Summary: Christ is comming. How is he comming. WEll no one no for sure but lets give it a honest effort.

Christ Our Coming King


A. This is a subject that has causes many different reactions among Christians

1. Some will look forward to discussing the idea.

2. Some will dread it

3. Very few will remain natural

B. Before we get into the different aspects of the Coming King, I need to make a disclaimer

1. this is an important subject and should be treated as such

2. However, this is something that should not cause division in the Church

3. The truth is that there are plenty of scriptural references for each point.

4. However, the important idea to understand is that Christ is coming back

C. Before we can begin to explain the different views we first have to define what the millennium means.

1. Rev 20:4-6

2. From the Latin word meaning thousand, The reign of Jesus Christ on earth, specifically mentioned only once in scripture in Revelation 20:4-6.

I. Historical Premillennialism

A. What they Believe

1. Definition: Historic Premillennalism is the belief that the Second Coming of Christ will be before the millenium and that the Church has replaced the nation of Israel as god’s covenant People.

2. They feel that Christians will remain here on earth during the great tribulation.

3. Also God’s covenant with Abraham is based on obedience, since Abraham was not obedience the covenant was broken

4. When Israel is mentioned it is used symbolically to refer to the Church

B. Scripture they Use

1. 2 Thess. 2:3-4 seems to indicate that the Anti-Christ will precede Christ’s return. Therefore the second coming will happen Before the millennial reign

2. Rev 13:7 when it is talking about war against the saints, this must before the millennial reign

3. Verses such as Gen. 22:18, 2 Chronicles 33:8, Isa 1:19-20, Jer 7:to 6-7, Romans 9:6-8, James 1:1 appears to state the those promises were indeed conditional

C. Problems with their ideas

1. Good:

a. They view society as more and more evil

2. Bad:

a. with out giving Israel their just rewards, that make it seem like Christ does not keep His promises

b. What do they do with rapture? 1 thess 4:15-17(We will look at that later)

II. Amillennialism

A. What they Believe

1. Definition: Amillennialism is the belief the millennium symbolizes Christ’s reign in the lives of his people form the beginning of the Church until His Second Coming

2. the millennial reign is occurring now in this according to this view

3. The millennial reign started at the resurrection

4. The tribulation has been occurring since the formation of the Church (ex Martyrs)

5. Israel is symbolic with the reference to the people of god on earth

6. Revelation then is viewed as concepts not literal numbers to be interpreted (ex 6 equals incompleteness, 7 = completeness, 10 = something that is extreme but not limited, 1000 = a great long period of time

B. Scripture they Use

1. Psalms 50:10, 90:4, 105:8, 2 Peter 3:8 all use the number 1000 figuratively.

2. Romans 11:13-15 and Eph. 2:1-4 the first resurrection could easily refer to the spiritual resurrection of those who trust in Christ.

3. Both Dan. 12:2-3 and John 5:28-29 you realize that the Second Coming of Christ and the resurrection of the saved and unsaved can occur at the same times.

4. Rev 13:7 makes it sound like the saints are on earth during the tribulation

C. Problems with their ideas

1. Good

a. I admire ammillennislm for itssimplicity.

b. The Second coming could happen at any time

2. Bad

a. Ammilennialist tend to over simplify things too much

b. The Bible does not waste time, therefore the Numbers are there for a reason

III. Postmillennialism

A. What they Believe

1. Definition: Postmillennialism is the belief the Second Coming of Christ will occur after the Millennium

2. The millennium is a long time when most of the World will end up following Jesus Christ

3. During this reign Satan will have no power over the earth and evil will collapse

4. The great tribulation will proceed the millenium reign.

5. Christ will reign the earth during the millenium however, He will do it through his Holy Spirit

6. In there view, society will continue to get better and better

B. Scripture they Use

1. Math. 24:14 and Mark 13:10 tells us that every group will receive the gospel before the Second Coming of Christ

2. Rev 20:4 could refer to the spiritual resurrection of persons who trust in Christ

3. Dan 12:2-3 and John 5:28-29 appear to say that the second coming of Christ and the resurrection of the people will happen at the same time

C. Problems with their ideas

1. Good:

a. I like the idea that most of the world would submit to Jesus (that is a great idea)

b. I also like the fact that during the millennial right thaht Christ is not on the earth, therefore, there is more time to reach the lost

2. Bad

a. However, society is getting worse not better like Postmillennialist try and tell us

b. It would be nice if we had more time to reach people for Christ, but that is just not the case

IV. Dispensational Premillennialism

A. What they Believe

1. Definition: Dispensational Premillennialism is the belief that the Second Coming of Christ will precede the millenium and that God will still give the nation of Israel the land described in Gen. 15:18.

2. This view is very similar to Historic Premillennialism

3. The one major difference is that Israel is viewed as sill being in the covenant relationship with God. Therefore will still receive what they were promised in Gen 15:18

4. The Millennium reign is viewed as a literal future event

5. Most end up being pre-tribulation

a. The rapture which comes from the Latin word raptus, which means carry always, is when Christ returns to take His people to heaven.

b. They view Rev. 4:1-2 as when Christ removes Christian for the earth before the great tribulation begins.

c. However there are also a lot who believe in Mid-tribulation rapture.

6. God’s promises to Abraham and his offspring were unconditional, therefore the Jews still have every right to receive what was promised to them

7. They also view that during the great tribulation, many Jews will turn to Christ

8. They feel that when the Bible talks about Israel it means Israel.

D. Scripture they Use

1. Gen 15:7-21 God promises to Abraham and his offspring are unconditional.

2. 1 Thess. 5:9 and Revelation 3:10 appears to state the God will keep Christians for His wrath during the great tribulation.

3. Between Rev 4 and 19 the church is never specifically mentioned

E. Problems with their ideas

1. The fact they do something with the Israel and Abraham is definitely a good thing

2. They do not avoid the rapture subject, they are able to separate it from the second coming

3. The millennial reign is also seen as literal.


A. More important then all this debate is not to figure out when and how everything is going to happen

B. The more important thing is to know that Christ is coming back!

C. We need to be ready

D. If he came back today are you ready?

E. What is holding you back?

F. This should motivate you towards missions

1. you can look at it in two different ways. First of all there is the returning of Christ should motivate you to complete the great commission, then we would meet all he requirements and prophesies that must take place before the return of Christ. This way we would see Christ sooner

2. If that does not work for you, Christ coming back soon should motivate you because you do know want anyone going to hell

G. What a glorious day that we be, when we all get to Heaven!