1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
You were not saved simply because you were lost, or just so you could go to heaven.
You were saved to serve.
Ex 19:6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
“ God’s desire and design has always been to have a kingdom of priests,”
What does that mean?
The ministry of the priest of the old testament was to draw near to God, To represent the people before God, then to represent God before the people.
It is true that as a new creature in Christ everything needful and necessary to fulfill the plan of God for our lives is in us, but it is also true that there is also a lot of junk in us that is not needful or useful so there is a continual process of renewing the mind, and putting off the old and putting on the new. It is a continual process of exchanging our thoughts and our ways for Gods thoughts and Gods ways. This requires study, it requires repentance when necessary, it requires a willingness to admit we are wrong when our tradition runs crossways to Gods word. And change to accommodate the new revealed truth.
There is no true renewing of the mind until it has produced transformation
I.e. the proof of a renewed mind is transformed character “
We do not produce fruits of righteousness instantly or without effort on our part
What is the effort on our part? (It’s called abiding)
Joh 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
We have been chosen to be a generation of priests, and to shew forth his praises,
There are some qualifications that must be met in order to stand in the office of a new testament priest.
Lev 21:16-21
Blemish: Defect, spot, abnormality.
Blind: Unable to see, blind through the idea of a film that covers the eyes, This translates to unwilling to see, incapable of seeing truthfully because we have allowed the flesh to blind us.
What ultimately produced samsons blindness ? It was his willingness to satisfy his flesh to the neglect of his spirit.
Lame: To halt or limp = indecision, neutrality. It also means to pass over = To leave things undone, To ignore or reject necessary truth.
Flat nose: The nose represents discernment, as in the natural the nose can discern when things are good or rotten, fresh or spoiled. (so in the spirit the priest must have a keen sense of discernment, he must not allow his or her own life to be filled with things that dull their spiritual powers of discernment, The priest must be able to know what is good and evil based upon the word of God and not the current of their times.
Broken footed –Broken handed: These just basically mean that No one can be a true priest of God half heartedly, God will not accept broken or partial service in the priesthood.
The foot represents our walk and the hand represents our works.
We cannot walk half for God and half for ourselves and be his priests.
Neither can we work half for ourselves and half for God and be his priests.
Superflous: To extend or stretch out.
Extra growths, abnormal growths, things out of proportion with the rest of the body.
Here we are made to know that a priest of God must live a very honest and realistic life.
Our words must serve us, and minister grace to the hearers they must not mislead people or deceive people, We should live as we speak and speak as we live, We must not be excessive in any area of our lives, we must exemplify control and order.
Crooked back and dwarfed:
This speaks of spiritual immaturity, though full in natural years, yet dwarfed in spiritual maturity and usefulness within the body. As then in the natural so it is in the spiritual, (Those who will not apply themselves to biblical patterns and responsibilities will never serve as priests).
Blemish in the eye:
This is actually speaking of the mind, perception, (and it means to have confusion of mind) You can never minister as a priest with a mind that is allowed to run free, To serve as a priest of God you must have the loins of your mind girded at all times. Your mind must be established in the word of God.
Scurvy or scabbed:
Scurvy = Itch, There are some people it seems who are always itching about something, they’re always restless, the least thing can set them off.
You cannot be itchy and minister as Gods priests.
Scabbed = Sore or eruptive disease, This speaks of someone who will never let wounds heal. They have sores in their lives and they never allow them to heal, they are always scratching the scabs off.
God never said we wouldn’t ever have any scars but scars are the evidence of a wound that has healed.
You can never minister effectively as a priest of God with the tendancy to keep sores open in your life.
Stones broken: This speaks of manhood, The power to reproduce. The power to sow the seed that produces life.
One of the greatest opposers of the priesthood of God has always been the spirit of Jezebel.
She wants to castrate the priesthood, she wants to emasculate the spirit of the prophet.
She hates authority, she rebels against the authority of the prophetic presence of God in the church.
Emasculate = To strip of power.
Note: Jezebel didn’t mind men around her as long as they had been stripped of their manhood.
For You and I to stand in the office of the priests, Means we will have to be spiritual men and women of authority who will not allow the spirit of Jezebel to strip us of our anointing and our spiritual power.
You cannot be passive and be a priest of God, You cannot be dominated intimidated or manipulated by man, women, money, or the world, and be a priest of God.
You have to be Gods man and Gods Women
Are we productive? Do we have broken stones? Can we reproduce in others the reality of Christ that lives in us?.
Do we qualify to be new testament priest?
It’s up to you.