Intro.: In the movie Driving Miss Daisy, released Dec. 1989, grossed over $106 million, starred with Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman, Morgan Freeman is the servant for Miss Daisy. He takes her where ever and when ever she needs to go and prepares meals for her. He knows the responsibilities, reasons and what his boss expects him to do. The job is understood. We see this through out the movie.
Why are you here? Why does our church exist? What is your purpose? Do you know?
The church has a descriptive in God’s word of it’s job.
I) The Calling.
Always in motion to follow the direction that God gives.
Walk worthily Walk in humility
Walk in gentleness Walk in patience
Walk in love Walk in unity
Oneness - Walk in the Lord, Walk in the faith, Walk in the baptism (seal with H.S.)
A) The length of Calling. Eph 4:13
1. till we are all in unity
2. full knowledge of God
3. measured against fullness of Christ.
4. does not end until in heaven or Christ returns.
B) Gifts given to guide in the Calling.
1. Own merit not considered.
2. Given by grace by Jesus according to His standard.
C) Keep focused on Calling. (Forces that distract our church.)
1. Human -finances, events, personality, traditions
2. Theological - "I believe"
3. Spiritual - Satanic and Holy
The calling is placed in the church to keep us going in the right direction in liked minded purpose for the furtherance of the kingdom of God. Our direction and purpose remain the same. Bringing people to Jesus Christ.
II) The Responsibility
Equip the saints
Soul winning and discipling
A) Build the church
1. Begins at home
2. Begins with prayer
3. Continues with Bible reading.
4. Constructed through Sunday School.
B) Personal responsibility.
1. Verse 1 "entreat you" (to plead in order to persuade) (urgent request)
2. Great Commission, in the KJV, go YE.... Matt. 28:18-20
3. Paul writing to people in the church.
C) Nature of responsibility.
1. Bring people to Jesus.
2. Grow in Spiritual maturity. (grow up to be like..../ Christ)
3. Ministry - work (service work)
III) The Authority.
Who Gives the authority to the church.
A) Jesus Christ.
1. Eph. 4:11 and HE.....
2. Matt. 28:18 all authority is given ME....
Why does Christ have this authority?
He is creator, sustainer, Savior and Head of the church. He is the bossman of the Church.
B) Jesus idea on obedience.
1. When He is Lord, we follow His directions. Luke 6:46
2. Love is the driving force to follow His directions. John 14:15
3. Obedience to the Lord is better than any offering. I Sam.15:22
4. I kinda follow Jesus... (partial obedience is still disobedience)
C) Purpose in Jesus authority.
1. To be grounded in our faith.
2. To become mature.
3. To be like Christ.
D) The Results Eph 4:16
1. The body fits together.
2. Held together by Jesus Authority
3. Growth and building up in LOVE.
We all have a job to do and when we all do it , it will result in a healthy growing church.
Morgan Freeman in the movie received what was due him when his job had ended. With us we can receive what is due us when our life’s work is complete in the calling, responsibility and authority that Jesus Christ places on His people in His Church.