Summary: Outline for a message to prepare our Church for a week of fasting and prayer at the beginning of 2002

Dec. 2, 2001


Many look at fasting as a convenient way to twist God’s arm to do something, or earn enough spiritual points to get what they want.

They never fast joyfully, prayerfully,

Need to Crucify the Flesh...James 4:1-3

Purpose: to get your flesh out of the way so the Spirit of God can move in your life.

Fasting removes the barriers to communication with God and strengthens the spirit man

It is a determination to remove the obstacles between you and God and to totally submit your life to the will of God.

Romans 8:6 -- Mind of sinful man is death, but the mind contgrolled by the Spirit is life and peace

1 Cor. 9:27 -- But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. (NKJV)

9:25--Athlete disciplines himself... like wrestling.

Satan wants to you be poor, to give free rein to your appetities

food industry, drug, entertainment all pander to the runaway appetites in our society

In our prosperous nation we have problems with fasting and prayer because everything around us is desiged to appeal to our flesh and carnal desires.

When we earnestly seek God through fasting and prayer, we push flesh aside, deny the appetitites the control they seek to have over us, and allow our spirit man who desires God to develop and be strengthened

Fasting enables you to break the hold of the flesh... opens you to the Spirit of God... when this happens, you get answers to prayers you did not get before.

James 4:1-3, gives 2 reasons we don’t have.

we don’t ask... we try our own plans and procedures, handle it ourselves.

We ask amiss ... with the wrong consume it on our lusts.

some of our requests come from flesh, selfish, not spirit man.

Enemy and the Flesh will give all kinds of excuses

You are not ready to fast

it’s not the best time

Wait for another opportunity

You might offend other members of your family


DAniel 9:2,3,21,22 -- Daniel fasted to hear the voice of God

Acts 2:17-- We are to have visions and dreams by Spirit of God.