Summary: Jesus’ teaching on helping others as kingdom people provide radical concepts involving generosity, sincerity, and inviting others to the Kingdom.

Kingdom Life Series #17

August 24-26, 2002


Matthew 6:1-4

I. Jesus tells us three things about helping the poor.

• Jesus expects kingdom people to help the poor. Jesus says “when you give” not “if you give.”

• Jesus warns kingdom people about hypocritical giving/helping.

• Jesus promises reward for those who help the poor.

II. Jesus teaches three ways to help the poor:

A. Gratefully/Generously/Mercifully

Helping others in need first is our response to God’s own goodness to us. Two important principles could be learned about giving:

• I must treat others, the same way that God treats me in Christ. This is a key kingdom principle. See Luke 6:36; Matthew 18:21-35; Romans 15:7; Ephesians 4:32

• How I treat others shows how I feel towards God’s generosity. See Luke 7:36-50

B. Sincerely for Christ Alone

Another kingdom principle is laid out by Christ: SERVE AND LIVE FOR AN AUDIENCE OF ONE. Colossians 3:17

C. Give to Invite Others into God’s Kingdom

Kingdom people share to others with a view of sharing God’s love. Our giving goes beyond humanitarian reasons. This by itself is good. But kingdom giving invites others to Christ. See 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Conclusion: Jesus challenges us to be kingdom people. Kingdom people are moved by God’s love. We share because we have received God’s generosity. We love because God loved us first.

This week seek God and ask Him how you could apply this message to others, especially those in need.