Summary: An in-depth look at the emotional and spiritual workings that take place in the heart of a woman who comes in contact with the Son of God.


Luke 7:36-50

INTRO. Note the order of events briefly.

(vs. 1-10) Jesus at Capernaum - heals the centurion’s servant.

(vs. 11-17) Jesus in Nain (20 miles from Capernaum) - The widow’s son raised from the dead.

(vs. 18-23) John the Baptist sends disciples to question Jesus.

(vs. 24-29) Jesus’ testimony to John the Baptist.

(vs. 30-35) Jesus rebukes those who do not accept John’s message.

Notice the word "sinner" in vs. 37. It actually means sinful. It implies one who was openly immoral or unchaste. Most writers agree that it probably means that this woman was a prostitute.


A. However, the word does not imply that this woman actually enjoyed her position in life. Since there is no mention of a husband we may assume that perhaps she was widowed...or maybe she was left to try to make her own way the best she could. It is most likely that this kind of lifestyle was not what she really wanted for herself. But feeling like she had no other options, she did that which came naturally for her.

Imagine for a few moments:

1. Somewhere within the shadowy hovels of the city, a poor woman prepares for her nightly escapade. She is a great sinner and regularly goes out to break the heart of God. She arms herself with the weapons of her trade.... her long hair flowing down her back (which was very unseemly in that day), her hard and calloused emotions, and an alabaster bottle of perfume. Then she steps out into the street to sell herself to the highest bidder.

2. Down the street she spots a crowd. Hearing the voice of only one speaker, she steps forward and comes face to face with Jesus.

3. We can only guess the nature of His message......perhaps we can get an idea from the corresponding passage in Matt. 11.

{a.} note the disciples of John coming to Jesus

{b.} Jesus’ dissertation on John

{c.} (Luke does not include this) He then begins

to pronounce divine judgment upon the cities

that have turned a deaf ear to His message. (He spoke as one having authority.)

{d.} Then He prays. Notice that this prayer almost seems to be about the woman who now stands

before Him.

{e.} Then the invitation to come [read vs. 28-30]


A. Whatever it was that she heard from Christ, it surely touched her soul. Soon she forgot her purpose of coming into the city and began to retrace her steps back home.

1. She had met Jesus and the words He spoke could never be forgotten. They had changed the way she felt and the way she thought. She could never look at life in the same way again.

a. She felt unclean; and hardly knew what to do; she loathed herself. She was beginning to see herself in the light of God’s holiness and she hated what she saw.

b. The Word of God had done that which it set out to do. She was convicted of her sin and realized her need to get right with God.

2. How many will hear the compassionate call of the many will have their hearts pricked by the message of the Word of many will feel the urging of the Holy Spirit to come to forgiveness and everlasting life....but because of the hardness of their heart they will not accept?

a. "There is none righteous, no not one"

b. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

c. "Come unto me all ye that labor..."


A. Mechanically she lifted her precious bottle of ointment, and as her fingers closed around her treasure, she made her greatest decision. If she was going to accept and follow the Master’s way of life, she would never again need this questionable adornment. The purpose for which it was meant would be non-existent in her life.

B. She did not know how she would earn a living, but she knew that she had to brake all ties to the old life. She decided that she would give all she had and all she was to Jesus.

C. First she had to find Him. She went back to where she had heard Him speak but the people said that He had gone to Simon’s house. Great, just great. Simon the Pharisee!

1. (Describe how Pharisees would have treated a prostitute.)

2. On her way to Simon’s house she probably rehearsed every word that she would say to Jesus. She would acknowledge her sins. She would beg for forgiveness. She would promise to keep the law and make restitution for all the wrong she had done.

3. She would stand up before all of them and announce her intentions to change her life. She would be proud and let all of them know that they wouldn’t be able to push her around anymore. From now on she was going to be as religious as the rest of them.

4. But when she got to Simon’s door her heart began to melt and her self-determination began to dissolve. She could only remember the words of Jesus, "Come unto me....Come unto me"

D. She was sure that she would not be allowed entrance into Simon’s she just walked in.

1. How wonderful it is to know that the short-sighted biases and prejudices of men do not apply with God. It is His boundless grace that welcomes the repentant heart into His presence. "Come unto me....Come unto me."

2. A deafening silence must have rushed over the entire house when she entered. She didn’t fit in here. This was a meeting of the religious; a gathering of the spiritually elite.

3. She looks around her and can scarcely believe what she is doing. But then she sees Jesus. That is why she came... to see Jesus. She keeps her focus on Him and begins to move toward Him. But in order to get close to Christ she must first get past all those who stand between her and her salvation.

A. The traditionalists, the Pharisees, the synagogue snobs. Normally this would have been too intimidating for her but she knew Jesus was in the house. This was her "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity and she seized it.

B. She refused to be influenced by their stares and whispers. She knew what they thought about her. She knew how they talked about her...the names they called her. But none of that mattered now.

C. She would walk past them, around them, even on them if she had to in order to get to Jesus.

1. How many turn from Christ because of what they see in the church? How many Christians have been the cause of some lost soul turning from the light that they so desperately need?

2. Do you want to see Jesus so much that nothing can stop you? You might have to get past the religious. You might have to step over some folks. Keep your eyes on Christ and keep on coming. Just say, "Excuse me, I’m trying to get close to Christ."


A. Jesus would have been sitting at the table, on the floor, with His feet tucked behind Him.

B. She finally made her way through the crowd until she stood directly behind Him.

1. Now was her chance to make everything right. She had rehearsed her speech. But nothing came out.

2. Suddenly she was overcome with shame and guilt. The speech that she had rehearsed would never do. Not now. As she stood in the light of God’s glory, it began to dawn on her that there was nothing she could ever accomplish that would make her worthy of God’s love and forgiveness. She was overwhelmed by her own sinfulness and dwarfed by God’s greatness.

3. She tried to speak but could only weep uncontrollably.

4. As she stood there with her head bowed she opened her eyes and noticed that her tears had fallen on the dusty calloused feet of the Master.

A. Embarrassed by the awkward position she must be putting Jesus in, she knelt down to wipe the tears off. But the wiping only left streaks in the dust. She began to cry more. But the more she cried, the more she had to wipe.

B. At a terrible loss of what to do next she took her long hair and began to dry his feet. By the time she had finished. His feet were clean. This made her feel a little better. Still, no one spoke.

C. It was then, that she removed the little alabaster box of perfume. Maybe she didn’t know what to say but she surely knew what to do. She would make a clean break with her old life. She poured the ointment on the feet of Jesus.

D. At this point she was so overcome with love for her Saviour that she just began kissing his feet.

C. Her heart had been broken because of her sinful condition. She had come to proclaim her reformation. But instead she had touched the very Son of God. What a glorious day when we let our hearts lead us to Jesus.

D. She had come to worship Jesus and Him alone. For He was the only One who knew the true symbolism behind the poured out ointment.

1. The other guests saw a fragrant perfume but Christ saw a broken heart and a contrite spirit.

2. He knew that she was trying to say, "Lord, I shall never need this again, the old life is dead now."


A. Can you see Jesus as He doesn’t even turn around. He simply looks across the table at Simon and smiles. He already knows the thoughts of Simon’s heart.

B. (The parable) vs. 41-43

C. (The comparison between Simon and this woman)

Vs. 44-47


A. Notice that the result of her worship was two-fold.

1. First of all, her sins were forgiven.

A. Does it pay to come to Christ? Is it worth it to give your life to Jesus?

B. Will the result be the same for you today? Realize your need for a Saviour; confess your sin and give your guilt to Christ; accept the gift of eternal salvation from the very hand of Jesus.

2. The second result of her heartfelt worship may actually be found in another passage of a similar incident. (John 12:1-3)

A. "The house was filled with the odor of the ointment."

B. Everyone in the house was affected by what had happened here. Some questioned, "Who is this that forgives sin?" Some, no doubt believed because of what they saw. But in any case all were affected. Probably even for several days after that, whenever Simon had visitors he had to explain the reason for the sweet smell in his house.