Summary: This sermon deals with vain worship.

How Are You Worshiping God?

ISAIAH 1:10-20

I am amazed at the vain worship that takes place today in our modern churches. It seems to me that many people come to church to be seen, or to pay God his dues, as if that were possible. Many people come to church because it’s their family church.

What I mean is that’s where they have been going all their life, and it’s nothing more than a religious act.

Some people have been raised in church all of their lives, and they still don’t know anything about worshiping God in truth and in spirit.

Most know the act of worship, but their heart is far from it. For many, church is a routine, we sing amazing grace, pass the plate, and preach for a minute, give an alter call, and church is over till next week. The problem with all this is; if your heart is not in your worshiping than your worship is in vain, and will be rejected by God.

Lets take Cain and Able for an example. Able offered a sacrifice of innocent blood as God required, and his sacrifice was accepted. Cain on the other hand offered the works of his on labor to God as a sacrifice, and his was rejected.

God calls for his believers to worship him from their heart. God has never liked vain religious activity, which brings us to our passage of scripture in Isaiah 1:10-20.

(V10) Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; listen to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah!

Lots of things have changed since this passage was written, but a lot of things are still the same. We still refuse to hear the word of the Lord. We as professing Christians, act a lot like the rulers of Sodom, and the people of Gomorrah. How you ask? Let’s read on.

(V11) “The multitude of your sacrifices—what are they to me?” says the Lord. “ I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.

So many today are doing acts of worship to try to gain favor with God. It’s in vain!! God does not want your heartless sacrifices! They are nothing to Him; people have been trying to please God with different types of worship ever since the fall of man. Can I tell you He is not pleased with our man made religion?

(V12)When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts?

God says who has asked this of you? Who told or taught you to do these vain things. Do you not know that you mock God when you vainly worship Him?

It is my observation that we like to refer to God as our best friend, rather than the King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords.

O well God will forgive me if it’s wrong, after all we live under grace anyway. This makes me sick! We as His people should be seeking His face, His guidance, most importantly HIS WAY!!!

I believe most people feel their worship is not what it should be. Most say well if God wants something different He will let me know. Well guess what, He is letting you know!! Right here in this passage of scripture.

(V.13) Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incenses is detestable to me New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations I cannot bear your evil assemblies.

God declares STOP this meaningless Worship!

Why is it that we think we know how to please God when we won’t even listen to Him? We are such a foolish people. We are worse than the people of Sodom, and Gomorrah. We have God’s word with us we have even read their story and we still refuse to listen to God.

(v.14) Your New moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them.

Do you know that God’s so-called people are the ones who are making these new moons and festivals?

God says his soul hates these activities. Why? Because it is not what God requires of us!!

Do you remember the great conversation that Jesus had with the woman at the well? When Jesus said that God wanted us to worship in truth and in spirit.

I believe GOD would rather have 5 minutes of true worship than 5 hours of phony religion.

It amazes me how many times we gather together “in Jesus’ name” Yet Jesus is never the topic of the conversation. Have you ever noticed that it’s ok to talk about God as long as the name Jesus is not brought up? Truly He is an offence to this world.

Everyone wants to worship God, but no one wants to worship God the way He wants to be worshiped.

We so called Christians today are just like the people of Judah. We have leaders and religion, yet we are wrong in our worship. God says He is weary of our vain worship.

( V.15) When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood;

Have you ever felt like no one is listening when you pray? Perhaps it is because the same hands that you are worshiping God with are full of blood.

Even after we are saved we still want to live the way we want, with no regard to the LORD. Then in times of trouble we run to Him and almost demand an answer, ‘In Jesus’ name’. How foolish we are.

(v.16) Wash and make yourself clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight!! Stop doing wrong, (17) learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.

You may ask how can I wash myself, and make myself clean? The only way to be clean is the blood of Jesus. The only way to take your deeds out of the sight of God is to accept His salvation plan; which is Christ and him crucified. Jesus’ death on the cross paid your sin dept. If you will trust in His finished work then you will be saved, your sins forgiven.

How shall you learn to do what is right? By getting a heart transplant, what I mean is that when you accept Jesus as lord He will begin to transform you.

In your heart you will know what is right and wrong, and through the power of the Holy Spirit you can overcome the wrongs in your life. You will want to do the things listed in v. 17.

Here is what I love about our GOD.

(V.18) “Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow, though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.(19) If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land;

You know GOD doesn’t owe us one thing, yet while we were yet sinners he still loves us and wants fellowship with us.

God says take heed, or listen to me hear my words lets reason together. God will save you, he will forgive the sin dept no matter how bad it seems.

Even if its as deep as scarlet, God will make you white as snow. Do you know that so many people believe that they have been so bad that God would not want them? They tell me all the time you just don’t know what I have done Brother Greg. I always tell them “No you don’t know what I’ve done” Yet I stand redeemed before you today, because of what God has done for me!

Do you not know that is why he came, was to save the lost? Jesus said I did not come for people who were found, but those who were lost. My friend Jesus is looking for you. He desires to make you white as snow. God wills that all would be saved. The question becomes will you listen to the Lord? Will you accept his plan of salvation?

If you choose to go on living your life in vain let me show you your future.

(v.20) But if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the lord has spoken.

Sometimes the word of the Lord seams harsh, but sometimes we need a hard look at reality to see what God wants from us. God is a God of love, but He is also Holy and Just and he will punish sin. Jesus has already paid the price for the sins of those who will believe in Him.

My question to you is have you accepted Gods sacrifice for sin, or do you have your own plan, your own meaningless offerings, incense, new moons, Sabbaths and assemblies?

Brother Greg