Summary: Fellowship with God is a matter of letting that which comes from him, rather than the world system, define how we live.

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Unless otherwise indicated all scripture is quoted from the New Living Translation of the Bible.

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Several people have commented about the fact that they are finding the book of 1st John to be extremely timely and thought-provoking. I agree. Sometimes when we’re looking at the Bible we’re storing information for application at a later time. Here we’re looking

at a message that is very applicable to where most of us are in our lives right now.

The theme of 1st John, of course, is glue ¨C fellowship or bonding with God -- and subsequently, each other.

Last Sunday we looked at two tests or indicators that demonstrate the state of our fellowship with God ¨C obedience and love.

Soon we’re going to look at a third indicator -- but in 1 John 2:12-17 the apostle digresses from his argument momentarily ¨C so he can encourage his readers.

He realizes that he’s come across quite strongly in the preceding section and he wants to make sure that we are not discouraged. John is saying here ¨C "So your test scores are a bit on the weak side -- Maybe you don’t score as high in love and obedience as you think you should. Well listen closely --"

Starting at verse 12 ¨C "I am writing to you, my dear children, because your sins have been forgiven because of Jesus. [13] I am writing to you who are mature because you know Christ, the one who is from the beginning. I am writing to you who are young because you have won your battle with Satan. [14] I have written to you, children, because you have known the Father."

John is saying, be encouraged! Whether you’re a child in the faith or an old man there is cause for encouragement in the work of Christ and in the fact that you are experiencing victories over the devil.

You, ordinary Christians -- you know Christ, you have a strong faith, his word or will abides in you, and thus you got da devil on da run -- or more properly as he says in verse 14, "You have won your battle with Satan."

Yet the mention of Satan ¨C the "evil one" here, throws the apostle back into the cautioning mode. He’s like a pendulum ¨C swinging back and forth.

Oh, you’re doing such a good job in walking with Christ. You’re defeating the devil.

But then in verse 15 he swings back to cautioning his readers. "Stop loving this world and all that it offers you..."

Well wait a minute here. This sounds rather peculiar. When you think about it, it doesn’t really seem to make much sense.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it the false teachers -- John’s opponents -- who are trying to not love the world?

Remember, they’re the ones who say that there are two sides to life the material and the spiritual. And your goal in life should be to divorce yourself from the material world -- to get caught up in the spiritual to such a degree that the physical material realm becomes moot -- irrelevant -- unimportant.

When I was doing campus ministry I once had a conversation with a student who had joined a cult called The Way. And I remember him telling me that since he was forgiven by Christ that the forgiveness extended in such a way that he could do whatever he wanted in the physical side of life. He could sin as much as he wanted and it didn’t matter because the victory had been won spiritually and that’s what really counted.

I suspect that he and his cronies were modern equivalents to what John was dealing with in the last decade of the first century.

They are all people who have little regard for the physical side of life. It’s unimportant to them. So in a sense they don’t love it.

Verse 15, which says, "Stop loving this world", seems even more baffling when you remember that in the third chapter of the Gospel of John it says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son..."

And by the way, John uses the same Greek words in here in chapter 2 as are used in John 3:16 ¨C agape or love and cosmos or world.

If we’re to be walking as God does (vs. 6) how come God loves the world and we don’t -- or at least shouldn’t?

The clarification which follows in verses 16-17 I think will show you that even though he uses the same words, he’s not really talking about the same thing.

Nor is John is aligning himself with the false teachers who are indifferent to the world. They were so indifferent to it that they were easily sucked into it -- which seems to be John’s point.

The world of which John speaks in 1 John 2 is the world which vacuums people into it’s corrupt system of operation. In John 3:16 the writer is talking about us as the victims of that system. That’s why he can use the same word.

Think of it this way -- "For God so loved the victims of the world system that he gave his only son."

He’s talking about people -- about humanity -- in its

desperate and fallen state. But in 1 John 2 he is talking about that which leads us to our desperation. The world which we are to avoid loving at all cost is

really the world system.

No, he’s not talking about some kind of political plot

by the Nazi’s, commies, the radical Muslims, or the Luminati. He’s talking about a world system that transcends individual movements because it is the system of the evil one -- of which John mentions in verses 13 & 14.

I know that this all sounds complicated but sometimes the Bible is complicated. Let me put it another way, the world system, of which John speaks in 1 John 2, is everything that is hostile or contrary to Christ and what he’s doing in the world.

And in case we’re still missing the point John gives us

in verse 16 three pretty comprehensive examples of the world as he sees it -- the big three!

The first characteristic of the world that he identifies is the DESIRE OF THE FLESH.

1 John 2:16 (ESV) -- "For all that is in the world ¡ª the desires of the flesh..."

The flesh, as used here, isn’t a reference to the physical body, per se -- but to our corrupt nature.

And of course, our first inclination is to identify the desire of the flesh with sexual sin -- which is correct. But it’s more. It’s anything that has to do with a sensual orientation -- gluttony, materialism, love of pleasure and luxury, stinginess...

William Barclay says, "To be subject to the flesh’s desire is to judge everything in this world by purely material standards. It is to live a life dominated by the senses."

These are the lenses through which we see everything.

The NLT renders verse 16 ¨C ¡°For the world offers only the lust for physical pleasure...¡±

A few summers ago we visited the Amish community of Shipshewana, Indiana -- all of these people in out-dated clothes driving around in horse-drawn buggies --

trying to ignore us tourists who come to see if they’re for real.

It’s wonderful camping out at night and hearing the clip-clop of the horses as they go down a nearby road and cross the bridge. There is something soothing about it.

Well, at least part of the Amish rationale for the television-, radio-, and electricity-free existence they’ve chosen for themselves is to resist the cultural drive toward the desire of the flesh -- the drive for new and more comfortable -- new and more entertaining -- new and more enticing.

And while I consider them strange and less than consistent in how they apply their rationale ¨C at least they’ve drawn the line somewhere. At least they are trying to resist the world -- which is more than what most of us are doing.

We don’t even question the things which drive us -- the desire for new electronic toys and cars -- the biggest -- most powerful we can afford. (By the way, you can expect to see a new wave of WWJD stuff over the next few months. What Would Jesus Drive?)

We know we can’t have it all but we gladly take what we can get without even questioning what attracts us to them.

Well it’s the desire of the flesh, says John.

Secondly, Johns says of the world, there is THE DESIRE OF THE EYES.

This is the sin of covetousness and concern over appearances. The desire to keep up with the Jones -- but more so to flaunt your success at doing so.

The desire of the eyes is preoccupation with status, reputation, social position, academic level, image, glamour -- sometimes subtle sometimes not.

To have a prestigious university sticker on the car window almost makes up for the fact that it’s a Buick and not a BMW. Sometimes it’s manifest in the number of HONOR STUDENT BUMPER stickers that we slap on the back of our cars -- or in the visible way we carry

the latest cell phones.

You get the point -- the desire of the eyes -- the desire for appearance is manifest in numerous and varied ways -- as is the PRIDE OF RICHES, the third of the big thre characteristics of the world.

This is kind of a tricky characteristic to translate.

¡ö The NLT calls it "pride in our possessions."

¡ö The NAS has this as the boastful pride of life.

¡ö The NIV -- "the boasting of what he has and does"

¡ö W. Barclay -- "life’s empty pride"

The word that John uses here is alazon -- which scholars say means pretentious braggart.

Theophrastus, the Greek philosopher of the third century BC says that an Alazon is a person who stands at the dock and boasts of the number of ships he has out at sea.

He talks of his powerful friends -- and details for anyone who’ll listen his charitable and social contributions.

He lives in a rental house but talks of buying a bigger house to go with his lavish style of entertaining.

His conversation is a continual boasting about things which he doesn’t really have. And all of his life is spent on trying to impress everyone he meets with his own non-existent importance.

This is the PRIDE OF RICHES ¨C trying to make yourself out to be more important than you really are. It is not rightful pride over the fact that you’ve done your best and you are doing well. It is pride that seeks to prove your superiority over everyone else and which is so desirous of doing so, that it is willing to fudge a little or even a lot to make the point.

Why would someone feel compelled to such behavior? Well, it’s the pressure of trying to compete in the world ¨C the pressure of trying to be someone in a system which only gives points to those who prove themselves.

All of the big three are naturally a part of competing in the world system. And they’re not uncommon. We encounter braggarts in most every office and classroom. We are tempted at most every commercial break to feed the desires of the eyes. And our entire culture from Body Beautiful to Baskin Robbins encourages us to indulge our hedonistic desires.

It is just a part of living in the world! And that’s John’s point. These are a part of the world system. So we aren’t to let them define us, says John. Rather we’re to let the things which come from God define how we live our lives.

Fellowship with God is a matter of letting that which comes from him rather than the world system define how we live. (Key point)

Verse 16 ¨C "For the world offers only the lust for physical pleasure, the lust for everything we see, and pride in our possessions. These are not from the Father. They are from this evil world."

There is a certain irony in this whole matter.

John’s opponents were claiming to be so spiritual that they left the material physical world in the dust. But John is saying that in their so called "indifference" to it -- they were actually being sucked into it.

The more they denied any alignment with the world the more they are, by their lies, a part of it. The more they deny their sin the more they sin.

That’s just the deceptive way of the world system -- a system which true believers disavow for two reasons -- two reasons to avoid manifestations of the world.


Verse 16 again -- "For the world offers only the lust for physical pleasure, the lust for everything we see, and pride in our possessions. These are not from the Father. They are from this evil world."

The forementioned manifestations of the world system ¨C the big three have their originals somewhere other than in God. And if they are other than in God why do we want to mess with them?

I used to know some guys who rebuilt VW bugs as a hobby. And they’d use nothing but stock parts in their cars -- original Bosch parts. Their goal was to have the most complete VW bug possible. And when they sold their cars they made big bucks because they had become classics.

I too had a VW bug. But I was too cheap to use original parts. I always got the cheap imitations made in Brazil. Consequently my car was a beater. And when it finally died I think we got something like 300 bucks for it.

The source of what we put into our lives helps define the value of who we are. How can we say that pleasing God is the #1 priority in our lives -- living for him being in fellowship with him ¨C and then going about installing a bunch of cheap imitation parts -- parts which have nothing to do with him ¨C which don’t really meet the manufacturer’s specifications and which eventually turn us into beaters?

JOhn says, accept no substitutes for the real thing -- especially the Big Three! To do so is to devalue yourself.

The second reason for rejecting the manifestations of the world is THEIR OBSOLESCENCE.

In spite of initial appearances they are old fashioned. They are a part of a bygone era.

1 John 2:17 ¨C "And this world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever."

How many of you when you recently moved into your new homes went down to the store and bought a rotary phone?

No, that would be absurd ¨C just as absurd as letting the big three outmoded characteristics drive your life.

They belong to another era ¨C the pre-cross era ¨C which is passing away. Sure there are still manifestations of the old era -- dangerously so -- just as there are a few rotary phones still in use.

But the era to which these things belong is dead -- closed at Easter. And eventually they will all disappear from the face of the earth.

But those who do the will of God live forever -- eernal energizer bunnies. They just go on and on --never ending, never outdated, never ceasing.

With which era and which source are you aligning your life? Are you in fellowship with God or are you in fellowship with the world?

This is what it all boils down to doesn’t it? You can’t have it both ways.

I flew over the Grand Canyon on my way back from Chicago on Thursday -- beautiful.

And I was reminded of a story ¨C a parable which Christine Fleming Heffner told.

There was a politician known for his ability to keep the admiration (and the votes) of the people on both sides of any question. He’d made a career of well-timed fence sitting.

One summer he joined a party of sight-seers at the Grand Canyon. And while they stood there looking our over that beautiful wonder -- an argument developed.

One tourist claimed that the view from the north rim was more spectacular and the other tourist argued that the south rim was more fabulous.

The politician’s friend turned to him as they overheard the argument -- he pointed to the canyon -- and said -- "I’d like to see you straddle that."

The world is full of people who try to make a life out of straddling fences. Even the churches are full of them ¨C people who try to have the best of both worlds, who try to be at home in the world and at the same time at ease in Christianity.

They don’t totally reject Jesus but they don’t wholly accept him either. They want to love God for all that they’ve heard he’s done for them -- but they would also love the world system for all that it appears to offer. They admire Jesus very much but they won’t surrender to him.

They would straddle the fence between fellowship with God and fellowship with the world and its way of looking at life.

The trouble is -- there isn’t any fence. There is just a canyon.

Let’s pray: Take a short time to simply listen for God speaking to your heart. Assume that he has something to say to you about your life. Listen for the still small voice of his Holy Spirit.

God, for too long we have failed to take you and your exclusivity seriously. We’ve tried to play both ends against each other to come out with the best deal for ourselves. We’ve been trying to play you -- to be in charge and to pick from the smorgasbord which best pleases us at any given moment. Sometimes it is beneficial to appear as your devout followers and other times it seems beneficial to appear as just another ordinary person in the world. Deep inside, though, we know that there are boundaries to such attempts and that we’re trying to stretch an impossible chasm. This is why we would choose now to mark this day as the day when we decide that we’re going to be serious about fellowship with you and about rejecting the world system. From this day forward we, and I say this speaking for all of us who would make such a commitment, want to live for fellowship with you. For you alone are worthy -- the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus demonstrate that -- and to you alone we look for the strength and energy needed to love you and not the world. To you alone we look. Amen.