Summary: There are many hard to learn lessons in the Christian life.


Dr. Dennis Deese - Fan The Flame Ministries, Inc.

EZEKIEL 24:15-27

ETS: Ezekiel and the Jews had to learn some hard to learn lessons

ESS: There are many hard to learn lessons in the Christian life.

Introduction: The August 1992 Hurricane Andrew left more than 50,000 homeless with an estimated 15-20 billion dollars worth of damage; Yet, even devastating tragedies can serve a purpose for the Christian.

Ezekiel 24:15-27 reveals some of the hardest hard to learn lessons:

I. When God Speaks, He means business (v. 15)

The response of those who hear:

A. Callous response - (prideful and refuse to listen)

B. Critical response - (Thinks about what we are doing wrong)

C. Careless response - (doesn’t pay attention - looking around)

D. Careful response - (takes notes, brings Bible, applies message)

II. The Plan (message) of God may not always be easy (v. 16-17)

III. The sustaining Grace of God is all sufficient (v. 18, II Cor. 12:7-10)

IV. God works all things together for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28, Psalms 23) "through the valley"

V. There is no substitute for a personal relationship with the Lord (v. 21-23)

VI. We reap what we sow (V. 23, Gal. 6:7-9)

VII. God will do all He can to reach us and reveal himself to us (V. 27)

3 things these hard to learn lessons produced

1. Experience - with God

2. Example - for Israel

3. Empathy - in Ezekiel