I Pet.2:21
INTRO. There are 7 instances in the New Testament of specific examples being left by some for the benefit of others.
1. Sodom and Gomorrah - examples of what will happen to those that live ungodly. [2Pet. 2:6, Jude 7]
2. Children of Israel in the wilderness - [Go to I Cor. 10:5-11]
3. The Old Testament Prophets - an example of suffering, affliction, and perseverance. [James 5:10]
4. Paul and his traveling companions suffered many things in order to be examples to the believers at Philippi and Thessalonica. [Phil. 3:17, 2Thess. 3:9]
5. Peter and Paul both wrote that the pastor is to be an example to the flock of study, love, faith, and leadership. [1Pet. 5:3, 1Tim. 4:12]
6. Paul said the church at Thessalonica had become an example of faith, perseverance, and joy to all the believers of Macedonia. [1Thess. 1:7]
7. But the ultimate example is found in our text for today -- I Peter 2:21
The word "example" has reference to an original that is meant to be copied or imitated. Certainly we can agree that the life of Jesus Christ is one that is to be imitated in a general sense. But this is far more specific than that.
The meaning is somewhat obscure in the English, but in the Greek language the word "example" is actually plural. This is the only time in the whole New Testament when it is used this way. Not only are we, as Christians, to imitate His life in vague generalities (goodness, kindness, loving, etc.) but also in particular specifics.
For instance, Christ is to be our model, our pattern for...
Suffering - In that He suffered at the hands of wicked and ungodly men for no other reason but that He was righteous.
Submission - In that He submitted Himself to the authority of His earthly parents and to the will of His heavenly Father.
Servitude - In that, at the Last Supper, He washed the apostle’s feet. In Matt. 20:28 He said, "The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister."
Sacrifice - In that He left His throne, glory, and position. So that He might offer His life as a sacrifice.
A. As fundamental conservatives we stand against the misleading doctrines of those who are liberal in their theology. Such erroneous teachings as...
1. Jesus was just a good man.
2. The denial of a literal hell.
3. The idea that man is basically good and must simply "work out" the godliness that is in him.
4. Since God is love, He will not discipline or punish sinners.
This is the spirit of anti-christ "whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world." (I Jn. 4:3)
B. While we vehemently disavow these doctrines as being false. The truth is that the majority of God’s people, instead of being transformed by the renewing of our minds, have actually been conformed to the teaching of the world as to what we think a Christian is supposed to be.
C. How would you describe a Christian?
1. Saved (most people stop here); Baptized and name on church roll (some will include this); Go to church, pray, give money, Sunday School, teach, sing, visit (even fewer will recognize this).
2. Most people seem to think of the Christian life in the same way they might think of options on a new car. The car is salvation. Baptism and church membership are the airbags (for safety). The other things are the A/C, radio, tilt wheel, etc. Consequently, the general idea (even among preachers) is, the more you do - the better you are. This kind of thinking leads people to believe that there are degrees of Christianity. The result is that everyone who is saved wants to wear the label of Christian, no matter how haphazard their witness.
3. What I’m telling you is that a person can be saved (believer) and even conveniently faithful and still not be a disciple of Jesus Christ. And here is the point -- THAT’S NOT O.K.!!
D. How many claim true Bible Christianity but have traded commitment for convenience, sacrifice for satisfaction, and service for selfishness.
1. None of these (commitment, sacrifice, service) will come until the heart is right. All the options we discussed are great but they are of little value if the motor won’t run. There must be a sincere and honest desire in the heart to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
a. (Rom. 8:29) - "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."
b. In all the traits that were mentioned earlier concerning the generally accepted idea of a Christian, some that weren’t mentioned were meek, righteous, merciful, pure, forgiving, and blameless. You see, the actions are irrelevant if the motive is anything other than our love for God.
c. I realize that this kind of preaching is not as popular as it once was, but it is a poor preacher who does not challenge his listeners to rise above the sins of complacency and lethargy to the high ground of holiness.
2. MOTIVE IS THE KEY! It’s not just a matter of skipping church, not tithing, a little gambling, a little swearing, etc. It’s a matter of being so filled with self-righteousness and arrogance that you feel you have the right to determine the relevance of God’s will.
a. "I give when I have the money."
b. "I attend when attending doesn’t interfere with my plans."
c. "I think a little drink, dancing, gambling is okay when I’m on vacation."
3. While this kind of attitude seems prevalent among so many of God’s children, it certainly DOES NOT follow after the example left to us by Jesus.
A. (Go back to the text) I Pet. 2:21
B. "For even hereunto were ye called"
1. Refers back to vs. 20. The implication is that if you follow the example of Jesus you will encounter sufferings.
a. (I Thess. 3:3-4) - No man should be moved by these afflictions... for... we are appointed thereunto..we told you that we should suffer tribulation."
b. The Corinthians also held this mistaken idea about the Christian life, that it didn’t necessarily have to involve any kind of sacrifice or submission. Note what Paul says to them in I Cor. 4:9-16.
c. (II Tim. 3:12) - "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
2. When living whole heartedly for the cause of Christ brings not be surprised by it. Do not try to run from it. Do not be led astray by those who teach that only "good things" happen to real Christians. "FOR HEREUNTO WERE YE CALLED."
C. Luke 9:23
1. "If any man will come after me"
a. It is recorded 19 times in the four gospels that Jesus used the phrase "follow me". He meant for us to take note of His example and strive to follow after it. We are to be His copy, reflection to those around us.
b. This is to be a voluntary following, motivated by the heart. It is possible to be a believer but not be a disciple as we will see in the next phrase.
2. "let him deny himself"
a. Luke 14:26-27, 33
b. The point could not be any clearer. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ involves sacrifice.
3. "and take up his cross daily"
a. There is no excuse or justification for sin, no matter what the circumstances. There is only confession and repentance.
b. Notice that there must not only be sacrifice but what is sacrificed must be replaced with the "burdens" (cross) of Jesus Christ. In other words, what is most important to Him becomes what is most important to you. This is the difference between believer and disciple; salvation and service; convenience and commitment.
4. It is only after all this that you may truly say that you are "following" after Jesus.
D. The question asked by one who is more concerned with his own comfort than with the cause of Christ would be, "Why must I suffer...submit...sacrifice...serve?" The answer comes back loud and clear...Because Christ did for you!
1. I Pet. 1:15-16
2. "Holy" = The fundamental idea is that of separation, consecration, devotion to the service of God; sharing in God’s purity and abstaining from this world’s defilement...even when it seems inconvenient or may result in suffering.
CONCLU. So the question comes to you this morning, "What kind of Christian are you?"
Or perhaps you realize that if it weren’t for the outward show of religion you would not be Christian at all. Then you need to come to Jesus for salvation.