Summary: Tychicus demonstrates 4 key areas for effective, heartfelt Jesus-centered service.

1. By all accounts, Edward Kimball was really an NORMAL MAN.

a. He worked a normal job. Attended a normal church.

b. He even faithfully taught a normal Bible study class.

One day a young man named Dwight visited his class. It was clear Dwight didn’t know the Bible. One Saturday as Ed was preparing his Sunday school lesson, the Lord put a burden on his heart to visit the shoe store where Dwight worked and share the gospel with that young man.

That day a Boston shoe clerk to surrendered his life to Jesus. The clerk, Dwight L. Moody, eventually became an evangelist.

In England in 1879, DL Moody awakened an evangelistic zeal in the heart of Fredrick B. Meyer, pastor of a small church. F. B. Meyer, preaching to an American college campus, brought to Christ a student named J. Wilbur Chapman.

Chapman, engaged in YMCA work, employed a former baseball player, Billy Sunday, to do evangelistic work. Billy Sunday held a revival in Charlotte, N.C. A group of local men were so enthusiastic afterward that they planned another evangelistic campaign, bringing Mordecai Hamm to town to preach.

During Hamm’s revival, a young man named Billy Graham heard the gospel and yielded his life to Christ. YOU JUST NEVER KNOW!

NOTE: Oh how important are the Edward Kimballs of this world…

· Important & significant men… the vital & trustworthy women

· Without the Edward Kimballs… Without YOU!

· SO MANY would not hear the wonderful Words of God!

NOW: We hear often about the Dwight L. Moody’s, the Billy Sunday’s, the Billy Grahams… but Edward Kimballs?

· WELL they faithfully plug away BEHIND the SCENES & OUT of the SPOTLIGHT.

· There are millions of them… AND they get little attention.

BUT IF YOU ASKED THEM… THEY say they like it that way.

· While attention is turned to the GREAT EVANGELIST.

· Time is spent focused on the great MEGA-CHURCH Pastor.

· Magazine covers reserved for the great MUSICAL ARTIST.

· The faithful servant behind the scenes knows that he is the fuel of the church.


· BY the many who are faithful, those that can be counted on, and those that fight the good fight… BEHIND THE SCENES!

· FILLED & FUELED by The Unsung Volunteers… diaper changers, prayer warriors, chair stackers, phone callers, sign keepers…

· The workers… the soldiers… the PRIVATES!

· But Pastor Ed, I don’t want to be a PRIVATE! Just a private?

· I want to be a General with the stars and the fancy uniform and the ATTENTION and the POWER… AHH.. I’m A GENERAL!

General Eisenhower once rebuked one of his own Generals for referring to a soldier as "just a Private." He reminded him that the Army could function better without its Generals than it could without its foot soldiers. "If this war is won," he said, "it will be won by Privates."

AND AS the spiritual battle for the souls of men is won, it will be won by the privates, the servants… the faithful…

You see Satan looks at you, sizes you up, and whispers in your ear…

· You’re nobody. You don’t make a difference. If you never came back to church they would never miss you!

· They never cared anyway… That Calvary Chapel!!!

· That group of unkind, unfriendly, unwelcoming people.


BUT It’s NOT TRUE… This fellowship (our church) is full of some of the KINDEST, FRIENDLIEST, and WELCOMING people I’ve ever met.

· You… and you… and you… all around this room are sinners saved by grace, growing more and more like Jesus!

We call our time together on Sundays a CHURCH SERVICE.



· Tons of people doing tons of things for the glory of God!

Occasionally I’ll receive a phone call or an email from a dear person who left our church & It usually goes this way…

· I don’t go to Calvary anymore. You probably don’t even know who I am anyway. You guys are so unfriendly there.

· Nobody did this, and nobody said that.

· And this other church down the street… well they know what they’re doing so I’m going there.

You see if you come to Calvary Chapel and hang out for a few months, receive the Word, grab a few refreshments and then bolt out the door… it would be easy to NOT KNOW YOU.

· There is not a lot of interaction during the worship or Bible study because our main interaction is with Jesus Christ.

· It’s a time we reserve to elevate & exalt Him through worship.

· But if you do the same thing, & instead of bolting out the door, you are the last one to bolt the door after everyone’s gone.

· Now we get to know you. How? By your SERVICE!

Billy Graham said not too long ago that the greatest sin in America is coming to church and listening to sermons.

Those are powerful words! What he’s saying is that there is more, MUCH MORE, than just receiving the Word of God.

· It’s what happens after you receive the Word that counts.

James would agree…

James 1.22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

APP: If you come in & go out week after week and do nothing for the Lord Jesus Christ, then you’re missing out on blessings!

· But even more so, we as a church are missing out

· And in the world, there is one less servant sharing the great love of Jesus Christ.

Tychicus is an ancient Edward Kimball. A behind the scenes, out of sight, & out of mind kind of Christian servant.

· It’s not that he wasn’t active, he was.

· It’s not that he wasn’t known or appreciated… he was.

· It’s not that he felt alone and not needed… no he was surrounded by friends and knew he was needed.

· YET he was content to serve his Lord right where he was.

And as we look at his life this morning, I believe we can learn some important qualities of his character that we can apply in our lives right away.

He was Selfless (Beloved Brother) & Steadfast (Faithful Minister)

He was Serious (I have Sent) & Sensitive (Comfort Your Hearts)

There are a lot more, but let’s allow the Spirit to let these 4 sink down deep into our lives AND

· Then well up within us so much that they prompt us to action.

John 9.4 "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.

YOU SEE there are millions of people that do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Doesn’t that break your heart?

· But there are millions who do… & like us in this room, we get to work while it’s still day & love people in the name of Jesus.

WELL… this week I invited one person to church. I shared the Word with this person. I prayed for that person…

How does the strength of the church continue to grow? It’s YOU!

· As we reach Aurora with the gospel, Denver, Colorado, the nation, stretching out into the world…

· We need more Selfless, Steadfast, Serious, & Sensitive servants!

· I believe you are the ones! You are the ones!

1. (21) Tychicus was SELFLESS (Beloved Brother)

a. He was a ‘beloved brother’.

b. Paul the apostle loved him… unconditionally.

c. WHY? Because Tychicus loved Paul unconditionally.

d. He was the kind of man that whatever he did, he did it with all the heart and passion that he had.

e. When he was ready to make a decision, he was the kind of guy that always asked, “How will this effect so and so?”

WHERE is Paul right now? You know… he’s in prison. He’s imprisoned for his faith & commitment to Jesus.

AND where is TYCHICUS? He’s close by his brother, his friend in the Lord, right there in prison.

And really, as you survey the Scriptures how could you not love someone like Tychicus… -- Let’s turn to Acts 19:1ff

· Paul is traveling on this missionary journey & comes to Ephesus.

· Many believe that in this group was Tychicus.

· He receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit and becomes a vibrant, follower and disciple of Jesus Christ.


It wasn’t a meeting with Paul that made him an on fire Christian.

It wasn’t watching him, and studying him, and copying him.

It wasn’t a decision to ACT, it was a decision to ACCEPT.

Here’s a group of believers who received the truth and placed their faith in the Savior and began to live their lives accordingly.

· Yet, when Paul comes to Ephesus he notices that they are lacking power, lacking excitement, lacking fervency.

· Paul knows what they need… they need the Spirit of God working in their lives. They were sealed but now they will be saturated!

Acts 1.7-8 And He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. 8 "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

Paul’s ministry in Ephesus lasted some 3 years…

· IT was full of Miracles, Salvations, Teaching, & Uproar!

· The merchants were so enraged at Paul that they started a riot!

· Jump to Acts 19:24ff – Tychicus was right by his side!

· Now to 20:1ff

How could you not love a faithful brother like Tychicus?

And notice, He didn’t call him a friend, but a brother.

Prov. 17.17 A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.

Brothers are in our lives for adversity. When things go south, when situations overwhelm us… We have our families.

· But then sometimes, even our families don’t understand.

· Perhaps they aren’t believers or maybe the relationship isn’t that strong or might even be broken.

· EVEN Jesus felt tension from within his family.

· SO… the Lord provides an alternative. ‘HIS’ family!

· A brother, a sister in the Lord is born for Adversity.

2. (21) Tychicus was STEADFAST (Faithful Minister)

a. When Paul says he was faithful, he was referring to his ability to persevere through anything.

b. No matter what barrier, no matter what temptation, no matter what feelings he had… He was faithful.

c. Listen to that word as I repeat it slower. FAITH… FULL.

d. Tychicus was FULL of FAITH.

e. In order to be faithful, one needs to be full of faith.

Faithfulness begins with OBSERVATION.

· What needs to be done? Lord, where can I fit in?

The next step is PARTICIPATION.

· I’m going to jump in and help with all my might.

Faithfulness is sustained by SUBMISSION.

· I’m in the ministry for Jesus to serve Him and His people.

· Jesus, what would you have me to do?

· Prison Ministry? Trash? Parking Lot? Prayer?

3. (22) Tychicus was SERIOUS (I have sent)

a. There was an element in Tychicus that was fearless.

b. He as truly serious about the things of God.

c. What does a serious servant look like? I have 3 words.

d. Perseverance, Patience, and Progress.

Perseverance: No matter what comes my way. No matter what mistakes I make. No matter what I might be feeling.

· I’m going to give myself wholly to Jesus and serve Him.

Matt. 16.24-25 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 25 "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

Patience: Impatience has ruined many believers.

· How many times have people run ahead of the Lord and fallen flat on their faces? Many times.

· But a serious believer will spend their time and attention in the Word, in prayer, seeking God’s will not theirs.

· So there is silence? God is still there. SO there is some confusion. God will clear it up.

Acts 2.42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Finally PROGRESS: A serious servant is growing more like Jesus.

· Now this work is already happening by the Spirit of God.

2 Cor. 3.17-18 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

And yet, Jesus calls us to cooperation in that work.

A time of dedication to Him and His will for your lives.

A whole hearted devotion to being His vessel in this world.

· Tychicus… he was serious & available to be sent with this important letter to he churches surrounding Ephesus.

Selfless, Steadfast, Serious…

4. (22) Tychicus was SENSITIVE (Comfort Your Hearts)

a. Sensitive? I’m not a touchy-feely kind of person.

b. I prefer to be stern and upfront. Nothing wrong with that.

But your effectiveness in loving others requires sensitivity.

· It’s much more than just feelings but let’s begin with the ministry of Tychicus… He was sent to COMFORT.

People are drawn to Jesus because He comforts, He repairs, He offers hope in the midst of a hopeless situation!

· He seemed to always have a word, a touch, an encouragement that would calm the hearts of the people and give them hope.

And so, folks walk into our fellowship looking for the comfort of the Lord. And as we serve them, and point them to Jesus…

Acts 9.31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.

But see there is a battle raging in our minds…

· Should I be comfortable? Yes… I like that!

· Or should I make that person over there comfortable? Uh… Me?!

· Where is that person this week? I wonder if they are Ok?

· Turn to back to Ephesians 4:11ff

APP: I’m so excited about what God is doing in you and through you.

· So much growth both in the church and when you leave!

· You’re reaching out to the lost, holding out your hands to help.

· You’re growing in Word, growing in love, growing in holiness.

· You’re loving God and loving people.

· Our city is changing because of you… because of Jesus in you.

· Don’t stop short of God’s high calling in your life.

· Be Selfless, Be Steadfast, Be Serious, & Be Sensitive.

· And as you do… perhaps there will be the day when God calls your number and says, here take this message to my church, or take this message to your neighbor, to your dad, to your sister…

· And there you ready, willing, and able!

Jude 1.24-25 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, 25 To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen.