{John 1:5}
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (NIV)
And the light shines though the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.(NLT)
Have you ever been in a room that had no windows, and when you shut off the lights it was so dark you could feel it? It is our human nature to fear the darkness. Some will say that they don’t fear the darkness, but, just try to navigate in a strange room with no lights. Is it not fear that assails you, that lost feeling? We don’t like that. We don’t know what we may bump into. We don’t have control of the situation when we are in that kind of position. We like to think that we are in control.
On the other hand in this verse John says, "the light shines in the dark," This statement is even more exciting when you finish it with, "and the dark has never extinguished it." If you take a light into the dark room I mentioned moments ago, you will find that no matter where in the room you put the light or no matter how small the light, the darkness can’t hide the light. Like putting red pigments into a base white paint, no matter how much white you put in the paint is no longer pure white. Once light enters a dark room it can be seen by all.
Of course we know that this verse is not talking about a literal light in a literal darkness. This verse is right on the heals of verses 1thru 4.
{John 1:1-4}
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men.(NIV)
These 4 verses plus the 5th one I read earlier give us these three formulas which I will make sub-titles of this sermon with two main points.
“The Light = The Word”
Not much discussion here verses 1-4 tell us this much.
The next two points are what verse 5 is talking about when John says The light shines in the dark, and the dark has never extinguished it.
“The Light = The Word in a dark world”
“The Light = The Word in a dark heart(or life l-i-f-e.)”
“The Light = the Word in a dark world”
There have been thousands and millions and billions of books written in the world since man picked up a stick and started drawing in the sand. There are not many books around from that era, as a matter of fact I can safely say there are no books around from that time. But, from Genesis to Revelation, there is not one book that has surpassed this popularity and longevity. I am reading a series of Books by Tim Lehaye and Jerry Jenkins, the "Left Behind" series. When these books started coming out there was a rush to read them, I heard stories of unsaved people reading the books and seeking someone to lead them to salvation. Since 9-11 the book series has taken off. When a new book is released it is printed in the millions and still not enough books make it to market. But this still does not compare to the Word of God. In ten or twenty years the "Left Behind" series will be all but a memory. and the Bible will still be a number one seller.
That is an example of the light in a dark room. No matter how hard Satan (darkness) tries, No Matter how Hard the World tries, this light will not be hid.
Since the beginning on time, when God put His light into the world in Verse one of genesis we see that right up and into today that God’s light or presence has not been extinguished. The evidence of God’s handy work is everywhere. You can not miss it. That is why I am so surprised more scientist are not Christians. I guess they choose to be in the lost state they are in. What has been your choice. Do you think all of this Jesus stuff is foolish? Paul had an answer for you in:
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. (KJV)
The light we shine as Christians has and will not be snuffed out. Because it is God’s Light.
In the second book in the Bible God gives us an excellent example of His Purpose for the light.
{Exodus 13:21}
By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. 22 Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people. (NIV)
God had to physically lead the Israelites through the desert, Why? Because of two reasons: they really didn’t know where they were going. Remember they have been enslaved for 400 years and your talking about people who have never been anywhere except home and the mud pit to make bricks. So they had no Idea where they were going, and Rand-McNally hadn’t been born yet.
Second reason, God wanted them to get used to following His lead. He knew Life in the new world was going to start out tough and He wanted them to realize He was the answer to their problems and their obstacles.
Do we always recognize that today. Do you, when an obstacle presents itself always look at God and say, "it is in your hands’ Lord"? Or do you say God why did you do this or why did you let this happen? In turn making God an obstacle to your growth. Back to the Israelites.
Follow the history of these people and you will find that their lives were so messed up at times that they considered God an obstacle. How many of us do that? How often do we start a project and try all the things we know how to do and when it fails we call on God. Rather then put God in the loop at the very beginning. As you all know I just moved here, from New York, what most of you don’t know is, I helped pastor a church there that always had to struggle, our county was the poorest county in the state, and we had the highest rate of welfare cases in the state. Our Church ministered to these people, I saw a lot of people that thought God was the reason for their plight, and I saw a lot of people that thought they couldn’t do better because God did not approve of what they wanted to do. They thought God was an obstacle to what their goals were in life. God was in their way instead of being the Way.
I am searching for a job. I have seem to just put one application in after another, without any results. After some frustrating searching I finally said, "Lord what is your answer?" What was my problem? I waited and turned to God afterward. I do not always just go off and try things on my own. Jo and my decision to come out here was only after much prayer, and more prayer. When I discovered God’s Desires for Jo and I, I obeyed, I do not yet know the entire plan He has for me, but right know I am in His will and that, to me, is all that maters. How many of you can say that? Are you in God will right now? Are you seeking God’s guidance or are you asking God to Bless what you are doing. We should always ask God to help us to do what He is Blessing, rather than Bless what we are doing.
Some of you are probably saying, “OK I have heard preachers all of my Christian life telling me how bad I am and how I need to change, but not many offer me the materials I need to use to make those changes. Not many tell me how.” I am one that will. And that brings us to the third formula of THE LIGHT.
“The Light = The Word in a dark heart(or life l-i-f-e.)”
This will help us to live Holy lives. You see when you accept Christ into your heart the first time there is a lot of light flashed in at once, sometimes it last a long time. But, for some it last just a little while, like until they leave the meeting and enter again into the world they live in. I was like that, I was good in church and maybe all day Monday, but when Tuesday rolled around I would slide back into the ways that would set me up for failure. I am not a failure, I realized that as in the dark room, the more light you have the brighter it is and the more you can see and understand.
This can best be described with yet another formula I x L = H
I = Intensity L = The Light H = Holiness
Intensity times Light equals Holiness
How did I over come this tendency to just float through the week get spiritually fed on Sundays and Wednesdays? I learned to feed myself. I started reading the Word ( which equals Light 1st formula) and praying daily. I would sit down early in the morning and pray for understanding, open the Word of God and read. Sometimes I read the Bible just to read. I love to read. I had then and now my little place of prayer. A place I can go to be alone With God. That does not have to be a physical place it is a place in your heart that you can get to from anywhere. A place that offers little if any distractions. That is place in your heart where Jesus lives. The problem with most Christians is that they have Jesus in their hearts but, they have put Him into a room with a closed door, and only open the door when they are in trouble. What better source of light than the light of the world.
{John 3:19}
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.(NIV)
As you read the Word the light gets brighter in your dark heart, as you study the word the light fills in all those little dark corners, and gets brighter thus you have the Intensity part of the formula. I have found that the more I love Jesus, the less I let myself be tempted. I love Jesus because He is the word and I try hard to put the word in my heart. I don’t like that phrase "to hide the word in my heart," I want to put it there to share with others and to have it ready and in the forefront to use when I need it. We put it into our heart to give us the light to share, not to keep to ourselves. When you love someone you want to know all you can about that person, loving Jesus is no different, You need to study him and the only place to do that is in the Bible or the Word.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.(KJV)
I have a hard time memorizing anything. But, I Have found that if I study the word long enough and often enough the memorization comes naturally. We need to be reading the Bible in order to put the light in our heart, we want no darkness there.
I need to say this, Don’t get hung up on the version of the Bible that you use. I like three or four different versions. I have at least 6 different versions in my house. My favorites are N. I. V. and the New King James. I have seen Young Christians give up reading because someone in the church told them there was only one version of the Bible. Believe me The King James Version is a translation also. I don’t think all of us can read Greek and if you want to get technical you need to learn because the original manuscripts were not in the K J V. As you grow in Christ you will find one that is much easier for you to use. If you have to struggle to understand what you’re reading, then you are going to loose interest real fast. Then reading the Bible becomes a chore, then you just quit reading. So start off with something that is easy and understandable for you. If your not sure of the authenticity of your choice ask a pastor or and elder in the Church they will make sure you aren’t reading garbage.
My prayer is this, that all Christians everywhere will start illuminating their life/their heart with the light of the Word. Because as you take in this light the world will see you. They will recognize you as of that light. Some may ridicule, some may not, but all will not be able to hide that light and the Darkness Has Never and will never Extinguish it.
In Closing and summary let me say this, If you don’t now, plan a time each day where you sit down with the Word of God. Maybe you can only carve out five minutes tomorrow. It’s a start. When your body is hungry you stop what your doing and find something to eat right? What if I told you the your spirit is starving when you neglect to study God’s Word. Hey I am not perfect, I could use to spend more time with God, and read His Word. But in order for us to grow we need to spend time at the feet of the Master.
The musicians are going to come up and we are going to sing a closing hymn. If you think you are lost and are on your way to hell you need to step out of your place and on the first note of the music and run if you need to, but get up here and join the family of God. Most of all make your eternal reservations. Maybe you were saved once but for some reason you’ve let satan take over in some areas of your life. You need to come up here and give that area of your life back to the Lord. Or if you are a visitor and you want to make our church your church you may also come up here and be blessed by belonging to a Bible teaching Bible believing church. What ever your need today come forward and let God Help you. We will be here to help you find your way.