Is There a Man in the House?
Father’s Day
God doesn’t see men as the world does.
1.) World’s idea of a real man.
(1) Attractive (2) Strong (3) Rich (4) Powerful, etc…
2.) God’s man may be any or all of these things but he is much more!
3.) The world’s view of a real man is wimpy, wimpy, wimpy!
Let’s try to answer the question, Is there a man in the house by trying to define what a real man is in God’s eyes…
I.) He is First and Foremost a Christian Man.
1.) “Thou shalt worship…” (Mt. 4:10)
2.) “Render to Caesar… and God…” (Mt. 22:21)
3.) Jesus is the ONLY way to God! (Jn. 14:6)
4.) The man who rejects = (Jn. 3:36)
II.) He is not only a Christian but he is in Touch With God. (Isa. 66:1-2)
1.) Word, Prayer, Fellowship!
2.) Christian through and through! [Not all Christians are in touch with God!]
III.) He is a Disciple of Christ.
1.) Command to make disciples. (Mt. 28) [Follower, Learner]
2.) Means he accepts denial of self in order to follow. (Mt. 16:24)
3.) Means to be a bearer of fruit. (Jn. 15:8)
4.) Jesus said His followers walk in the light. (Jn. 8:12)
IV.) He is a Loving Man. [vs. just sexy] (Mt. 22:37-40)
1.) Attitude!
2.) God, Family, Mankind!
3.) Those who hate are walking in darkness right now! (1 Jn. 2:11)
V.) He is a Man Who Accepts Responsibility.
1.) Leader in his home. (Gen. 3:16, Eph. 5:23, 1 Tim. 3:4)
2.) He understands and accepts the responsibility of his family.
3.) He accepts his duty to live a Godly lifestyle for others to follow!!!
Is there a man in your the house????? (I - V)
1.) Where these characteristics are found a man is found!
2.) Where these characteristics are not found no real man is found!