Living On the Outskirts
Your Place Within the Sheepfold
Nathan Fritz – Milwaukee Avenue – Lubbock, TX
Scripture: John 10:1-18
Normally, when we think of parables, we start turning to Mt.; Mk, or Lk. Because these contain the biggest part of the parables. But It’s to the book of Jn. We want to turn our attention.
A) Each of the Gospels’ record parables Jesus told, wherein He compares Himself to “The Shepard” and His followers to “Sheep”.
B) But it’s only in Jn 10 that we read these 2 words so many times w/in one context… the word “Sheep” 15 times; the word “Shepard” 6 times, between v.1-18.
2) More than anything, what that alerts us to… is the fact that Jesus had something to say about Himself, as well as us.
Lets read the text: READ – Jn 10:1-18.
3) Notice v. 6, The text says, they didn’t understand what Jesus was talking about.
A) Why? Were they “unintelligent”, Did they not have enough experience w/ shepherding and sheep that the story could not be related to?
1) no, I suggest, they did not understand because they failed to make the connection of what Jesus was saying w/ themselves!
2) It may be the same problem we sometimes have, if we are not careful.
B) But we see @ v.19 . That some did understand by the time Jesus finished His discourse to them, Because it says, “there was a division again among the Jews because of these sayings. And many of them said, “He has a demon, and is mad. Why do you listen to Him?,’ others said, “these are not the words of one who has a demon, Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?’ (referring back to Ch.9 & the miracle of healing the blind man).
4) The obvious points can be seen in the parable.
A) Jesus is the Shepherd of v.1 & 11, the door, of v. 7,
B) The Sheepfold of v. 1; that beyond the door, in v 9 - represents the safety of the kingdom.
B) Those who believe & obey His teachings are His sheep…
C) & the point they were having difficulty w/ was the thief of v.1
1) the Door keep of v. 3;
2) The Stranger of v. 5;
3) The Hireling of v. 13… Who would have been the Majority of Religious Leaders of the day. As proven by 9:41, “If you were blind you would have no sin; but now you say, ‘We see’ Therefore your sin remains.”
Jesus says if they had recognized their blindness, the would have been willing to listen to him… but since they were to proud to see themselves as they were, they would remain in their sins, unwilling to listen.
D) One of the lessons that surface in ch. 10 is the undeniable problem of the leaders of Jesus day… & that is, they could not be told anything!
1) As a result, they could not fully see the way to have proper relations w/ God and those around them.
2) Therefore they found themselves fighting against God rather than for Him, they became as those described in our context, …who harm the sheep rather than help.
I) The Threat of Death
A) Noticing the parables again we see the “one who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs us some other way, the same is a thief & a robber.”
1) Regardless of who is uses to do this “dirty work”, @ the root of it all, Satan can be found.
B) The sheepfold was a permanent place w/ built walls, it would only have one opening where a tender (or protector) would guard the sheep and know of anything coming or going.
1) In the parable, the sheepfold is the kingdom, And yet, we see the possibility of Satan (or one of his servants) infiltrating the sheepfold, and doing damage to the sheep.
2) in v. 10 we see that possibility more clearly, “The thief does not come except to steal, & kill, and to destroy…”
3) & In vs. 11-13, we see the possibility of an attack being made upon the sheep as one watches them, to whom they do not belong.
C) The point is simply to say, the sheep are under attack! They are in constant danger & can be taken by thieves, attacked by predators, and left by hired servants.
1) Sheep are not stupid… they are simply unarmed by any natural means.
a) A snake can bite, a lion can attack, a porcupine can shoot it’s quills… But a sheep has no natural protection. It is dependent upon its protector, & the means the protector can provide!
2) Jesus points out, Even His sheep, (w/ all that He provides as a protector)…
a) He stands as a door,
b) he provides a sheepfold,
c) he has hirelings to help…
1) Still His sheep are in constant danger of being taken, attacked, or killed.
II) His Fault or Ours
A) But is there nothing that can be done about this?
1) Is it just random that some sheep will be taken, attacked & killed. Is it just a % game that some will die & others will live?
2) Indeed, it would contradict scripture to say it’s only random or Satan’s luck of the draw when Christians cease to be Christians! (when we dwindle and fall away)…
3) Jas. Clearly points out, James 1:13-18
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.
4) Likewise, 1Cor 10:13 “ No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”
a) These texts points out @ least 2 things…
1. When we are tempted, its is because we are drawn away by OUR OWN desires.
2. & 2nd God is perfect in what He gives us… He provides all those things by which we all might become protected… & in this, He does not change… “there is no variation or turning of shadow”
a. He refuses to leave us as the hireling might,
b. He provides walls of protection,
c. & He says He never leaves his post…
He was willing (& has…) given his very life for our protection!
B) & so, When we see Christians who are taken from the fold, Attacked by Satan & killed, never to recover… It is not luck of the draw, It is not the chief Shepard’s fault…
1) Friends, Spiritual sheep are only killed by their own fault!
There is only one way we can be killed… and that is if WE allow it to happen!
a) When I choose to leave the shepherd, or
b) Choose to place myself on the outskirts of the fold…
1. Either of these can & do, become deadly for the Christian.
C) Breth… the question we are considering from our text is not JUST “are we in the fold”… it is to be aware of WHERE we are, w/in the fold!
1) it is the exact sentiment of Paul as he admonishes, “let each one take heed how he builds [on the foundation of Christ.] 1Cor 3:10
2) And again in 1Cor 10:12 “let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”
3) The Kingdome is a place of safety… but only as much as our Involvement in that Kingdome dictates!
[Think w/ me father]
III) Working Our Way To Safety
A) In keeping w/ our text of Jn 10, I’ve never seen or heard of a lion (or some other predator) attacking the sheep in the middle of a fold…
1) Which sheep are attacked or stolen?
a) Think of those safari shows where the zebra or antelope are grazing along, and the camera zooms over and there is a tiger, or lion in the bushes… as he slowly sneaks out, and decides which will be his victim… which one does he always attack first?
2) It’s the ones who wonder off!… & Not only that, but it’s the ones who are content to be on the outskirts of the fold!
B) The further a sheep is to the center the more sure his survival.
1) Do you want to remain a Christian and stay strong in the faith?
2) Stay in the center of the fold! Don’t be “puttering” around on the outer edges, barely following the shepherd. Content only to be on the “outer edges” of the sheepfold and the kingdom!
3) your survival… your vary life, depends on our understanding of WHERE we are in relation to the edges of the fold…
a) It takes our constant attention to know where we are in the kingdom…
b) It would be nice if when we became Christians we became invincible - but we don’t…
1. we are still vulnerable on our own… on the outer edges away from the Shepard and His sheep… and it’s just the opportunity for which Satan waits.
1) So how can we know if we are staying in the center of the fold?
C) The answer to such a question is found in Scriptures such as:
1) Gal 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”
a) These are qualities of those who are truly SPIRITUAL.
& Yet notice just a bit further, Paul goes on to say, Gal 6:1-2 “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
a) The only way the Items listed in 5:22-23, can be truly manifested is if we employ the actions of 6:1,2!
b) In other words, one who is truly "spiritual" as listed in ch5, will certainly be involved w/ his breth. as indicated in ch6.
c) Working our way to the safety of the “center of the sheepfold” is not accomplished by inactivity & bare minimums… it is by involvement w/ the breth!
(How will we know if one is in need of restoration, or who’s needing help w/ their burdens, if we are not actively involved w/ one anther?)
1) The more involved we become w/ our breth, the more safety we are surrounded by!… Because those who surround the middle are the very same, who can & will restore the one overtaken and needing help w/ burdens of life.
2) There is greater safety in the kingdom when we seek to make our way toward the middle of the sheepfold, by way of greater efforts in our activity among the brethren.
Priorities Determine Our Location In the Sheepfold
A) Jesus told those listening to the Sermon on the Mount, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” (Mt. 6:33)
1) God’s purpose is that he Sheepfold (i.e. the kingdom & those in it,) be a priority in our life.
2) & if we fail to make it 1st priority, Then the result will be a failure to make it a priority @ ALL!
B) It is not who we are, but our purpose for living that makes our lives worth living and draws us closer to the center of the fold…
1) Are you doing what you can to find purpose and activity in the sheepfold?…
2) The amazing thing about doing this… is that it is NOT about a “rigged set of rules to obey”… but a fulfillment of purpose, where there is safety and security!
3) There is a great difference between HAVING to do something, & WANTING to do something…
4) Oh, that each of us could live life, not being prodded & pulled, “arm twisted” to become all we can be in the kingdom!
a) To “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,” Heb 12:1-2
5) If we all could see the importance of staying away from the outer edges of the sheepfold & the shepherd.
a) We don’t have to try to work our way to a safer place, & we can live on the outskirts of the flock of God… But God assures us, Fulfillment and a since of purpose come, when we find our place as far into the flock of God as we can get!
b) The Lord does not say we cannot have other priorities, He simply makes the point that our 1st priority should be the kingdom… i.e., Him & his sheepfold.
c) & He says that for our sakes… that’s what makes us truly a growing Christian, it’s what cusses us to place a great priority upon Such things as Paul speaks of in Rom.
Rom 12:9-14 “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. 10 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; 11 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; 12 rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; 13 distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.
1) Is honest love toward others a difficulty for me?
2) Do we find clinging to what is good less enjoyable that that which is evil?
3) Do we find ourselves wishing we could “kick” & “bite” @ our breth. as sheep sometimes can do? Or are we “kindly affectionate to one another w/ brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another?
a) That term, “giving preference to one another” means “going before”, leading, setting an example.
1. In showing mutual respect and honor, they were to strive to excel; not to see which could obtain the most honor, but which could impart or manifest the most respect;
2. How different this from the spirit of the world; the spirit which seeks, not to impart honor, but to obtain it; which aims, not to disperse respect, but to attract all others to give honor to us.
3) "If this single direction were to be obeyed it would produce contentment, harmony, love, and order, It would annihilate strife, and discord, and malice. And it would give greater beauty to the church." (from Barnes’ Notes, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1997 by Biblesoft)
A) How we need to be aware of where we are in relation to the sheepfold!
1) When we have opportunity to do what is right, let us take it!
2) Find involvement w/ your brethren during the week,
3) Because it’s in doing this that we are working our way to the middle, where there is greater protection, comfort, purpose & Assuredly of life.
1Peter 4:18 "If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
1. The purpose in discussing this parable out of Jn 10...
a. Has NOT been so we can go around and judging one another…
b. But to suggest caution in how we measure self! To not just desire to be IN the Kingdome (and among the sheepfold of God) but to desire to be in the middle, where there is greater activity, joy, & protection in our Christian living!
c. And to make sure that we are properly viewing our part in the Kingdome.
Entering The Fold
1Peter 4:18 "If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
We enter by way of being buried with Christ!
Romans 6:1-9 READ
Acts 2:38; 1Peter 3:21
Won’t you respond to the call of the Great Shepherd, and allow Him to be the Shepherd of your Soul?