I. Introduction
A. Background
1. Exodus 1 – The oppression of Hebrews in Egypt. (Babies killed)
2. Exodus 2 – Moses is put in Nile, found by pharaoh’s daughter, grows up, kills a man and flees to Midian.
3. Exodus 3 – Moses is visited by the Lord at the Burning Bush.
B. Exodus 3:10-13, verse 13 – “What is his name?”
1. Egyptian Culture – the gods had names
i. Ra, Amun, Hotep, Aton
ii. The name represented who the god was.
2. The same is true of people in the Bible
i. Melchizedek – “My king is righteous”
ii. Michael – “Who is like God”
iii. Abraham – “Father of many people”
C. Who Moses asked for God’s name, God gives three answers to the question.
1. The meaning of his name.
2. It’s past connections.
3. It’s future connections.
II. The meaning of the name of God. (14-15)
A. It was a new name (Exodus 6:2-3)
“God further spoke to Moses and said to him, “ I am the LORD; 3 and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name LORD, I did not make myself known to them.”
1. God had never revealed this name before.
2. God was known as el shadi (God Almighty) to Abraham, but to Moses he had a name of promise.
i. If this is a new name why is the word Yahweh used in Genesis.
ii. Moses uses God’s personal name.
3. Uses of the names of God.
i. Yahweh is used 6828 times in the Old Testament.
ii. el is used 238 times.
iii. elohim is used 2600 times.
iv. God is personal with us.
B. Explain Translation v.14 - “I Will Be What I Have Been”
1. God promised Moses that he would be to him what he had been to those who had come before him.
III. It’s past connections. (15)
A. God is saying that he is faithful just as he has been faithful with “Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (15)
1. God was faithful to Abraham.
i. Genesis 15:1-6 God promised Abram an heir that would come from his own body.
ii. Genesis 17:1-5 Abram’s circumcision. God changes his name to Abraham.
a. This could have ruined God’s promise.
iii. Genesis 21:1-5 Abraham and Sarah have Isaac. God showed his faithfulness.
2. God was faithful to Isaac
i. Genesis 25:21-26 God showed his faithfulness when Rebekah conceived and had Jacob and Esau.
3. God was also faithful to Jacob.
i. Genesis 35:9-12 God changes Jacob’s name to Israel and the nation of Israel was born.
B. When Moses heard God’s personal name, he was immediately reminded of what God had been to Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob.
IV. It’s Future Connections (15)
A. ‘This is my name forever and is my memorial
name to all generations.”
1. Here God says that his name is a promise to future generations.
i. Lit. “generation of generation”
B. Throughout the Bible we can see YHWH’s faithfulness.
C. As Christians we can claim the promise of God’s faithfulness that is found in his personal name.
1. If struggling financially, God is faithful.
2. Having trouble at work, God is faithful.
3. Trouble raising kids, God is faithful.
D. He is just as faithful today as he has been throughout the ages.
V. Conclusion
A. God was faithful in meeting our greatest need.
1. Romans 5:6-8
B. Psalm 9:10 – “For those who know your name will put their trust in you, For you, O YHWH have not forsaken those who seek you.”