Revelation, the Grand Finale of God’s Word
Chapters 1-3
Lesson 2
When Heaven Speaks Do Churches Listen?
Just imagine meeting Jesus today! When Paul saw the resurrected, glorified Jesus he fell down and was blinded. When John sees him on the isle of Patmos he falls down as a dead man. Here in God’s grand finale book of the Bible, we meet Jesus and hear his message for the seven churches he addresses. We learn that Jesus knows where we are and sees everything we do. He knows our hearts and he has a vital interest in our lives. Jesus has a message for you and me today, too. If you listen closely to his words here, you are sure to hear him speak to your heart and reveal a word of instruction, encouragement, rebuke and blessing. As the Hebrew writer said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…”
Dear student, God promises a blessing to those that hear the words of this book and heed it’s message! You are about to begin a journey into the presence of Jesus Christ glorified and come before the throne of our Almighty Father and the Holy Spirit. You are entering into the glorious assembly of the heavenly host. Open the eyes of your mind and heart through faith and celebrate the joy of God’s awesome radiance!
Day 1
Read Revelation 1:1-3
Notice when the scriptures say these things must take place. Verse 1 and verse 3 mention this. Look also at the end of the book of Revelation 22:6, 10, what do these verses say about the events of this book?
Notice who is writing this book in verse 1 and verse 9. Whose message is this? (vs 1, first 5 words) To whom is it written? (vs 4,11).
The apostle, John, lived until near the end of the first century. The things he saw were written as messages of Jesus for the churches in Asia. How does this effect the way we should interpret what we will read within this book?
What we want to do in this study is let the scriptures speak for themselves. Let’s listen to the voice of Jesus through the words John records. It is an exciting message that has timeless meaning and present day applications, but let us not forget to let the words of God tell us specific information about those who first were given this message. We must remember that this was written for them first. We who read it today should seek to understand what it meant in that day before we seek to understand what it means for us today. Most of the misunderstanding of this book comes from those who skip this first step.
Notice the greetings in verses 4-6. Underline the word “from.” Who is mentioned after each one of the “from”s that you underlined? These are descriptions of the trinity.
How is the Father described?
How is the Holy Spirit described?
How is Jesus described and what has he done for us?
Who does John meet after verse 10? What is his reaction?
List some of the descriptive images John uses to draw a verbal picture of Jesus:
John is told several times in this book to write things. It will help you if you mark these and note the repetition within this book. Also you will notice that John speaks of several books and scrolls in this book. You should mark each time you read one of these (throughout our study of Revelation) and note what it is talking about each time.
Whenever Jesus speaks and describes himself, mark it and write down what he says about himself. You may record these on the worksheet included in this lesson. This will begin to help you see him as John saw him and know his majesty. Jesus is awesome!!!
(Sorry this worksheet will not format on Sermoncentral, but all you need to do is list the passage on the left side of a page with a brief discription of what the scriptures say about Jesus to the right of it. Keeping this list will build a broad view of how Jesus is pictured in this book and encourage your faith).
Day 2
Read chapter 2:1-7
Jesus sends messages to the seven churches of Asia. Remember, the chapter divisions were not written by Jesus or John and it would be better to read chapters 2-3 together.
The first church to which Jesus sends a message is Ephesus. What do you know about this church? Lets look at some other scriptures and notice what we can discover.
There is more information about the church in Ephesus in the New Testament than any other church. We have a record of the establishment of the church there in Acts, we have a letter to the church called Ephesians, we have two letters to the preacher there (1&2 Timothy), and we have this message to them from Jesus in Revelation. We first hear about them in Acts 18:19-21. Who did Paul leave there?
Read Acts 18:24-28. Who comes to Ephesus and teaches about Jesus accurately but knowing only the baptism of John?
Notice who heard this teacher and what they did.
Read Acts 19:1-41. Summarize what you learn about this place, its people, and the church there. What are their religious problems? What sort of pressures does the church face there?
Later we read in Acts (20:17-38) where Paul met with the elders of this church and warned them of coming struggles.
It would be great to read the letter of Ephesians and 1&2 Timothy to make this picture even fuller, but I’ll leave that to you. Those of you who really can’t get enough, might start by reading 1 Timothy 4 and 2 Timothy 3 noticing how Paul speaks of dangers to come. God’s word is filled with encouragements and warnings that are designed to protect us and guide us through the rough waters of life. Truly, the Lord has given us a treasure of wisdom and spiritual nourishment in this wonderful book! Dear student, don’t let a day go by without spending time with God, listening to His message of life in this Word. Your study will enrich you and equip you to shine like a light in the universe!
Day 3
Read Revelation 2:1-7 again.
What does Jesus say about himself here? Be sure to mark it and write a summary on the worksheet.
What complimentary things does Jesus say about the church in Ephesus?
What correctives does Jesus say to them?
Read Revelation 2:8-11
Again note Jesus self description. Mark and summarize on the worksheet.
What do you know about the church in Smyrna? What do you learn here?
What is Jesus’ central message to this church? List the things he tells them:
What blessing does he promise to the faithful?
Read Revelation 2:12-17
Again note Jesus self description and mark and note it on the worksheet.
What do you learn about Pergamum here? List the positive things:
List the negative things:
Read Numbers 22-24. This is the record of what happened with Balaam. Later in Numbers 31:7-18 we learn about the death of Balaam and some of his teaching.
Read also 2 Peter 2:12-19 and notice the context of Balaam’s error.
It has been conjectured that when God refused to let Balaam curse Israel he counseled the king of Edom to cause the young men of Israel to sin by enticing them with young women into sexual sin and idolatry. See Numbers 25:6-18
What do you know about the Nicolaitans? This word occurs only twice in the Bible, both in Revelation. (2:6,15). All we know about them is right here. Jesus hated their deeds and warns against those who hold to their teaching. All further information is conjecture.
What are some things you have learned today that make you think God is speaking to your heart on this subject? Do not resist the Lord’s call through His Word. He will bless you for faithfulness to Him.
Do not grow weary in doing good, dear student! You are learning and growing in your knowledge of God and His Word! My prayer for you is that you will be strong in the Lord and faithful to His Word and diligent in your study of this glorious message of life. You have seen this part of the Book of Revelation from a purely scriptural view! God has so much to teach us and so many blessings to give us. Keep up the good work!
Day 4
Read chapter 2:18-29
Note the description of Jesus here; mark and write it on the worksheet.
Look at Acts 16:14. Who do you read about here who was from Thyatira?
This may indicate how the church first spread to that city.
What complimentary things does Jesus have to say to this church?
What correctives and rebukes does Jesus give them?
Turn to 1 Kings 16:31, 18:4. Here we meet Jezebel for the first time. Who is she, where is she from and what does she do?
You may wish to read 1 Kings 18 and 19 to see what Elijah did and how he was also threatened by her. 1 Kings 21 tells about her further sin against Naboth and how Elijah prophecied against her.
Look at 1 Kings 21:23-25. God prophecied Jezebel’s end. Then read 2 Kings 9:30-37 to see it fulfilled.
What is this Jezebel doing in Thyatira? How is she like the Jezebel of the Old Testament?
How does Jesus deal with her and how is this somewhat like the end of the Jezebel of the Old Testament?
Instead of the deep things of Jesus Christ, what do Jezebel’s followers claim to know?
What promise does Jesus give to the overcomer?
Read Chapter 3:1-6
Mark and note on the worksheet the description of Jesus.
What is the overall message to Sardis?
What kind of name do they have?
How are they different from their reputation?
What does Jesus say about the few who are faithful?
What promise does Jesus give to the overcomer?
Do you hear any message from the Lord Jesus for your life today in these words of Jesus to Pergamum and Thyatira? Write any thoughts about how the Lord might be speaking to you through these words:
Day 5
Read Chapter 3:7-13
Note, mark and write on the worksheet the description of Jesus.
List the complimentary things Jesus says to the church in Philadelphia:
The synagogue of Satan seems to be some sort of Jewish opposition. What will Jesus make them do?
How will Jesus protect the church there according to verse 10?
List the blessings given to the overcomers:
Read Chapter 3:14-22
Notice, mark and write on the worksheet the description of Jesus.
Hot water was good for bathing, cold was good for refreshing drink, but what good is lukewarm water from the drains?
What does this tell us about the condition of the church in Laodicea?
What do they think about themselves?
But what does Jesus say about them?
What is his instruction to them?
Why does Jesus rebuke and discipline?
Where is Jesus pictured in verse 20, (inside or outside)? What is he doing there?
What does he want to happen?
What blessing does Jesus promise to the overcomer?
You have done well to come this far! There are many amazing treasures for you to discover in this study, dear student. My prayer for you is that you will be faithful and find the rich blessings of the Lord that He wants to give you as you learn more about Him in this Book of Revelation.
Write what you have seen about Jesus and his majesty as you wrote the descriptions he gives of himself to the churches:
Write also any insights from what you heard as you studied these words the Spirit spoke to the churches:
(He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches!)