Summary: Were do we come up with some of these ideas? They are so far out there. We need to stay grounded in Christ and His Word

Galatians 3:1-9

Silly, Silly, Silly People


Name some different occults that have existed lately.

How many times have we seen the wackos preaching something that was not from the Bible? That made us upset. However do you think that we are far away from being them?

Paul is pretty upset when he is writing this letter. He is mad at the Galatians. There have been some false teachers running around causing them to get off track. So Paul let them have it here

There are two ideas Paul tells us in these verses

1. Silly Traditions

2. Silly Interpretations

I. (1-5) Silly Traditions


1. Hello! Wake UP! How can you be so stupid? Basically that was the idea that Paul was trying to get across

2. The question in Vs 2 is just a rhetorical question.

3. Human effort did not save them in the first place so why would the Galatians think that it would be any different then now

4. The Galatians did suffer much persecution. There is no hiding that.

5. After all that persecution they experienced you think that they would be a little smarter.

6. So Paul wonders why they would suffer all that persecution for nothing.

7. Paul wonders were the Spirit came from. Was it God or Was it the Law. I think we know the answer


1. Remember what it was like when you first got saved? Remember how much your focus was on God.

2. We get caught up so much in the “Law”.

3. Things like we don’t do this because that is not proper….

4. However we have to be careful not to go to the other extreme

5. It is not about US, It is about GOD!


A Hippie looking like guy came to a Church of prestige. Seeing that the Church pews were mostly filled, he decided to walk up the isle and sit down right in the middle of the isle. Then there was the old dear elder who saw this and began to walk slowly up the aisle(he was old) and everyone was wondering what he was going to say and he say down beside the guy. That is the attitude that we need.

II. Silly Interpretations


1. Paul starts talking about Abraham

2. Abraham was considered righteous by God

3. God made Abraham a promise.

4. Abraham believed God, despite the human probability

5. Paul states that it was not Abraham’s national origin that caused all this but rather by his faith

6. Circumcision was not part of Abraham, he did not know about it

7. The Galatians should have known this, they were just being dumb.


1. Listen up. What is in the Bible is the Gospel nothing ELSE

2. The Gospel is about Jesus Dying on this Cross for our sins

3. Jesus is the only one that could have done that

4. As soon as we starting adding other things to the Gospel, we sin.


Our great leader of the Reformation Martin Luther became so out raged at what was going on in the Catholic Church. He was an educated man and could read what the Bible said. This was not normal for people of his time. They were suppose to just believe what the Pope told them to believed. The made Luther upset. Finally he stood up and wrote down two words “Sola Scripture” Which means Scripture Alone! That is what we need to hear today


1. You foolish Americans. Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.

2. We have to start realizing that this Bible is all that matters

3. That it is not about us it is about GOD

4. (Story needs to Go here)

5. It is not about us, our laws, our traditions, our misinterpretations, it ONLY ABOUT GOD