The Perfect Provider
Genesis 22:1-14
INTRO: 1. ILL. A pastor had received a offering for the poor and had in mind who he was going to give to. Went to her house. It appeared she was home. Windows opened, flower pots set out. Knocked and knocked, but no answer. Next morning she answered the door, but appeared upset— he asked why— she shared her fear of landlord and said he’d come by just yesterday, but she was too afraid to answer door. Pastor revealed it was him. She shook her head and said, My fear of the landlord almost cost be a blessing. I wouldn’t open the door for God.
2. Too often we’re prone to count on disaster, failure, bankrupcy, fear when we should be counting on God.
3. It’s not enough to see God as a provider, we must see Him as THE PROVIDER!
4. Like Abraham we need a fresh revelation of Jehovah as our Provider.
a. Before he ever got to Mt. Moriah he understood God to be the Provider, because when his son questioned him about the sacrifice he answered
“ God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:”
b. But how many of you know that what we need is not merely and mental understanding of God, but we need a revelation of God?
(revelation reaches deep, it impacts the inner man, changes you in His glory)
c. When God was finished with Abraham that day, Abraham left a memorial to stand as a constant reminder of the living God and called it “Jehovah Jirah” which simply means ‘Jehovah will provide’.
5. A revelation of Jehovah Jirah not only reveals what he is, but how he is.
a. We encounter a person, not a principle, or a teaching, but Jesus–our Jehovah Jirah!
(Like meeting a stranger, you walk away remembering how they are)
b. We lose sight of just the end result, but we see Him for all He is.
(See not the Provision, but The Provider)
c. In it we discover, the nature of His provision. (As much power in how God does something as in what God accomplishes)
6. This kind of revelation won’t leave us with a shallow understanding of His provision.
a. We walk away in awe of the perfectness of His provision. (From every angle like a diamond)
a. Perfect in it’s Timing. (never early, never late)
b. Perfect in it’s Method. (How we need it)
c. Perfect in it’s Supply. (Always just what we needed)
d. Perfect in it’s Strategy. (Fulfills what he’s sent it to)
e. Perfect in it’s Identity. (Walk away knowing only God could do this)
7. My prayer today, is that you’ll leave this place not with mere facts about His provision, but with a revelation of Jehovah Jirah among us.
a) God’s provision is perfect because of God’s ability to see tomorrow as if it were today.
b) “Jirah” holds a two-fold meaning both ‘to provide’ and ‘to foresee’
c) This meaning is suggested in vs. 14.
Gen. 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.
d) Abraham was saying in this declaration – Because God saw it yesterday, His provision is seen today.
1. Where did that Ram come from anyway?
2. A few days before Abraham had reached the mountain, a shepherd had lost a ram.
(A perfect ram, one that met all the qualifications for sacrifice to a holy God)
3. What others may see as mere chance, we know that it was God preparing the way.
4. Before man was ever shaped from the dust of the earth, God had already provided a sacrifice for our sins.
Rev. 13:8 ... the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
5. He knows what you’ll need tomorrow and he’s already prepared the provision.
1. Abraham hadn’t made a single request to God– I don’t believe he knew what to pray for or how to pray in this matter. (Sometimes we simply don’t know what we need)
2. God doesn’t with-hold his provision because of our ignorance, but like a loving Father will often surprise us with exactly what we need.
3. I also believe that God can even hear tomorrow’s prayers today.
Is. 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; ...
4. Don’t stop praying, God still desires that we ask for His provision. But don’t be surprised to discover that He’s already started answering it before you ever asked.
a. God will often take us through a process that will bring us to our provision. A process that changes us.
b. We’re blessed by how the provision comes to our lives, often more than the provision itself. (Faith, Revelation)
c. Everything God gives to us comes with a Higher Purpose.
d. Abraham wasn’t ready for the provision, until he’d been changed by the process.
1. What Abraham made clear to everyone with him was that he’d come to worship.
2. The sacrifice wasn’t an act to appease an angry God to the Jews, it was an act of worship and adoration. (Burnt Offering)
3. Are we willing to worship God, before we see the provision in our lives?
4. Or do we in reality worship the blessing, instead of worshipping the blesser?
5. How do you handle the lean times? disaster or loss?
6. Those that know the security of His provision aren’t afraid to worship beforehand.
7. ILL. John Wesley’s father, Samuel, was a dedicated pastor, but there were those in his parish who did not like him. On February 9, 1709, a fire broke out in the rectory at Epworth, possibly set by one of the rector’s enemies. Young John, not yet six years old, was stranded on an upper floor of the building. Two neighbors rescued the lad just seconds before the roof crashed in. One neighbor stood on the other’s shoulders and pulled young John through the window. Samuel Wesley said, "Come, neighbors, let us kneel down. Let us give thanks to God. He has given me all my eight children. Let the house go. I am rich enough." John Wesley often referred to himself as a "brand plucked out of the fire" (Zech 3:2; Amos 4:11). In later years he often noted February 9 in his journal and gave thanks to God for His mercy. Samuel Wesley labored for 40 years at Epworth and saw very little fruit; but consider what his family accomplished!
8. Does your children know that your confidence is in Jehovah Jirah even when you suffered loss?
1. When we truly realize that God is our provider, we aren’t afraid to let go of what he’s given us. (We know there’s more where that came from)
2. Sometimes God will use His provisions to test our life.
3. Isaac represented to Abraham the promise of future provision.
4. Are you willing to let go of what I’ve given you before, to receive what I have for you now? (Are we secure in the provision or in The Provider?)
5. Generosity flows from those who has had a revelation of Jehovah Jirah in their life.
6. ILL. Elijah came out of nowhere, he didn’t look like much - but he intreated the widow women for some bread. She was preparing for her last meal. But Elijah let her know that if you give to God’s servant the Jehovah Jirah will step into your situation and provide for the rest of the famine. (1 loaf of bread brought entire season of provision for her)
a. Abraham wouldn’t leave that place until he declared it a memorial to Jehovah Jirah.
b. Not a memorial to something or someone that has been, but to serve as a reminder of the God who is forever Jehovah Jirah.
c. His provision is Eternal in Span, and Unlimited in supply
A. His Provision will forever be near to THOSE WHO TRUST HIM.
1. Upon hearing the voice of God, Abraham heard something in the thicket behind him and turned to find a Ram caught in the thicket.
2. How near was God’s provision when Abraham needed it.
3. Often God surprises us when we discover that His provision is right under our nose.
B. He IS NOW THE Provision as well as the Provider.
1. This event pointed to the greatest provision of all, the provision of calvary.
2. Some scholars believe that the very sight that Abraham spilt the blood of that Ram, would be the place that Jesus became our substitute our lamb of provision.
3. He so desired to provide for us, He became the lamb of sacrifice for us.
4. Calvary reveals to us the great lengths he’ll go to provide for us.
5. At Calvary he opened doors of provision that man has never known.
C. He ‘s the Guarantee of future provisions.
Rom. 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
CONCLUSION: Will you trust that provider today?