· Where is God? - Illustration
Where is God?
l The same place He was when our country voted to take Prayer out of our Public Schools.
l The same place He was when our country voted murder hundreds of thousands of unborn babies each year.
l The same place He was when our country decided to take the Ten Commandments out of our courtrooms.
l The same place He was when our country voted to limit the freedom of speech in our pulpits concerning politics . . . Warning Pastors that they will loose tax exemption.
l The same place He was when our country decided to edit our schools textbooks taking God out of Biology & History.
l The same place He was when our country decided to tell our schools Val Victorians that they cannot mention Jesus in their speeches.
· A Key Point to Remember – God’s hasn’t Moved – America has made conscious decisions to stray from God & His Truth.
1. Wake Up with COMFORT: 2 Cor. 1:3-7
A. The Source of Comfort is from God Himself -- v. 3 comfort = “one who comes along side to help”
B.It’s Purpose is so we can comfort others--v. 4
C.Afflictions purpose is not for Self Pity but for God’s Glory v. 6
2. Wake Up with COMPASSON:
Matthew 9:12-13, 36; Luke 19:41
A. God desires Compassion -- Matt. 9:12-13
B. Seeing People as “lost” brings this compassion-- v. 36
C. This kind of Compassion brings Tears -- Luke 19:41
Illustration: Filling up gas/Pizza Hut – Middle East Origin. I was filling my car up with gas the day after the attack on America. When I went to pay I found myself face to face with a man from a Middle East origin. I found an anger welling up in me and I did not like it. This man was innocent and I need to see him as Jesus would see him . . . with compassion.
3. Wake Up with CONVICTIONS: 1 Thess. 1:2-10
Illustration: Pennsylvania Plane – men moved on terrorist – sacrifice.
A. This Conviction bring us to have …
· A “Work of Faith” – fulfillment of ministry duties by ALL.
· A “Labor of Love” – from the heart, not an I have too spirit!
· A “Steadfastness of Hope” – God is in Control.
· A “Full Conviction” – not to waver with conditions of man
· A Life that becomes “an Example” – how??
a. They shared their faith verbally.
b. They turned from idols.
c. They served Jesus ONLY . . .
. . . Our Nation has Turned to Pluralism of Faith
. . . the word GOD has Lost its meaning!!
. . . Our God is a Jealous God . . . no Pluralism!!
· Ex. 20:5-6
· Ex. 34:14
· Deut. 4:24
· Deut. 6:15
· Joshua 24:19-20
Conclusion: Revelation 3:16-20