Worship 101
John 4:21-24
In Vancouver today, there is something stirring… the Queen’s visit. Excitement about it. On the news when the Queen arrived in Iqaluit, Nunavut, she was driven around in an SUV. Because of the height of the SUV, it was difficult for her to get off the vehicle. But the people there didn’t know what to do, should they approach her majesty and help her out … Today many too I believe are frustrated with their experience with the majestic presence of God…
February 19, 2001, George Barna noted that 92% of church goers in his survey say worship is very important to them. But it is seems many are experiencing frustration about it… "Without giving themselves time to clear their minds and hearts of their daily distractions and other problems, many people attend a worship event but never enter a worshipful frame of mind. A large share of churchgoers do not pray, meditate, confess or focus on God prior to the start of a church worship event. One consequence is that they find it difficult to connect with Him spiritually. Having never been taught much about worship, they find the inability to interact with God on a deeper level frustrating, but don’t know what to do about it."
Today I want to address that problem… let’s learn about worship, shall we?
In 1961 there was a pastor whose name is A.W. Tozer. He wrote these words: “Worship is the missing jewel of the evangelical church”. It is now 2002. Four decades have gone by since Tozer wrote that. And it is still ringing true, if Barna’s study is right. Today, many are confused or frustrated with connecting spiritually to God. If there’s anything Christian today need more… is to revisit and revitalize this whole area of the worship of God.
A guy named Pete gets a job as a switchman with the railroad, and he had weeks of training. Finally the day came, and the supervisor takes him into the switch booth to test his readiness. The following conversation takes place:
Supervisor: "Imagine you were sitting here alone and you learned there was a train coming from the North on that track, and another coming from the South on the same track. What would you do?"
Pete: "I’d throw this switch right here and put one train on the other track."
Supervisor: And what if that switch didn’t work?"
Pete: "I’d go down to the track and throw that big switch lever there, putting one train on the other track."
Supervisor: "And what if that switch lever didn’t work?"
Pete: "Then I’d come back here and call the dispatcher to stop both trains."
Supervisor: "And what if the phone didn’t work?"
Pete: "Then I’d go to that gas station across the street and use their phone."
Supervisor: "And what if their phone didn’t work?"
Pete: "Then I’d go get Uncle Joe."
Supervisor: "Uncle Joe??? What would he do?"
Pete: "Nothing, but he ain’t never seen a train wreck."
Many worshippers of God are kind of like Pete. They look into their training to connect with God, and but for them it sort of feels like a train wreck. Often we feel like that didn’t work, this didn’t work too in our lives…
1. First thing, we need to know about worship is: God is more interested in this topic than we are.
From the very beginning, the Bible is clear, from cover to cover, the whole book is about God, the worship of Him.
“God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them. “ Genesis 1:27
Thus, the implication is… If we are disconnected with God, there is something missing. It seems we are made to connect with the Creator.
Then the end of the Bible, the book of Revelation is all about worship – there are songs and more songs recorded there, scenes of staggering earth-shaking worship, cries of “holy, holy, holy”. Then you open the Bible in middle of the book you’ll find the book of Psalms filled with worship of God.
If our lives feel out of whack, could it be due to the fact we are missing the essential ingredient of life the Bible speaks of: our connection with God. And boy do we not feel it? No wonder as, Vera Nicholas-Gervais an Ottawa-based professional coach whose passion is helping women have what they truly want in their lives, detected - “Stress has become a hallmark of our times. Pick up any magazine and you’re bound to find an article about ways to beat stress — ranging from tranquil bubble baths behind locked doors to spa getaways.” Is that not the way the world is?
You can sense it from the way people talked about their retirement savings, which seems to be dwindling due to the stock market freefall. You sense it as people read the news, and hear the US planning to attack Iraq, the health care problems in Canada, see people killed because of illegal street races, families struggling with their out of control kids etc. There is something in us that protest, we were not made for this… we were not made for this rubbish! Are we not more than just molecules that happen by chance, we are not designed for this, are we?
As, Vera Nicholas-Gervais, pointed out, people are searching for ways to get a handle on life… so off to the spas getaways, can’t afford that go for a movie, and she noted “These are wonderful indulgences, but usually provide no more than a fleeting respite from stress.” Is she right? It seems so, because after the getaways, or the movie, we get back to the same stressors in life… the world has not changed… Reason #1 is because we treat the symptoms and do not go for the cure. So we end up going for more getaways if we can afford it, … like a yo-yo. I wonder if anyone here wants to end up a yo-yo? Do we really want to have etched on our grave-stones “He spent his life going from one getaway to another” “His life – a yo-yo?
St. Augustine said “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you.” Until we find God, really have Him in our lives again we will be going, from one getaway to another… But I wonder if we have been such masters at this game, that we have tuned God out. I wonder if what John Piper wrote is true - “If you don’t feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because you have nibbled so long at the table of the world. Your soul is stuffed with small things and there is no room for the great.” Yes, I wonder if indeed our souls are stuffed with small things, there is no room for God…
Small things? Indeed, what would it matter if I have a big house, a sports car, and have a million dollars, the latest Playstation 2 games, 200 years from now, if my kid has straight A’s in his final exams? Will anyone remember in 2050, 3000, 4000 will anyone care, will anyone remember? Does anyone know who all the presidents and vice-presidents of the USA are? The leaders of the greatest nation in the world and nobody cares really who they are? Can anyone name the past 10 new millionaires who hit the lotto jackpot? Does anyone know or care exactly what cars they drive or own? What are the names of their wives and children? I wonder if we have driven up the road of small things and worshipped there?
I am glad that Piper does not end with just saying that we are stuffed with small things but he went on to say…
“God did not create you for this. There is an appetite for God. And it can be awakened.”
Yes! There is hope for our ship to turn around, that’s been heading nowhere fast. It’s time to get back on course, and discover real the great things of life… not get hung up the small things… Let’s get back to things that will last beyond a life-time and to pass on a legacy that will live on when we die and become a memory. Today, I invite u get back to the real reason God made u,
In our Bible reading today we read…
21Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:21-24
Here is a woman that Jesus talked to that was feeding on the stuff of life called small things. Her life was out of whack, feeling loads of stress and it could due to these facts
1. Race: She was fed with the lie that she’s not much of a person. Second class at best! Why because she was from Samaria. They were treated like pariah dogs, not pure bred but unclean. It is explained in John 4:9.
2. Gender: Then she was a Samaritan woman, women were treated more like property or things than people in those times, to be traded around.
3. Class: She probably belonged to the class of society that’s the lowest, evidenced by her coming out in the hottest time of the day to draw water from the well at the sixth hour (John 4:6).
4. Feelings: Tired out with everyday chores - the boring mundane routines, she does not want to keep coming out to draw water (v.15) , feeling dirty, unloved, uncared for, sexually used up… no real family to belong to, a home that is not a home - had 5 husbands and now in a common law arrangement (v.17-18). Most of all, she is just bored with life! Is there all to life?
Can you just feel the stress, the tension that this woman had to endure? Jesus called that “ thirst.” HOW ABOUT YOU? Do u feel the thirst? Beaten up in life? Perhaps feel the same things as the woman did, not valued as person, unclean, social outcast, bored, tired out, etc?
In to that tension, that stressed out life, into that thirst, Jesus walks in. And He gently engaged her in a conversation and told her He has come to satisfy what’s missing in her life, He’s the Springs of Living Water to connect to God’s life:
1. PLACE: What you want cannot be found anywhere in the world: It is not about a physical place on earth (v.21). The only place God wants is within you… i.e. it is within your reach. Precious to him cuz of His image in all humans, male or female. You don’t a place to find in some mountain somewhere, your connection with God can be accessed within you! The place is within you… “in spirit and in truth”
2. PAST TRADITIONS: What you want is not found in traditions: It is not blindly accepting what’s been passed down such as the Samaritan rituals(v.22). The only ritual God wants: is that YOU know what you worship! That it comes from you not empty traditions. God is not traditions, God is Spirit therefore what you need is your spirit connecting with His Spirit.
3. PLANNED PURSUIT: What you want is to be found in God’s plan for the world: It is about understanding God’s plan confirmed by prophets – that God is seeking you, wishing to bless you, to give you what u were designed for, for worship that is true (v.22a). God has chosen the Jewish nation, an insignificant smallish persecuted nation to proclaim the greatest news ever to prove that the underdog can make it, the outcast, the pariah, the lost can find God. Through them, the crucified Jesus is revealed as the One who is pierced for the sins of the world. The One to connect people back to God. Yes, God has been searching for you long before you had any idea that God loves you and wants you. It’s about the Father’s seeking heart and uniting you and Him together in “spirit and in truth” (v.23, 24)
4. PROVIDENCE: What you want is supplied by God and it will satisfy you: It is about refreshment that wills last forever. 13Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (v.13-14). He will supply, not you!
To authentically relieve stress in a lasting way, you must be willing to re-evaluate who you really are.
Will you re-evaluate who you are: You are made in God’s image and until you find your way home to God, that you were made to be with Him, to know Him who designed you, you won’t truly feel at peace. You were created for great things… Look at the created universe – God took a lot of care in making this world so that we could live and exist to worship Him. Just move the sun a bit off where it is now, the earth will burn or freeze… God made the world just right, and placed you here in this auditorium so that you can reach Him… Acts 17:24-27
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.
Will you re-evaluate your choices and get to the core issues that create tension for you. Every stress, sin is really your search to satisfy what’s missing… Feel like a train-wreck? Here are some common scenarios and what you can do about them:
Re-evaluate your time:
You’re a stressed-out with little, or no, time to regroup.
Make time to really regroup – you are not made for small things – but for great things. Make time to lift up your eyes to the heavens and say to God: I was made for You. I will worship You. Don’t rely on an occasional quick-fix escape. Instead, reserve a few hours a week for time alone with God to spend however you wish.
An American study of 21, 000 people (1987-95) – there is 7 year life expectancy difference– for those who make time to attend a house of worship from those who don’t. 1999 Duke University study of 4000 older adults – attendance at churches is related to lower rates of depression/anxiety.
Wanna live longer, and less stress, then build in more worship of God into your life, to really regroup, bounce back with true inner peace and joy, right?
Be still and know that I am God – create stillness, quiet times in your heart… turn away from noise of the world… hear the sound of God speaking His word to you…
Stillness can be found by memorizing or meditating on God’s word, not in emptying your mind, like most eastern meditation technique, but with filling your mind with God’s word. Reclaim your enjoyment of all five senses and revel in them every chance you get. Such as the Lord’s Supper has eat, drink, taste, feel, smell - “Be still and know that I am God”
Re-evaluate your use of technology:
You’re chained to your computer and technology rules your life
Consider limiting your e-mail exchanges for narrowly defined professional purposes only, and "rehumanize" yourself by contact with short prayers and/or use journaling. Rediscover the seemingly lost art of “praying without ceasing”.
For more ways to ease everyday stress consider the following strategies:
Revisit your everyday routines
Analyse whether your job runs you, or whether you are in control of your working environment. Is it time to explore part-time hours, flex-time options, a work-from-home arrangement, or even a career makeover? Have your job fit your life’s greatest pursuit to know God, not the other way around.
Look at your relationship with God with a fresh eye
Unspoken feelings and expectations, failure to show appreciation or affection, and lack of consideration can undermine your inner well-being and hinder your ability to cope with otherwise manageable challenges. Try relating to your Father in a more authentic way. Take off the mask and gently be who you really are with all of them, and watch your stress level recede like an ocean at low tide. Repeat prayers, bible verses, songs, letting words of Christ dwell in you richly, not the emptiness of nothingness of eastern meditation techniques. Herbert Benson of Harvard Med School – noted such exercises produced reduced stress.
Go to where the real issues are, that is you connection with the Spirit of God, in spirit and in truthand you’ll combat boredom, stress before it gets a hold on you. When you are "Stressed-out" perhaps what’s really is going on is really "stressed-in." Look inside yourself, and undo tension at its source.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Eccl.13:1 (NIV)
Today I affirm from the Word of God he has made you a thing of beauty, of infinite worth... and we were made to know Him who is eternal – for He set eternity in our hearts. The biggest problem we have in life is within our reach to solve, in our hearts but without our reach, because our hearts are far away from that which is eternal.
The need of our time is not “believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.” For we are surrounded by many who think they believe. There are drunks on the street who say they believe but they are soldout to alcohol, not God. There are numerous people who say they believe, but their passions betray them, as they sell themselves to whatever enslaves them. Why is there still so much that is unchanged, more threats of violence, war, drugs, … and many of this come from people who say they believe in God. The need of the hour is not for more belief… for even the demons believe there is one God and shudder at that thought, according to the Bible in James 2:19.
The need of our time is this – RED HOT WORSHIP! Our spirit connecting back to His Spirit. Speaking to believers God’s Word to the church in Laodicea is “I know your deeds that you neither cold or hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm –neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Rev.3:15-16. This is a startling imagery. See in our text the Father is seeking worshippers. Folks who will worship Him not just believe, who will fall down at His feet and call Him “Father God”… This one of the basics we got to know about God, He is seeking worshippers as our text say this am.
So Much Can Come From our Choices
I want to share with you a very real example of the impact that our daily choices makes on our future. This is a story of two close friends who were teammates on a football team. Friends who shared a view of a promising future in professional sports and also who looked forward to continued success during their collegiate career.
These two friends made separate choices last November. One chose to stay at home while the other decided to go hunting with two other friends. The hunting wasn’t all that was on the list of activities though. These three drank heavily up into the early morning hours at which time they decided to go driving.
Jason Watts, the center of the Kentucky football team was the friend that chose to drink and drive. While driving he lost control of his truck and a horrible accident occurred. Watts and the other two friends were thrown from the truck and all sustained injuries. Only Watts survived. The other two, also legally drunk, lay dead on the ground.
Jason Watts went to court recently to face the consequences of his actions. He was remorseful. He wished it had never happened, but it did. All because of his choice. He pleaded guilty to two counts of second degree manslaughter and has been sentenced to 10 years in jail. His life is changed forever because of the impact of his choice that November night.
The other teammate is Tim Couch. He had decided not to join the friends that weekend. And in 1999 Tim was picked as the number one draft pick in the NFL. He signed a 7 year contract for a reported $48 Million dollars, including a $12.5 Million dollar signing bonus with the Cleveland Browns. His life is also now changed forever, in part preserved by his choice that November night.
The future plans for these two teammates were disrupted and changed forever due to these choices. The team had to face the next two games of the season without the services of Watts at the center position and also with the heaviness of mourning and grief. They lost these last two games. Off the field, one teammate went on with his plans to wealth and success. Watts faces jail and the loss of his dream to play professionally. Two other families clutch their memories of their sons who were killed that night, sons that will never touch a football again nor draw another breath.
So much can come from a set of choices.
What’s the choice for your life you are going to make?
GRACE INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH have made some choices to WORSHIP GOD? Here are some answers from the Bible…
· Why do we come together to sing and worship and hear God’s Word?
12Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:12-17
· Why are there instruments of all kinds involved in your worship music? 3Praise God with trumpets and all kinds of harps.
4Praise him with tambourines and dancing, with stringed instruments and woodwinds.
5Praise God with cymbals, with clashing cymbals.
6Let every living creature praise the LORD. Shout praises to the LORD! Psalm 150:3-6 (CEV)
· Why do some people raise their hands when they sing in worship? 3 Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you. Psalm 63:3-5 (NIV)
· Why are some so excited and seem to be singing/shouting loudly?
1 Shout with joy to God, all the earth!
2 Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious!
3 Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power …Psalm 66:1-3 (NIV)
· Why is there clapping of hands?
1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.
2 How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth! Psalm 47:1-2
· Why are there times when everyone is silent?
But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him. Habakkuk 2:20
· Why do people sometimes kneel in worship?
6 Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;
7 for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Psalm 95:6-7
· Why do we sing new songs?
Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33:3
· Why do we confess in public “Jesus is Lord”?
9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." Romans 10:9-11
What are your choices today?