The Bible has much to say concerning the end time, and the conditions that would characterize the last days. Paul told Timothy that perilous, dangerous times would come. But in his description of those dangerous times, he does not mention the expected, such as wars, rumors of wars, nation against nation, and so on. He doesn’t mention physical diseases or pestilences, plagues, or epidemics. He does not mention floods, earthquakes, or other natural disasters that we would consider dangerous. But what he does list is a number of traits and characteristics that would epitomize the world in the last days.
He said, “Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God…” And then notice what I believe to be the danger Paul speaks of: Those that do those things and carry themselves in that way, “will have a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” And he exhorts: “From such turn away.”
Listen carefully then to the danger that Paul is warning about. People will be religious without being righteous. They will have principles without having purity. And the danger is that these are both possibilities and probabilities. There was and is no doubt that they would and do exist, but the danger comes at the fact that these things exist within the confines of professed Christianity. Today, everything is legal. Everything is okay, or excusable, or explainable. Nothing is sacred anymore, but has been secularized to the point to where even the Church is having a hard time determining the boundaries of our beliefs.
And if we’re not careful, Christians can find themselves partaking in, and even advocating, practices that promote the secular agenda, and the satanic purposes in this world. We have to remember that every issue is a spiritual issue. That everything we do either promotes godliness and righteousness, or it promotes worldliness and unrighteousness. And in the American culture especially, the booming entertainment industry is a major weapon in the worlds hand that Christians must be on guard against. The most common instrument that the enemy is using in the lives of untold millions, including scores of believers, is television and movies.
Now, I know that some people feel like it is not anyone’s place to tell others what to watch. But there has to be a standard raised. There has to be definite guideline as to what we should watch and what we shouldn’t. And a good place to start would be in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the list I gave you earlier. If anything we watch promotes any of those traits and characteristics, which sadly would include some Christian programming (proud, boasters, heady, and high-minded), I believe we should absolutely, unquestionably refrain from watching it. There are other passages, like Romans 1, which lists characteristics that we should also consider.
Anyone who has turned on their television recently or has attended a movie can tell you two facts: 1. Americans are increasingly caught up in the entertainment culture. 2. Entertainment is increasingly vile, profane, obscene, and explicit. And I believe that the psalmist had the right idea when he said, “Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken me in thy way.” So, let me mention four things that the present condition of the entertainment industry is doing, and will do, to any and all of those who support it. And then you be the judge: Is it entertainment, or entrapment?
1. It pollutes our children. Isn’t it amazing the great lengths we will go to in order to protect our children from pollutants, yet we ignore the obvious? We will wash vegetables, make sure things are fully cooked, make sure the meat is done - all for the purpose of ensuring the health of our families. But while you’re in the kitchen, and the TV is babysitting your children, you are opening them up to something far more dangerous than any sickness they would suffer from uncooked food.
We’re concerned about where our children go, don’t want them hanging around the wrong crowd, yet we will expose them to programs that promote the very behavior you want them to avoid. We’re concerned about pollution in our rivers and streams, but every time you allow them to watch something that promotes ungodliness, you are exposing them to an ocean of poisonous content, that is ruining the lives of a generation. And what’s worse is that the adults will sit and watch it with them, and even rent or buy the movies, so they can watch it again and again. Is it merely entertainment, or is it gross entrapment?
2. It warps our morals. J. Oswald Sanders wrote: “The mind is the battleground upon which every moral and spiritual battle is fought.” If you think that the programs that you watch, and allow your children or grandchildren to watch, does not affect their beliefs, you had better wake up. The more familiar people become to the twisted morals of secular society, the more acceptable once unacceptable behavior becomes. Homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, and so forth, were once utterly rejected practices. Now, they have been woven in as a common part of the American fabric.
But the Word of God has not changed. God still condemns those and countless other acts. But too many Christians have lost that reality. And you may claim not to support such lifestyles and actions, but every time you watch a program that promotes that kind of obscenity, you are in effect promoting it yourself. And when you allow your children to watch it, you are promoting it in their lives. *The morals we live by are not to be up to individual preference, but according to infinite truth.
3. It wastes our time. Christians should not spend hour after hour watching television. Someone may say, “Well, God wants us to enjoy life.” That’s right. That’s why He saved you to get you away from that mess! Jesus came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly. But as much as God wants you to enjoy life, He also wants you to enjoy eternity. And believe what you will, but you put your enjoyable eternity at risk when you spend your time watching, listening, or surfing things that are counterproductive to God’s purpose.
Christians are here for a much nobler purpose. We have a higher calling. God has us here to accomplish His purpose, and His agenda. He has entrusted the Kingdom work into our hands. We should strive, then, to be good stewards of the opportunities that God has given us. So, is it entertainment, or is it entrapment?
4. It cheapens our thoughts. The word tells us in Romans 12:2, that we are not to be conformed to this world, but are to be transformed, by the renewing of our minds. And among countless scriptures concerning what we are to dwell on, and what kind of thoughts and attitudes we are to have, there is Philippians 4:8 which says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report; if there be any virtue (good worth, good quality), and if there be any praise any thing to be admired), think on these things.” To allow other influences into our minds, devalues and diminishes our thought life. God wants our minds on the sacred, not on the secular.
So, in conclusion, much of what the world calls entertainment, is not entertainment at all. It pollutes, it warps, it wastes, it cheapens - but more than anything, because of the satanic agenda and influence behind such productions, it’s not entertainment, it’s entrapment. It is a snare that the enemy would like every believer to walk into. The thing about getting your prey to walk into a trap is to convince them that it’s not a trap. But now you’ve been told. The guideline should be a little clearer. God has given you instructions on escaping the trap of the evil one. It’s now your decision, your choice, and for your decision you are accountable to God.