Summary: What the Bible Can Do For You! (2 Timothy 3:15-17)With all of the information overload in our world today, is it possible for us to hear the voice of God? God’s Word benefits our lives by providing the direction for our greatest areas of need.

The Crossing Community Church

“What the Bible Can Do For You”

Pastor Jim Botts

July 7, 2002


We live in the age of information overload. Consider the following:

- New York Times contains more factual information in one edition than all the written materials available to a reader in the 15th century.

- In 1472 the finest university library in the world was Queen’s College, Cambridge, it contained 199 books. Now there are 60,000 new books released in the USA each year, 300,000 worldwide.

- 18,000 magazines published in the USA alone.

- 400,000 ‘scholarly’ journals published annually in the world.

- 15 billion catalogues delivered last year to American homes.

- 1.6 trillion pieces of paper circulate in US offices each year.

- A 2000 University of Illinois study showed that there are 11,339 distinct electronic databases (301 in 1975).

Amid the noise of all of these voices, what if God wanted to speak? Not just to anyone, but to you? Would you be able to hear Him with all the information noise around?

- Psalm 119:93 I will never forget your guiding principles, because you gave me a new life through them (GWT).

Circle the words “new life”. How would you like a new life? All in favor of a new life? Jesus Christ said the same thing this way…

- John 8:32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (NLT).

The truth and guiding principles referred to are the Bible. It is the most unique book in the world. All other “scriptures” are written by one person, but the Bible is actually a library of 66 books written by 40 different authors, on three different continents, over 1500 year period of time, under different circumstances.

Charles Spurgeon said, “The Bible is like a lion. Who ever heard of defending a lion? Just turn it loose, it will defend itself.” This morning I want to turn the Bible loose by sharing what it can do for you.

Read the passage: 2 Timothy 3:15-17

The Apostle Paul is writing to his young apprentice Timothy about how to stay on course with God in a world that is way off track. In chapter three he outlines how bad times, bad people and bad religion were coming ahead. We too need to learn how to keep on track with God in a dark world by the light from God’s Word.

So we will examine what the Bible can do for you - if you get into it.

Getting into the Bible benefits my life by helping me…

1. Get connected with God (v15):

Bible gives “wisdom” in how to have a meaningful relationship with God.

**Be wise to your problem (SIN) “our missing the mark”

The Bible says that every person here is imperfect. Everybody fails at one point or another and no one bats 1000. If you think you’re perfect and have never sinned, please stand. Some are thinking, “I want to stand.” You didn’t because you’re too proud and pride is a sin don’t even think about standing. We have all missed the mark and fallen short of God’s perfect standard (Romans 3:23).

Our sins have disconnected us from God. As light and darkness cannot mix, so a Perfect God and imperfect people cannot mix. Sin is the barrier between us and a meaningful relationship with God. His face is hidden from us.

- Isaiah 59:2 But there is a problem--your sins have cut you off from God… (NLT). Circle cut off.

One time I accidentally cut the power trimmer cord while I was using it. When the cord was cut the source of power was gone.

Sin cuts off spiritual life and we’re dead to the things of God.

Because of our sin we stand guilty before the God of perfect justice and our debt must be paid (Romans 6:23).

**Be wise to God’s solution (SALVATION) “Jesus paying our price”

Forgiveness of sin: Jesus did not come to rub your sins in, but to rub them out by paying for them. Jesus died to take away all of your sins (past – present – future). That is what Jesus Christ is all about.

- 1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, in order that He might bring us to God…(NASB).

Died for sins, once for all, Him for you, to bring you to God!

That’s how we connecting with God is possible, Jesus took the barrier of sin away so we can know God.

Eternal life in heaven is a free gift offered offered to us because Jesus died in our place.

Salvation is a gift to receive by faith in Jesus.

- John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name (NASB).

If you cannot look to a time when you’ve placed your trust 100% in Jesus as the only basis of forgiveness of sin, then do it now!

PRAYER: and mark your card if you’ve prayed, go to the New Beginning table after the service!

Reading the Bible without being connected with God through Jesus Christ is like reading somebody else’s mail.

Getting into the Bible also benefits my life by helping me to…

2. Stay on track with God (v16):

God has spoken with authority to our spiritual needs.

The authority of the Bible: Has God really spoken?

Inspiration means god-breathed (theo-pneustos) outspired. Not inspired people like Beethoven, but the words were His. As God breathed life into man at creation, same with the Bible.

2 Peter 1:21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. The source of the Bible is God, even though He used human personalities.

The Bible is a God’s book: 2500x, “God said…the Lord said…thus saith the Lord. God has made it clear He speaks through this book and it carries all the weight of His character.

Jesus: quoted Moses, Daniel and David and said “God said.” He referred to Adam and Eve, Sodom and Gomorrah, Jonah and the fish as historical people and events. He believed that God inspired the words of the Old Testament and that the Holy Spirit would guide men in writing the New Testament (or Cevenant as He called it).

God gave us the Bible to reveal Himself to us and guide our lives.

- Have you heard of the guy who said, “Lord, I want to know your will for my life.” He opened up his Bible, pointed his finger at the page and it read, “Judas went out and hanged himself.” He thought, “that can’t be right.” So he tried it again and this time it read, “Go thou and do likewise.” He thought, “lord, this can’t be right, two out of three.” So he opened it up a third time, pointed his finger down and read, “And what thou doest, do quickly.” Is this how God directs our lives with the bible? No! The Bible is more valuable than that! It helps us stay on track with God.

God gave us the Bible to direct us, not to dumfound us.

**We profit from “teaching”: The Bible shows us what is right & wrong.

We live in a day when few can distinguish right and wrong.

DL Moody, “You can tell how crooked a stick is by putting a straight one next to it.” The straight stick for what to believe.

God loves us, when He says “don’t” it means “don’t hurt yourself”

The Bible opens up the mind of God to us, allowing us to think His thoughts after Him – to see reality through His eyes.

We learn the real truth about: heaven and hell, life after death, angels and demons, evil in the world, human sexuality, and how can I raise my kids well? We believe what God has said!

**We profit from “reproof”: The Bible show us when we are wrong. “Conviction” the awareness of where we’ve gotten off track. Our hurts, habits and hang ups get clearly diagnosed…ouch!

Mark Twain, “It’s not what I don’t understand in the Bible that trouble me, it’s what I do understand that troubles me.”

**We profit from “correction”: The Bible tells us how to make it right. “To restore to an upright state” getting back on your feet again. Sometimes we fall, but we get up and right back on the path. There are adjustments to make in keeping on track with God.

**We profit from “training”: The Bible helps us to stay on track. “Righteousness” is God’s way of living, we need to be trained in it. Like a coach, the Bible keeps us tracking in progress and growth.

SUMMARY: God does not want us wandering around wondering why we’re here and which way to go.

- Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path (NASB).

The Bible is for connecting us with God and directing our lives. In short, it is for life transformation, not just information. Are you interested in being changed?

A converted cannibal in the south sea islands was sitting by a large, boiling pot, reading his Bible when an anthropologist wearing a pith helmet approached him and asked, “what are you doing?’ The native replied, “I’m reading the Bible.” The Anthropologist scoffed and said, “Don’t you know that modern, civilized man has rejected that book? It’s nothing but a pack of lies. You shouldn’t waste your time reading it.” The former cannibal looked him over from head to toe…slowly, and replied, “Sir, if it weren’t for this book, you’d be in that pot!” You see, the Bible had changed his life and his appetite.

Getting into the Bible also benefits my life by helping me to…

3. Be prepared for life (v17):

The result of all this is being prepared for every good thing.

Raising kids, loving my spouse, caring for my small group, discovering my shape – the Bible prepares me for it all.

**“Adequate” means able to meet all demands or “fit”

v16 and v17contain the same word in Greek “Every/all”

All scripture meets prepares you for all of life’s demands.

**“Equipped” means completely “furnished” or supplied.

It was used of completed documents, a boat fully supplied. The Bible produces people that are “whole”. Psychology and philosophy have their place but they cannot replace the Bible in equipping us to become whole and complete. The world is desperately looking for the wholeness from inner conflicts, how to be able to cope, how to handle the issues of life. They’re looking for an instruction manual for life. That’s what the Bible is.

- Psalm 19:7-8,11 The teachings of the LORD are perfect; they give new strength. The rules of the LORD can be trusted; they make plain people wise. (8) The orders of the LORD are right; they make people happy. The commands of the LORD are pure; they light up the way. (11) By them your servant is warned. Keeping them brings great reward (NCV).


Its not enough to own one, you’ve got to use it. A Bible in the hand is worth two on the shelf. Do you believe it cover to cover? Have you read it cover to cover? How do you know you believe it if you don’t know what’s in it?

The average American spends 1000 hours watching television per year. By the time you’re 65 you’ve amassed 9 ½ years years of continuous TV viewing. On the other hand, if you went to church once per week during those same years, that would only amount to 4 months of Bible teaching. Four months compared to 9 years. It’s time for a challenge!

Take out the slip inside your program and show it to me -30 day!

I challenge each of you to commit with me to reading the entire NT in 30 days. If you do not have a NT, we have a modern language one as our gift to you. Just hand you communication card to the usher when you leave and they’ll give you one.

30-day challenge:

- Fill out communication card indicating my commitment.

Write count me in at the bottom space.

- Write what you are hoping to experience from reading.

Very important for me to pray for you.

- Place the completed card in the offering plate.

Fill it out now and let’s tear them together. If you want a free NT give it to an usher at after the service


Lord, you said that if we know the truth, it will set us free. I pray that the next 30 days will see many find freedom through Jesus Christ as we get into Your Word.