Summary: Life is made of decisions. God would have every man make the decision Joshua made for his own family.

“... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!” Joshua 24:15c (NIV)

A report by Warren Mueller revealed that where both parents attend church regularly, 72% of their children continue in the faith. Where only the father attends, that percentage drops to 55 percent, but where only the mother attends, just 15 percent of the children remain involved in the church.

This phenomenon reinforces what the Bible teaches about the natural order that God has established (Genesis 3:16 & 1 Corinthians 11:3). If the husband knows Christ as his Savior, the wife is more likely to follow this leadership than the other way around.

• I understand men, to some degree, because I am one. (Use to think that I was.)

• I want to create an atmosphere of complete openness.

• But don’t expect any slack today!!!!

• Men can have greater impact on the lives of those around them than most imagine!

Several major contributors to male delimma.


• The most powerful deception has some truth.

• Satan has twisted God’s plan for man to be a spiritual leader into a macho attitude that prevents him from following his wife in anything, especially coming to Christ.

• Brought up by mother – (believe that being a man is not being like mom.)

Don’t need religion

• Men sometimes feel they don’t need it as much as the “weaker” woman does.

• But there is a big difference between having religion in your life and having Christ in your life.

(Illus.) No matter how much a man can “lift” he can never lift his own weight with God!


• Most non-believers don’t realize is there is a difference between professing to know Christ and knowing Him.

• Knowing about Jesus is not the same as having a relationship with Him.

“You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!” (James 2:19).

Jesus told us how we can recognize those who falsely profess to know Him,

“You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16).

• You will eventually see fruit of the Spirit in the lives of true Christians if you watch them long enough: a love, joy, peace... that surpasses all understanding (Gal 5:22-23 & Phil 4:7).


• Men are taught not to show emotion.

• Assume religion demands an emotional response, they avoid spiritual matters.

• No where does the Bible say there must be an emotional response to be saved...

“if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).


Women’s lib and Role reversal

• Today’s society advocates a role reversal between husbands and wives.

I declare to you that God won’t except excuse making for not fulfilling His plan in your life!

• He demands that you take responsibility for your manner of life.

• For your passion. (anger & sex life)

• Take responsibility for your wife – (1 Cor 11:7) “the glory of a man is his wife” / children / church / society

1. Joshua is one of the bravest men in the Bible.

2. It takes courage to stand up for right values.

3. If you have trouble knowing what is right, he is your man. His role model is exactly what this society needs...

4. Joshua was the kink of man who was pleasing to God and who a wife would have little trouble following.

5. Twelve words that can save your home, “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord”.

Three Characteristics of the kind of man God knows you can be. (like Joshua)

1- The Man of God is a Man of Dedication

Men can get committed – don’t believe the lie! (Joshua)

1. to God’s Person

2. to God’s Plan (Manifest Himself to the world through you!)

3. to God’s People (Church and family need you!)

2- The Man of God is a Man of Destiny

God has a plan for your life (Joshua)

1. Model of Courage (Men are fearful!!!! - Unrealistic demands = Give Up or Don’t Try)

2. Model of Conviction (Realistic attitude = keep on faithfully following Jesus & leading others)

3. Model of Compassion. (God created you to love – Him and others!!!)

3- The Man of God is a Man of Decision

Don’t let your life be a life of regrets. (Joshua)

1. “What will you do?”

2. “Whom will you choose to serve?”

3. “When will you chose?”

1. Many opportunities have been lost because of indecision...

2. Have you made your decision to follow Jesus as your Savior?

3. Considering the consequences, this is the most important decision you will ever face... Jesus will help you...

• We Need Men Who Will LEARN the Word Of God. (Ps. 119 9-10)

• We Need Men Who LOVE the Word Of God. (119:11, 47, 97, 140)

• We Need Men Who LIVE the Word of God. (Ps. 119:17)


The weight lifter who regularly lifts 500 pounds, can’t lift his own 250 lbs.

You cannot lift yourself.

That’s true physically and spiritually.

NOTE: I believe that I used some other resource to help prepare this message. Sorry to say that I have lost any reference to it. If you or someone you know believes that they made a contribution to it please let me know and I will gladly record the reference.

Dr. C. David White