Summary: A semon about having faith that what you give to God (money, time, talents, etc....) will be used to glorify his kingdom

Would you give God your lunch?

John 6:1-13

I am going to talk about giving this morning. Now don’t get up and walk out, I know a brand new youth pastor giving his first sermon in church doesn’t need to start telling the congregation how they need to give more money, so that is not what I am going to do. I am going to talk to some of you about giving more of yourself to the lord, and if there are some who aren’t giving any of yourself, then I am going to talk to you about giving some of yourself to the lord.

Now, as you know we had charge conference here last week, and something Brent said in that meeting struck a nerve with me. He said, we had about reached our peak as far as growing, unless…..did you get that unless, we have more people in the church willing to help. See if you have 300 in a church, which is about what we run on Sundays then you need far more than 10 or 12 people in the church helping to do things.

That is like me going to a fitness center and watching people work out when I know that I need to be in their working out with them, and I do need to work out and get in shape. See, it is like Brent said in service last week, a lot of us like to come to church just to be here and to “PLAY” church, when we really need to come here and take part in church so we can get something out of it.

Some of you are an active part of this ministry, and others are still sitting on the sidelines wishing there was something to do. Well there are lots to do, so lets get out there and get our hands dirty. If you are not serving in some fashion of this ministry, then I promise you that the church can use you in some way.

Lets look at Mark 10:43-45

Now, look at those lasts words Jesus says here, “not to be served, but to serve.”

When you look at that statement you are looking at what the ministry of a church is all about, Ministry is simply using your time, your talents, and your resources to serve others. So, this is what I was talking about when I was talking about giving, I was talking about the giving of yourself to help God’s kingdom grow.

Now your sitting there saying to yourself, “Why are you talking to be about the ministry of this church, I am not the minister, that is Brent’s job, or that is your job”

Now, you know what, that is the kind of thinking, the kind that thinks only me, or only Brent, or only us and certain leaders of the church are suppose to give of themselves is wrong. We are all, not just a few, but all are called to be ministers for God! We are all supposed to get off the bench and get into the game to help.

Why are you supposed to do that?

First of all because God says that is what we are suppose to do. There are many places in the Bible that says we should use what we have to glorify God.

Secondly, because we have been chosen too.

Just think about this for a second, you have been chosen by God to be apart of his family. God has given each and everyone one of you certain gifts and certain talents that can only be used to do, what only you can do! He placed you in this time, in this community, in this ministry for a reason. What is that reason?

Thirdly, because you have been gifted. Each and every one of us has a special or unique gift that can be used to glorify the kingdom of God. A gift that can be used to help the kingdom of God grow. What is that gift you have?

Now that I have you thinking about what you can do to help this church, I will bet there are some of you sitting there saying, What I have to give can not be used by God to help this church.

Can I let you in on a little secret, he can I guarantee?

Let me show you how God can use so little to do so much!

How many of you know the only miracle that is recorded in all four gospels, if you do, then good, if not let me share it with you.

There was a little boy who’s friend told about this great man that was hanging out down by the sea, and that there were a lot of people their to see him, because he was teaching them great things, and he was healing the sick, and making the blind to see, and he asked if he wanted to go with him down to the sea side and see what all was going on.

Of course he did, so he ran in and asked his mom if he could go, and she said “sure”, but before you leave let me pack your lunch. So the little boy’s mom packed him a lunch to take with him, and since he had a friend going she thought she better pack enough for two, then she put in their lunch sack 2 small fish and 5 small loaves of bread, and gave it to him, and they sit off to the seaside to see this great man.

When they got there the place was covered with people, there was at least 5000 people their, they could not believe all the excitement. Then about that time a man came around looking to see who had food, and the little boy said “Mister I have 2 small fish and 5 loaves of bread that you can have.” So the man took them and gave them to this great man, and everyone was then told to sit down, that it was time to eat. With that Jesus took the 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish, and broke them and gave thanks. Then the disciples starting passing out food, and when everyone was full, they picked up 12 baskets of leftovers.

Now do you think that this little boy would have ever thought that his lunch would feed five thousand, of course not, but when what he had was given to the Lord, it was then used to glorify him.

If God can take what I could have used to make 2 fish sandwiches and feed 5 thousand what can he do with what I have to offer?

I promise you that he can do a lot, but I bet there of some of you sitting their saying, Yeah but that was then, stuff like that don’t happen anymore, shoot nothing like that has happened in a couple thousand years.

Well, let me tell you a more modern miracle then:

What do you think can be accomplished with a mere .57 cents and the love of God, you say not much, well let me just share with you.

One day there was a sobbing little girl standing near a church from which she had just been turned away because it was suppose to be too crowded.

“I can’t go to Sunday school,” she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by. Seeing her shabby, dirty appearance the pastor knew the real reason she had been turned away.

Taking her by the hand, he took her inside and found a place for here in the Sunday school class.

The little girl was so touched by what the pastor done for her, that when she went to bed that night she could not sleep for thinking about all the kids that had no place to worship God.

Some two years later, the child died and the parents of the little girl called for the pastor who had been so nice to her to conduct her funeral service. While at the house talking to the parents, they gave him an old dirty purse that they had found of the little girls.

He opened it up, and inside he found 57 cents and note scribbled in a child’s handwriting. It read, “This is to go to help build the church a little bigger so more children can go to Sunday school.

For two years she had been saving every penny she could find for this offering of love. When the pastor tearfully got through reading the note, he knew instantly what he would do.

Carrying this note and the dirty, ragged purse to the pulpit with him the next Sunday, he told the story of the little girl’s unselfish love and devotion. He challenged his deacons to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building.

Now, the story does not end there! A local newspaper learned of the story and published it.

It was then read by a local realtor, who was so touched that he offered them a parcel of land worth over a million dollars. When he was told that the church could not pay near that much, he offered to sale it to them for the price of 57 cents.

Church members and people who heard this story were so moved that they started making large donations. Checks came in from far and wide. Within a year the little girl’s gift had increased to $500,000, a hugh sum for that time (back near the turn of the century)

Her love of Christ and her unselfishness to give all she had, paid large dividends for the work of God. It helped her church grow larger so that more kids could worship God.

If you are ever in the city of Philadelphia, look up the Temple Baptist Church, which seats around 3,300 people, and the Temple University where thousands of kids go to college and learn about God, all of that was made possible through .57 cents.

See, the point I’m getting at is it don’t matter what it is you have to give.

It doesn’t matter how much it is that you have to give

It doesn’t matter that you aren’t very talented

Each and everyone of you have something that you could give to the ministry of this church

If you’re a good cook, then help out with the meals we have

If you’re musically talented, which Lord knows I’m not, then help in the praise and worship

If you have a lot of knowledge of the Bible, step out and start a small group Bible study

If you know finances or are good at helping make decisions, make yourself available for committees

Have you been through a discipleship class, then why not teach one

You can’t do anything, sure you can, and I’m sure there are some things around here that can be done to help the church, such as helping clean or straighten up

The bottom line is this, Worry not about what you have to give. Whatever it is, God will bless and use it to the Glory of God’s Kingdom.


God took a little shepherd boy named David and made him a great King

Good took an old man with a speech impediment and freed the Israelites from Egypt

Jesus took a bunch of fisherman, and a tax collector and made them into great religious leaders

God took a little boy’s lunch and feed 5000

So you just provide the bread, and let God take care of the miracles

I know it is hard to believe that God can use you to do things in his kingdom, but let me end with this personal story

I fought with God for a long time about becoming a youth minister

I would say, God I can’t become a youth minister I am not good enough to be one

or God I can’t become a youth minister, I can’t afford it, I don’t have any extra money now, so how can I take a pay cut and make it

But here I am, a youth minister, because God convinced me he could use me, and I sure am glad that he is

So here is the simple reality when something is given to God

One little lunch satisfied many

One little lunch made a difference

One little lunch revealed the power of God

One little lunch changed lives

One little lunch strengthened people’s faith

What about you?

Do you have a anything to give God?

If Jesus can use one little lunch to feed 5000, what can he do with what you have?

Jesus lets nothing go to waste, He will bless whatever you have

So let’s get in there and do what he wants us all to do, go to work in GOd’s ministry