My flesh is prone to complain. How about yours? However as I was reading the words of Psalm 107 again this week once again I was reminded of the fact that I have so much to be thankful for. So do you by the way. I just wanted to share seven of those with you.
1. Redemption (Psalm 107:2)
-If you are a Christian you have been redeemed! Jesus Christ paid for your salvation on Calvary. The Word of God tells us that we are no longer our own but we have been BOUGHT WITH A PRICE. The price that was paid was the bloody death of the Lamb of God that was slain for the sins of the world (mine and yours).
2. Deliverance (Psalm 107:6)
-What has God delivered you from? Don’t answer in the negative too quickly. If you have been saved He has delivered you from the eternal lake of fire! If you have been saved He has delivered you from the bondage of sin. Many have been delivered from the snare of alcohol and drugs; others from immorality and pornography; even others from an uncontrollable temper or bad language! No matter what He has delivered you from He offers to deliver from so much more! Just place yourself as a living sacrifice on the altar of submission to His will and to His way.
3. Leadership (Psalm 107:7)
-Remember the Lord is YOUR Shepherd! Shepherds lead sheep, sheep are to follow the Shepherd! He will lead you in the RIGHT WAY! One day He will lead you home! Even though He may lead you through the valley of the shadow of death you do not have to fear any evil, because He is with you and His rod and His staff will comfort you.
4. Fulfillment (Psalm 107:9)
-He will satisfy the LONGING SOUL! Isn’t it interesting that it doesn’t say He will satisfy the longings of our flesh! Let your soul LONG for righteousness, you will be filled. Let Him pour water upon your thirsty soul. As the deer pants after the water, let your soul pant after God! You won’t leave empty if you are hungry and thirsty for HIM!
5. Conviction (Psalm 107:12)
-Yes I am even thankful for conviction and discipline. When we rebel (v. 11) God brings down our heart with labor! A rebellious Christian will be disciplined by God! He does so that we might not be condemned with the world. He does so because He does not want to see us ruin our lives. He does so because He care about US! He allows the rug to be pulled out from under our feet so that we might not forget Him.
-I am also thankful for conviction because it reminds me that I’m His child. If we be without chastisement, Hebrews says, we are bastards and not sons. A person living in rebellion that has no conviction or discipline from God is obviously not God’s child!
6. His Word (Psalm 107:20)
-I am so thankful for the Word of God! It is settled forever in Heaven. It afflicts the comforted and comforts the afflicted! It reproves me, rebukes me, but praise God it also exhorts me! It is my spiritual food, it is my guidebook, it is God’s love letter to me! As I read His Word the Spirit speaks to me from it, because He inspired it! May it be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path!
7. His Power (Psalm 107:25-29)
-He can cause the storm to come, but He can also cause the storm to go! He can speak peace be still! He created me, He can heal me, He can provide for me, take care of me and at the same time meet the needs of every one of His other children and keep the universe on track! He can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think! He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End! He is the Prince of Peace! Praise God for His power!
Don’t we have a lot to be thankful for? But how do you show Him you are thankful.
1. Tell others of His Redemption (v. 2)
2. Declare His Works with Rejoicing (v. 22)
3. Exalt and Praise Him Publicly (v. 32)