I. Introduction
a. Paul knew the Gospel’s characteristics.
II. The Gospel is Powerful
a. Ill. Man has the ability to make living men die, God has the ability to make dead men Live
b. God picked an awkward way to demonstrate his power. Through his son.
c. The Power of the Gospel unto Salvation
i. Penalties from sin – Past
ii. Power of Sin in our daily lives – present
iii. Presence of Sin – Future
d. Ill. There is power in the Blood. – Baptist Hymnal Hymn 132. “Would you be free from the burden of Sin? There is power in the Blood”
III. The Gospel is for Everyone
a. Sometimes we feel the Gospel is only for us.
i. Has there ever been a time when you
though “They wouldn’t want to come to church, or hear about Christ?”
ii. First to the Jew, then the Gentile. (Paul’s message)
iii. No matter who steps in our church doors, We must be willing to demonstrate the Gospel is for all people.
IV. The Gospel illustrates God’s Righteousness
a. Righteousness in the Bible
i. God’s Character – John 17:25
ii. God’s Gift of Salvation from the Law – Romans 3:21
iii. The Standard of Right Living – 2 Timothy 2:22 “Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”
b. In this passage, Paul is talking about God’s gift
V. The Gospel is available by Faith
a. From Faith to Faith – Faith is the beginning and faith is the end.
b. Eph. 2: 8-9
c. The Righteous shall live by faith Habakkuk 2:4
VI. Conclusion
a. The Gospel is powerful
b. The Gospel is for everyone
c. The Gospel illustrates God’s Righteousness
d. The Gospel comes through faith