Title: A series on the Beatitudes of Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12
[ILLUS: There he stood, in the midst of the Golden Corral restaurant, with Thousand Island dressing dripping from his hair, over his glasses, down his face, all over his jacket, pants, & shoes. And I’m not talking about a little bit of Thousand Island dressing, I’m talking about 2 gallons of it!
What had happened was that a waitress carrying a 2-gallon container of Thousand Island dressing for the salad bar had paused for just a second while coming through the swinging doors of the kitchen, & the doors had caught her & knocked her forward, launching 2 gallons of dressing all over this guy.
Well, he went ballistic! He started shouting & cursing at her. “You’re so stupid! I can’t believe you could do such a stupid, stupid thing. This is a brand new suit & it cost me $300.” His wife chimed in, “Yeah, you’ve ruined my husband’s $300 suit, & it’s the first time he’s had a chance to wear it.” He screamed, “I want to see the manager!”
Thoroughly shaken, she went to get the manager, & the manager came out. Now picture this – here’s a guy with 2 gallons of Thousand Island dressing dripping from him, & the manager asks, “Is there a problem?”
The guy replies, “Is there a problem? She’s ruined my $300 suit. It’s brand new, & I want a new suit!” The manager says, “We’ll be glad to get your suit cleaned. Accidents do happen, & we’re really sorry about this.”
“No! No!” he said. “I don’t want my suit cleaned. I want a brand new suit, & I demand a check for $300 right here & now.” Well, to avoid a bigger scene, the manger goes back into his office, writes out a check for $300 & brings it to him.
APPL: Think about this! Chances are who would be wearing a brand new suit on Sunday? Probably someone who is either going to or coming from church and heard a sermon on “Love your neighbor as yourself,” or “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” or “Go the second mile”?]
[ILLUS: About Helen in a store lineup at Walmart.]
Today we are going to look at what is commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. Another way of describing them is “The keys to happiness and joy.” Are you having difficulty experiencing a joyful and happy life, then perhaps this message is for you this morning. All of the Beatitudes begin with “Blessed”, which means “happy” or “joyful”.
It’s important to note that these Beatitudes ought to represent the character of each Christian. All of these should be evident in the life of every believer. We don’t pick and choose which one we believes best suits our character and forget about the rest.
The Beatitudes can also be broken into two categories: the 1st four – Preparation of our character toward God and the 2nd four – Presentation of our character toward others.
Look at those who fall under the category of Preparation this morning.
Please note this is refers to being Poor in Spirit NOT poor in the pocket book. The poor in spirit refers to being poor in the sight of God. In other words, spiritually bankrupt. You ask: What does it mean to be spiritually bankrupt?
[ILLUS: Luke 18:9-14 – READ. The tax collector at that point in his life was spiritually bankrupt.]
The tax collector came to the realization that without God and God’s blessing and guidance in his life – his life would never amount to anything. The tax collector knew that he was unable to save himself and that he can never do anything that would make himself worthy in God’s sight.
In response to that all he knew to do was to humbly call upon the name of the Lord as a sinner who needs to be saved by grace.
[APPL: I believe that if there is one thing in these days that will keep people from having a meaningful relationship with God more than anything else – PRIDE. A proud person would be opposite someone who is poor in spirit – like the Pharisee. There is no forgiveness and reconciliation unless a person comes to the point where they say; I am a sinner before God. BUT great blessings are found when people humble themselves before God and great blessings are available for congregations who corporately humble themselves before God.]
The old hymn of the church best describes how we ought to approach God…
Just as I am, poor wretched blind
Sight, riches, healing of mind
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Scripture says the poor in spirit will receive the Kingdom of heaven. Pure biblical teaching, because it is only those who are truly sorry for their sins that will be given the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So you want to go to heaven more than anything: throw away your pride and humble yourself before God.
There is some debate over what Jesus means by this beatitude. Again we need to clarify that this beatitude does not refer to someone who cries a lot or mourning for some reason;
(Although we know that God can and will comfort the broken-hearted), BUT blessed are those who mourn refer to being broken-hearted because of the sin you have committed toward God.
[ILLUS: Perhaps the best example of this in scripture is the Psalmist David. He was well aware that he had sinned against God – adultery and murder. David had a truly repentant heart. Listen to the mourning of his heart as he prays to God. Psalm 51:1-12 – READ.]
[APPL: Likewise when we come before God for the sin that we have committed against Him, we should never take it for granted; just assume that God will forgive because we ask Him; never approach God with a laxy-daisy attitude when we sin. Because sin is despised by God. If anything we should be truly mournful when we approach God for forgiveness.]
Scripture tells us that those who mourn will be comforted. In other words, God is His own supernatural, mysterious and wonderful way will forgive and bring spiritual comfort to those who are truly sorry for their sins.
The definition of meek is certainly not someone who is weak!! We seldomly use the word today to describe someone because we think almost automatically think of weakness.
Meekness must never be identified with weakness.
Perhaps the better definition of a meek person is: Someone who understands who and what they are in relation to other people. A meek person is someone who has a true and healthy estimation of themselves, and sees themselves as a human being with no special claims to status, power, or strength.
Because of their understanding of who they are, they are able to treat people in the appropriate manner: gently, kindly, and considerately. In other words they are able to follow the golden rule: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
[ILLUS: The greatest example of a meek person is Jesus Himself. We sing sometimes “Gentle Jesus meek and mild…” When we picture a gentle Jesus meek and mild, we see a blond headed gentleman with blue eyes gently stroking a snow white lamb, with smiling children tugging away softly at his snow white linen garments. Yet when duty called He stood firmly in His convictions and beliefs. Ex. Facing the Pharisees and cleaning the Temple.]
[APPL: Because one is meek and understands who they really are, they know that they need God in their life. If I understand this beatitude correctly a meek person is able and willing to surrender the driving wheel of their life over to God. They are willing to give up control because they know it is in their best interest.]
Scripture says the meek will inherit the earth. You think it would say: the meek will be pushed around and walked over. But it is those who are meek that are highly respected. People are drawn to them because of their loveable character. If you give God absolute reign and control over your life today, would it become any different from what it is now. If we give God absolute reign and control over our church today, would it become any different from what it is now.
If there are ever two words that we use lightly – it is these two. Sometimes if we go a couple of hours w/o eating or drinking something. We say that we are hungry or thirsty. When the fact of the matter is: That there are very few in this congregation have the slightest idea of what real hunger or thirst is all about.
This scripture verse uses the words hunger and thirst for what they really mean. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness means desiring more than anything the things of God. In fact, you can’t do w/o it. For you everyday, it is a craving, longing, passion, strong desire that grips you in the soul and knots up when you don’t fill it with the things of God.
Let me clarify: The Homiletic Commentary states “Hunger and thirst are healthy appetites, which bring joy and satisfaction when they are met, but they are torments, tortures, if they are not satisfied.” You starting to get the picture: A person who hungers and thirst for righteousness would never be satisfied with…
Ø Only going to church on Sunday – they need weekly Bible Study and times of prayer,
Ø Reading their Bible when they get in the mood – they need to do their daily devotions,
Ø Become involved Kingdom work only if it is convenient – they only feel fulfilled when they are going about doing God’s work.
Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness cannot never ‘do’ enough or never ‘be’ enough for the Kingdom of God. It is that hunger and thirst for the things of God that motivates them to keep going.
[APPL: How God needs people today who hunger and thirst after Him. How God needs churches today who hunger and thirst after Him. People and churches who are willing to do anything and/or everything for the Kingdom regardless of costs or sacrifice.]
Scripture says those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled. God will fill them to an overflowing in abundant blessing. In fact, you won’t be able to count them. I often wonder who there seems to be an increasing number of unhappy followers of Christ. I believe it is because they only flirt around with God and righteousness.
For some, their relationship with Christ stopped growing after they asked Him to come into their lives. In other words, they are saved and stuck. And satan smiles: ‘Another one saved and stuck, I have no worries about him/her causing me any trouble!’
Friends, I am bold this morning on the authority of God’s Holy Word. Do I ask the questions, are you…
Ø Poor in Spirit – recognizing your absolute need of Him.
Ø Mourning – truly sorry for your sin and thankful for God’s salvation.
Ø Meek – understand who we are in the sight of God and how to properly treat others.
Ø Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness – just can’t get enough of God.
Remember when Jesus gave these instructional beatitudes. These ought to be evident in every believer’s life. Are they evident in your life like they should be?