks nothing snubbing David and insulting his men.
4. David’s short fuse is lit and his anger burns against Nabal.
5. Meanwhile back at the ranch a loyal servant let’s Abigail know of Nabal’s foolish actions.
C. Abigail begins to try to head of the conflict with David.
1. Abigail could have thought, “Wow, God works in mysterious ways, I hope my husbands passing will be quick and painless.
2. Abigail considers the consequence of David’s rash actions.
3. Abigail prepares a feast for David’s men and then rides off to intercept them.
4. Not only does Abigail show discernment she shows great courage.
D. The results of Abigail’s use of discernment.
1. Abigail shows great diplomacy and tact.
a. She calls herself David’s maidservant six times.
b. She calls David my lord, fourteen times.
2. She shows humility by interceding on the behalf of her husband without excusing his foolishness.
3. With her gift in hand, she affirms her loyalty to David and to his best interests.
4. She displays her faith in God by taking care of the future king of Israel.
5. David realizes that Abigail has just saved him from making a terrible mistake.
6. Abigail realizes that she had just saved her husbands neck and she would receive no word of thanks, she would have to trust God for her reward.
7. The Lord vindicates both Abigail and David when struck Nabal down.
8. We have a story of courage and grace that ends romantically with Abigail becoming David’s wife.
IV. Learning the value of discernment for our own lives.
A. Abigail may be one of Scripture’s lesser lights, but without her actions one of Scriptures greater lights, David may have been dimmed forever.
1. Abigail receives a great reward for her faith, courage and discernment.
2. Abigail shows us some sound principles about discernment to apply to our lives.
B. Where there is discernment there will be no need for a great show of strength.
1. A soft touch on the wrist or a timely word spoken in love will prevent most foolish actions.
2. Gentle answers not fiery debates or manipulative tactics truly do turn away wrath.
3. Abigail’s story is definitely proof of this fact.
C. Where there is discernment, wisdom is rewarded with relief from above.
1. At this moment you may think that you have every right to even the score with someone who has harmed you.
2. With the Lord’s strength we need to resist that urge.
3. We need to let the Lord help us out of the pit of destruction and set our feet on the solid ground of discernment.
4. Step back and see and take a look at those people who has wronged you:
a. How important are these people to you?
b. How important are these relationships to you?
c. How important is your relationship to God to you?
5. Is revenge worth more to you than any of the things we just mentioned?
6. God has great plans for your life; don’t destroy them for a brief moment of satisfaction.
D. We need to begin to model in our lives the qualities of discernment in our lives to be effective servants for the Kingdom.
1. It takes great courage to be an Abigail.
2. Perhaps you know someone that is on a collision course with disaster, or maybe you are.
3. Step back and look at the situation, could this be a place where discernment is needed?
4. Revenge is not always as sweet as the world thinks.
Two boys were playing in the snow one day, when one said to the other, "Let us see who can make the straightest path in the snow." His companion readily accepted the proposition, and they started. One boy fixed his eyes on a tree, and walked along without taking his eyes off the object selected. The other boy set his eyes on the tree also, and, when he had gone a short distance, he turned, and looked back to see how true his course was. He went a little distance farther, and again turned to look over his steps. When they arrived at their stopping place, each halted and looked back. One path was true as an arrow, while the other ran in a zigzag course. "How did you get your path so true?" asked the boy who had made the crooked steps. "Why," said the other boy, "I just set my eyes on the tree, and kept them there until I got to the end; while you stopped and looked back and wandered out of your course." This is a perfect picture of the Christian life. If we fix the eyes of our hope, our trust, and our faith upon Jesus Christ, and keep them continually fastened thereon, we will at last land at the desired haven, with flowers of immortal victory at our feet.