Summary: As Christians we find ourselves in the position of waiting for the return of our Lord. How do we maintain an attitude of expectancy while in this position of waiting. The parable of the ten virgins teaches us a few things.

Preparing for Tomorrow…Today

Text: Matthew 25:1-13


The title of my message tonight is “Preparing for Tommorow…Today” Now now matter what the title sounds like this is not an will planning clinic…and then again maybe it is!


The story is told of a man who dreamt one night that an angel was talking to him. The angel spoke words of comfort all through the night. I awoke the next morning to find a lump under my pillow. It was a small stuffed "angel" bear that had fallen off the headboard of the bed. When you press its paw it says, "I’m your guardian angel, I’m your special friend." Every time he turned his head it was speaking to him.

Tonight I would like to share a message that comes from an illustration that was emailed me this past week.


There’s a true story that comes form the sinking of the Titanic. A frightened woman found her place in a lifeboat that was about to be lowered into the raging North Atlantic. She suddenly thought of something she

needed, so she asked permission to return to her stateroom before they cast off. She was granted three minutes or they would leave without her.She ran access the deck that was already slanted at a dangerous angle. She raced through the gambling room with all the money that had rolled to one side, ankle deep. She came to her stateroom and quickly pushed a side her diamond rings and expensive bracelets and necklaces as she reached to the shelf above her bed and grabbed three small oranges. She quickly found her way back to the lifeboat and got in.Now that seems incredible because thirty minutes earlier she would not have chosen a crate of oranges over the smallest diamond. But death had boarded the Titanic. One blast of its awful breath had transformed all values.

Instantaneously, priceless things had become worthless. Worthless things had become priceless. And in that moment she preferred three small oranges to a

crate of diamonds. There are events in life, which have the power to transform the way we look at the world. September 11th was one of those events, the Kennedy Assassination and World War II are similar events. Jesus’ parable about the ten virgins offers one of these types of events, for the parable is about the Second Coming of Christ. But Jesus doesn’t come right out and say this. Rather, he let’s the story describe it for him. The woman on the sinking Titanic understood, in the light of her current circumstances,

that she must make preparations for living on a lifeboat. Diamonds would not suffice, only the precious resources of an orange were good enough. Likewise, in this world where Christ may return at any moment, the parable warns, we must be ready.

Dr. Richard A. Todd, in a sermon entitled: "Ten Sleepy Women" gives some background to the parable…

“In order to catch the impact of this story, we need to know some historical background of a first-century Jewish wedding. Eastern and Western cultures are very different. In an Eastern culture the bridegroom is often a more important figure than the bride and frequently paid for all the expenses of the wedding. A Jewish wedding had three parts or stages to it. First, there was the formal engagement/betrothal which was almost always arranged by the parents of the future bride and groom. Second (up to a year or more) came the formal religious ceremony in the bride’s home. This was a religious service similar to our wedding service. Thirdly, there was the wedding banquet (feast), generally at night, at the house of the groom and it generally lasted about seven days and could take place right after the ceremony or weeks later. The bridegroom would come to get his bride and they would walk together to the wedding. It was an elaborate affair that cost a lot of money. It was, therefore, a social event to which their friends were anxious to attend. The bride and the groom walked down the street and their bridesmaids would take part in the ‘welcoming ceremony’ by lighting the way with lamps held by the wedding party. It would be a major faux pax for anyone in the wedding party not to be by the road ready to welcome the bridegroom and bride.

That is the background of the picture our Lord draws here. Here are ten young women waiting to join the wedding party. They are expecting and waiting for the bridegroom and the bride.”

Dr. Richard A. Todd, Sermon: "Ten Sleepy Women"

-It is the position that we find ourselves in, waiting for our Lord. How do we prepare ourselves?

Let me suggest three ways...

1. First, we must understand that some things in life cannot be borrowed. The heritage that I have grown up in I would not trade for anything. But I also realize that while that heritage provides an incredible foundation for me, I must have an active relationship with God in order to be ready.

When our bridegroom comes, I am not going to be able to borrow from my parents, my wife, or even my church, it is what I have done to prepare that will count.

What are the things in this life that I cannot borrow.

a) Faith

Each one of us must negotiate salvation with God. Our pass to eternity is not like the Forest Contracts or Husker Season Football tickets, they cannot be willed to the next generation. Everyone of us must come before God and develop our Faith in Him. We serve a personal God who deals with us on a personal basis.

Hebrews 11:6

b) Character

Character is another area in which we cannot borrow from another.Either we are people of Character or we are not.


The Oyster

There once was an oyster whose story I tell,

Who found that sand had got under his shell;

Just one little grain, but it gave him much pain,

For oysters have feelings although they’re so plain.

Now, did he berate the working of Fate

Which had led him to such a deplorable state?

Did he curse out the Government, call for an election?

No; as he lay on the shelf, he said to himself,

“If I cannot remove it, I’ll try to improve it.”

So the years rolled by as the years always do,

And he came to his ultimate destiny—stew.

And this small grain of sand which had bothered him so,

Was a beautiful pearl, all richly aglow.

Now this tale has a moral—for isn’t it grand

What an oyster can do with a morsel of sand;

What couldn’t we do if we’d only begin

With all of the things that get under our skin.

Author Unknown

I have said it before, and I will say it again.

The definition of Character is “how your dog would describe you acting when no one else is around”

It is that part of us that desires to lead an honorable life, even when there is

no gain in it for us, when nobody will notice, or even when it costs us. This is what God measures us by…for it is authentic.

2 Tim 2:20,21



In high school biology class we had to cross breed fruit flies for a genetics lab. Fortunately we were partnered with Sara Retzlaff. She was the top in our class. It really didn’t matter what our results were,

we went with hers. Hers were much more reliable.

When it comes to Christian Fruit, we cannot borrow someone else’s results.We will be graded on the results of our life. It is so easy now to get in with someone else and ride on their fruit, but what fruit are we producing within our lives.

Col 1:10

The ten foolish virgins tried to borrow oil…they could not. There are some things in this life we cannot borrow, we must account for ourselvesIn the eternal arena three major things consist of Faith, Character, and Fruits.

2. Second, there are some things that cannot be put off to the end. Our parable told how the foolish virgins put of the gathering of more oil till later.

They always though they had more time. How many people do we see with that attitude today.


Pastor in my dads town had a wreck Friday Night.

Heb 2:1-3

How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? The ten wise virgins prepared for it…they looked ahead and understood the consequences of being uprepared.

Norman Cousins "Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences."

How has this worked in your life? What have you looked ahead to and what changes have you made?

3. Third, the parable suggests that if we are not prepared we can miss our great opportunity.


John Wesley was asked what he would do if he knew his Lord would return at that time the next day. He said in effect, "I would go to bed and go to

sleep; wake up in the morning, and go on with my work, for I would want Him to find me doing what he had appointed."

1 Thes 5:1-4

Illus: Phil Gunther, in "Ready, Set, Go?” gives the following example of preparedness.

"The unofficial creed in the American homeland war on terrorism is this: ‘Be vigilant, be watchful, be prepared’. Be vigilant in matters of security, whether at an airport, a government institution or in the back sorting room of the post office. Be watchful for signs of terrorism: a back-pack left unattended, a strange request for chemicals at a fertilizer plant, a white powder in the mail or unusual behavior by a neighbor down the street. Be prepared to call the police or FBI. Be prepared to evacuate a building. Be prepared to take defensive measures when your life or the lives of others is threatened. Be vigilant, be watchful, be prepared. I like this motto; I like it because it is the same motto Jesus expects His followers to live by. It is the same motto that He wants His disciples to ‘catch’ here in Matthew 25 – Be vigilant, be watchful, be prepared."


So how do we prepare Today for Tommorow. On the titanic the woman was in an intense situation that changed her values. How can we be intense in a waiting situation?

1) Keep our eyes fixed on Him

2) Scripture Prayer and Meditation are a must.

3) Eagerly await His return.

Hebrews 9:28 - "He will bring salvation to all those who are eagerly waiting for Him."

Revelation 16:15 - "Take note: I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for Me, who keep their robes ready so they will not need to walk naked and ashamed."

We must anticipate His return or we will be distracted by other things. Distraction is the biggest enemy of those who wait. We must keep our eyes fixed firmly on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith.