The Enemies of the Cross
Intro:There are 3 things that Paul says
about the “Enemies of the Cross.”
I. They Defy Jesus.[18]
A. They are Enemies, not friends of
the Cross.
B. They Oppose ever demand of the
Cross by not giving an ear to hear
the Word.
C. They Oppose the Preaching of
the Cross With the full force of
their carnal natures.
D. The call of the Cross has no
appeal to them.
E. They are the bitterest enemies of
the Cross and battled against it.
1. The Cross convicts them of sin.
2. Only the Cross can save from Hell.
II. They Delight in their Lusts.[19]
“Whose god is their belly”
The very thing that God has condemned,
they crown as Divine. They have a god
whom they adore and adorn-that god is
themselves and their carnal appetites.
A. They live with Unrestrained
B. They live with Unlimited appetites
for sins.
C. They have an Unchecked desire in
their body.
D. Their Unbridled indulgences is
secret sins filled their cup.
“eat, drink and be marry” is their god, their
glory and their shame. Their whole principle of life is
“Mind earthly things.” The power that drives
them on in their course of unabated sin is the mighty
driving force of the carnal nature.
III. They Destroy Their lives.[19]
“whose end is destruction”
The person who gives himself over to
unbridled lusts should consider the
Dread of their end. What an end!
A. Their Destiny is Determined by
B. Their Destiny Demands
banishment from the Lord
C. Their Destiny will be the “home”
of Satan.-”Hell”
D. They can be Saved-By trusting